Disciple of Immortal

Act 2: Chapter 54: Eldest Daughter and Second Daughter

Act 2: Chapter 54: Eldest Daughter and Second Daughter


Mother’s wail became softer and softer.

This was the end I guess.

Since I’d sliced her with the 《Hero Sword; Gilgamesh》, Mother’s cut-apart body was slowly turning into sand due to the effects of the sword’s power.

She was pretty much dead at this point.

Even if she still had some sort of trump card, it definitely won’t work against me.

「… This is the end, eh.」

I heaved a sigh of relief as I returned the 《Hero Sword; Gilgamesh》 back into its sheath.

「You think this… is the end? Ufufufu, ahehehehe! T-Too… bad! This is far from finished!」

There was only her head left but she still tried to mock me with her feeble voice.

「W… What…」

I thought she was just being a sore loser, but from the looks of it, I guess she wasn’t joking.

Mother’s face distorted as her face that was splattered with her own bodily fluids revealed an extremely ugly smile.

「Aha… since you arrived in this place, it means that you defeated my third daughter, Marie, but… where do you think the other three sisters are?」

I was speechless.

She was right, I… didn’t see the other three.

「My youngest daughter, Lily, has invaded the city… fufu, by now, mountains of corpses must’ve already piled up in that city.」


Meaning that the youngest daughter was confronting Pomera and co by now.

Thank god, my decision to entrust Pomera and co with the defense of the city turned out to be correct.

But then… the youngest daughter Lily might be able to beat Pomera.

I wonder how high was the youngest daughter’s level?

Pomera level is currently around 200. She might have a hard time fighting against an opponent above that level.

Since the third daughter, Marie, died way too easily when my magic accidentally bissected her when I turned around, I guess her level wasn’t that high either.

In Pomera’s case, I had no worries since Philia was right beside her, but still…

「My second daughter Mery is a sly one, while my eldest daughter Drie has the potential to surpass me. My most important daughter has already sensed my death and they should’ve escaped to remote region. Soon, they will eventually surpass me, destroy countries… and come to kill you. At that time, you’ll be at their mercy…!」

… How troublesome.

I ended up loosing Mother’s daughters huh.

More people might die if I overlook this and leave them be.

And as someone who missed the chance to kill them, that was something that I couldn’t let happen.

If I don’t go to find them soon, I’m afraid that they would…

At that moment, my thoughts were suddenly interrupted as huge cracks suddenly formed on the ceiling. 𝗳r𝚎𝐞w𝐞𝚋𝗻𝗼vel.𝗰o𝐦

And something fell along with the collapsed ceiling.

The collapsed ceiling raised dust.

The thing that fell along with the ceiling was an overturned giant spider.

It was much bigger than Mother. Its length was around ten odd metres.

But, it didn’t have female upper-half.

It was a pure, spider monster.

The giant spider vomitted fluids from its mouth. Its legs had already stopped moving. It had already dead.


Mother, who had only her head left, was screaming hysterically upon seeing the dead giant spider.

In addition, a girl stood atop the corpse of the giant spider.

Her smooth and silky white hair that was disheveled due to gravity went down back. The red, blood-like color on its tips were shining like precious gems in this dark, underground cave.

Her slender, long white fingers touched her forelocks and then she looked at Mother’s head.

Her line of sight only stayed on Mother’s head for a moment before her dichromatic eyes, deep crimson and saphire pupils, looked at me as if ignoring Mother’s existence.

「L— Lunaire-san?」

I unintentionally called out her name.

She wore the usual white attire that she wore every day back in 《Cocytus》 instead of the black robe she wore in Manarak back then.

But, I had no doubt that it really was Lunaire.

In the first place, I’ve never met someone as beautiful as Lunaire after leaving Cocytus.

Lunaire snapped out of her train of thought when she heard me calling her name and then threw away the thing in her hands, looking flustered as if thinking about what to say.

When the thing she threw landed on the ground, I discovered that it was the upper half of the corpse of the giant spider.

To be exact, it’s head.

It was closer to the monster’s head instead of a human head.

Unlike Mother, this one’s eight eyes were symetrical.

「M-Marie… N-N-No way…」

Upon seeing that head, Mother’s head finally slumped down as if she’d fallen into the depths of despair.

Her head turned white as if petrified into stone, cracked, and then dispersed into the sand.

… It seems that the giant spider was her eldest daughter Drie and the head was of her second daughter Marie.

Seeing the corpses of her two beloved daughters right before she died seems to have broken Mother’s mind.

If only she’d died a bit faster, she wouldn’t have had to witness the death of her daughters. She was truly an unlucky monster.

With this, I could feel at ease since three of Mother’s four daughters have already died.

As long as the fourth daughter Lily, who raided Manarak, dies, I could say that this incident is pretty much resolved.

It seems Lunaire accidentally ran into the eldest daughter Drie and the second daughter Marie on the upper floor. Thus resulting in the battle between them… which pretty much resulted in them getting curbstomped by Lunaire.

Rather, calling such a one-sided situation a battle was an overstatement.

I mean, Lunaire was far more powerful than me.

After knowing that I could kill Mother with ease, I pretty much guessed that the four sisters wouldn’t even be able to scratch Lunaire even if they worked together.

Well, that matter aside… why did Lunaire come to this place?

She did told me that the reason she couldn’t leave 《Cocytus》 was due to her Hades’ impurity.

And though she wore different attire, the mage in black robes that I saw in Manarak back then was definitely Lunaire.

Thus, I couldn’t help but wonder about the reason why she left without saying anything.

Did she, by chance, forget about what she wanted to say to me back then?

If that’s the case, why did she come after me deep inside the ragno’s nest instead of looking for me in Manarak?

But that ended up being a blessing in disguise since Lunaire ran into and killed the second and eldest daughters of Mother.

That might not have been her original purpose for coming to this place though.

I mean, there was an extremely small chance for us to have just happened to come to the ragno’s nest at almost the same time.

The gaze that I’d felt in front of the adventurer’s guild might’ve be Lunaire’s as well.

「Uhm, what are you… doing here, Lunaire…san?」

Lunaire’s odd eyes blinked again when I asked her that question.

And then, she gently touched her lips.


Lunaire cleared her throat, looking away as she pouted.

「What a coincidence meeting you here, Kanata. Well… even I never expected such a coincidence.」

「P-Please stop saying such a childish lie, Lunaire-san!」

I ended up retorting in surprise.

It seems she wanted to insist that our meeting was a mere coincidence. But, to be honest, this lie was too obvious to the point that even a child could see through it.

Lunaire’s shoulders trembled in response and a rosy color appeared on her cheeks.

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