Disciple of Immortal

Act 2: Chapter 59: Depression of The Observer(Side: Nyarlhotep)

Act 2: Chapter 59: Depression of The Observer(Side: Nyarlhotep)

Act 2-59: Depression of The Observer(Side: Nyarlhotep)

「What should I do now…」

In one of the upper worlds… Nyarlhotep was completely at their wit’s end upon seeing several dimensional tears in the white room.

They even started to tear at their green hair.

Their focus was on the dimension tear that showed Kanata’s figure.

Few days had elapsed since Kanata subjugated Mother.

The adventurer’s guild was merrier than usual, the reason might be because they were about to give the prize money for the demon king’s subjugation.

The one who gave 《Abyssal Moon》 to Mother was none other than Nyarlhotep.

Their plan was to strengthen the existing demon king and use them to kill Kanata.

Naturally, Nyarlhotep was aware that it was far from enough to kill the already overpowered Kanata.

But then, it didn’t mean that they could destroy Locklore either.

If they threw in an overwhelmingly powerful monster that could kill Kanata, they were afraid that they might not only kill the bug called Kanata, but also destroy the world itself.

He felt that Mother was severely lacking as Kanata’s opponent. But, Nyarlhotep’s authority was limited.

And above all, they were scared of the reaction from the upper gods, especially their master.

They did said that they would do something about Kanata, showing that they at least put some effort, but unless a miracle happened, they knew deep inside that it was literally impossible with the current Kanata.

And a miracle didn’t happen.

On a side note, Lunaire and Kanata turned to be far more powerful than their expectations.

「This is all I can do with my limited authority… I hate this, why do I have to do this… Even though I said that I’m gonna take care of him immediately. My Lord ended up as a laughing stock the moment Kanata Kanbara appeared in the 《Memory Sphere》.」

Nyarlhotep placed their hand on their face as they heaved a deep sigh.

Nyarlhotep was a low-rank god who served an upper-rank god.

Nyarlhotep’s failure had spread wide and far in the god’s realm and became widely known as their lord’s failure too.

That’s why Nyarlhotep had received a harsh reprimand from their lord.

The distribution of Kanata’s 《Memory Sphere》 had already began, the world Locklore was famous for its trashy fame.

Originally, as the sponsor, the duty to follow the trails of the adventures of the otherworlders in an isekai fell on Nyarlhotep. And it was Nyarlhotep’s mismanagement that caused the appearance of such a balance breaker, thus the existing fans of the other otherworlders were naturally jeering at Nyarlhotep’s side for such mismanagement.

On the popular SNS in god’s realm, 《Godwitter》, there was a huge opinion war between the onlookers who came to blow the topic since they heard that something unusual happened against the existing, diehard fans. On a side note, abuse toward Nyarlhotep became the first trending topic while Kanata came in the second.

Gods were basically troublesome people who had too much spare time at hand.

「Now it seems as if everything that happened is my fault, but then, had I disposed of him quickly at that time, things wouldn’t have developed into this uncontrollable situation. Yeah, I guess it’s the time to unleash my final plan. But then, thinking about that ancient-brained Lord of mine, he will definitely forbid me from doing that. I mean, look at him fussing around with this kind of small mishap.」

Nyarlhotep was at their wit’s end.

They moved their hand to one of the dimensional distortions, confirming the world’s time.

The world’s time was an absolute index to measure time since time flows differently in many dimensions.

Nyarlhotep then heaved a sigh after they confirmed the time.

Almost two hours had elapsed since the release of Kanata Kanbara’s latest 《Memory Sphere》.

Nyarlhotep’s Lord had become the most flamed god in 《Godwitter》.

「Haah… My Lord is going to scold me again… Why do I have to suffer like this just because of a mere human,.. I’m a god… I should be a god, right?」

As per Locklore’s rule, the otherworlder’s 《Memory Sphere》 had to be updated as long as they survived.

Originally speaking, there was no problem with violating that one rule and yet, Nyarlhotep’s Lord only said 『We can’t break the rule』 to Nyarlhotep and told the latter to keep working on it.

Gods could literally do anything, that’s why they had too much spare time.

That’s why they created the Locklore in which it was specially designed with rules to only allow the extreme minimum of gods’ interference.

That’s why, even if things didn’t go as they wished, the gods couldn’t use their power to change the situation.

Once they did that, the gods would instantly lost interest in Locklore.

Even Nyarlhotep understood that.

Yes, they’re well aware of that rule.

But, after coming this far, they still think that they should just forcefully remove Kanata even if they had to break the rule.

「Well, it’s not like I can’t see it… ah…」

Nyarlhotep then pointed their finger toward one of the dimensional distortions while closing their big eye.

They saw several characters fluttering inside.

This was 《Godwitter》.

They didn’t want to see this particular one but their Lord had ordered them to check it periodically to see the viewer’s reaction of Locklore.

『Kanata is too STRONK.』

『I feel relieved since there are too many of those fellas who creating useless enemies left and right recently.』

『At this rate, he might become the bane of Humanoid Dragon(Lol)』

『Lunaire is so pitifully cute. At this rate, she won’t be rewarded.』

『I hate Mitsuru, that’s why I’m moving on to Kanata.』

Nyarlhotep tilted their head as they looked at 《Godwitter》.

And then, their stiff expression gradually softened.

「E-Eh… is this actually… allowed?」

The complaints from the fans of other otherworlders were a minority and they kept dwindling at a rapid pace.

A smile was starting to form on Nyarlhotep’s face as they kept scrolling down on 《Godwitter》.

Their existence might be erased if the situation worsened.

As the kin of the upper-rank god, a low-rank god might be erased the moment they angered their superior upper-rank god.

「My familiar.」

At that moment, the voice of their Lord resounded in the white space.

Nyarlhotep pointed their finger at the dimension distortion with smile on their face.

「Please take a look, My Lord! The 《Godwitter》! Please open the 《Godwitter》! The majority of them are forgiving my blunder! The dissenters have almost vanished… and it’s currently gained more and more popularity! At this rate, the majority of onlookers will become our loyal fans too!!」

「You fool, do you think that enough to change the situation…」

「… Eh?」

The upper-rank god was responded coldly to Nyarlhotep who was reporting with a triumphant look on their face.

「Kanata Kanbara is only accepted by the likes of low-rank gods like you. I, on the other hand, have to wrack my brain because of the mess caused by a certain low-rank god… who does a half-baked job that is easily crushed by Kanata Kanbara. Can you still say the same thing if other 《Jinmaryuu》 and demon kings got defeated by Kanata?」

「B-B-B-But… the flaming has at least stopped for now! Look, things are starting to look good for us!」

「Those reactions in 《Godwitter》 are nothing more than trivial trash.」 f𝐫e𝚎𝘄eb𝚗o𝐯𝐞𝐥.𝐜𝚘m

Nyarphotep was dumbfounded upon hearing their Lord saying that.

Thus, they could only clench their teeth, gritting their teeth in frustation.

「Good grief… you think a stopgap measure like scattering 《Abyssal Moon》 in Locklore is enough. It might be still in a grey area of the god’s rule. You think a mere demon king can casually find such a thing.」

「T-Taking your words… My Lord. For someone who doesn’t care about 《Godwitter》, why are you so angry when your managename became trending topic? 」

「I’m not angry because of that, I’m angry because your blunder destroyed the balance in Locklore.」

「That shouldn’t be the only reason! In the first place, you never told me about that when you assigned me to managed Locklore! If you really care about your reputation, you should give me full responsibility! That way, all the achievements and blunders will become my responsibility! THAT WAY YOU CAN FEEL AT EASE!!」

Nyarlhotep declared so with a trembling voice.

The low-rank god was most likely going to get exterminated if they dared to incite the wrath of the upper-rank god who became their Lord.

Nyarlhotep was aware of the consequences of their outburst but they still said it aloud nonetheless.

Now their anger had surpassed their fear.

Sure enough, the trigger for this incident was their blunder but Nyarlhotep was aware that their Lord was also at fault for not reminding them.

「L-Look, you can’t even refute that, hah! Feel free to exterminate me if you can’t stomach my remark! Not that it’ll change the fact that everything is happening due to your mismanagement, My Lord!!」

Nyarlhotep declared so with a voice that was filled with fear and indignation.

「Haah… listen to me, my foolish kin. Without changing from the original plan, you have to dispose of Kanata Kanbara and Lunaire with extreme minimum interference allowed by the rules. Use the pawns that you were raised in that world. You should stop foolish and boring plan like giving 《Abyssal Moon》 to Mother since you have nothing to lose. I’ll crush you to bits if you dare to use a grey area of the rules again. If you can’t even do that… I’ll let you know that the biggest terror in your life is not death.」

The upper-rank god then left after saying those remarks with a seemingly dumbfounded voice.

Their presence had vanished from the white room too.

Nyarlhotep never saw their superior’s figure before, as if the latter was only diverting their attention to speak to the former.


Nyarlhotep could only vent their anger by kicking on one of the dimensional distortions with their feet.

They finally sat down after venting their anger.

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