Chapter 763 - Unknown.

A heaviness hung over them all. It was as though all the happiness had been sapped away. It was the kind of fog that wouldn't easily be removed.

They were all intelligent. They understood the kind of weight this sort of visit brought with it. It was likely that the Oryx Kingdom had already chosen to attack as long as they dared to reject.

As for why they feared the Human Kingdom so much, who knew? It was unlikely that this envoy would have a reason for this. And, even if they did, it was even more unlikely that he would tell.

When the standing between two parties was so far apart, an equal exchange of information was impossible. Though this seemed to be a peaceful talk, it was ultimately an ultimatum. They would either do as they were asked and received their rewards as good dogs, or they would face the consequences.

"Mm, I see."

Leonel finally broke the silence, slowly rising to his feet.

"So, the Oryx Kingdom would like the pain and suffering of our people to be the buffer between you and this future you fear so much. A noble cause, indeed."

Leonel's voice no longer carried the smiling tone it had had since the beginning. However, it wasn't fill with rage either. Rather, it was very even with hardly any inflections. If they didn't know better, they would think that an AI had spoken these words.

However, that feeling soon vanished when Leonel spoke again. This time, it was low, forceful, filled with a charisma that washed the lands in a radiant light.

"We will not be your sacrifice."

Leonel turned to the envoy, his gaze looking down from above.

"I do not know what it is you fear, nor do I care. What I do know is that in my eyes, you aren't much different from the Human Kingdom. If you would like to attack, Come!"

Leonel's voice seemed to carry the weight of the air with it, causing a sudden stillness to be swiftly followed by a surge. Even the heavy flaps of the tent couldn't help but kick up, whipping about beneath the forcefulness.

"We will show you the might that brought the Kingdom you fear so much to its knees."

Silence fell however the heat seemed to rise. A fire lit themselves in the gaze of the Lieutenants. The pressure the envoy faced multiplied several fold. The fact he could remain seated in his position at all was impressive.

After a long while, the envoy lowered his head.

"I understand. It seems that I have overstayed my welcome. I wish you the best."

With these words, the envoy bowed.

"Escort our guest out." Leonel said faintly.

With those words spoken, two lieutenants rose, doing exactly that.

Leonel suddenly chuckled. "What are you all so down for? Is there a need to worry with me here?"

Leonel's grin seemed to light up the room.

Goggles snorted. "You were going to get me killed one day, anyway. This way, it'll just be a lot sooner."

Those words immediately got Goggles a slap to the back of the head.

"Hey! Hey! Paws off!"

"With that kind of attitude, it's no wonder you still don't have a wife, Goggles." Gertrude smiled, seemingly enjoying Rollan's slap to Goggles very much.

"I don't have a wife because my dream woman was stolen from me!" Goggles protested, rubbing the back of his head.

This, rightfully, earned him another headlock from Rollan.

Laughter returned to the room as Goggles struggled.

The clanging of drinks and the swinging of beer began once more. But, it was clear that there was still a slight fog hanging over them all. They chugged their alcohol just a bit more enthusiastically, spoke just a little less confidentally… laughed just a little less heartily.

The night waned and eventually everyone began to stumbled back to their own homes. The only ones who remained were the poor single folk with no families to go back to.

A brutish man wrapped an arm around Leonel's shoulders.

"What do you say, General? Want to head to the brothel? I hear this city we just conquered has a really good one."

Leonel rolled his eyes. "Get some sleep, Castello. You're drunk."

Castello laughed heartily. "Only if I get to embrace two busty babes. Miles, Austin, let's go! Those soft clouds are waiting!"

"Keep your gross talk away from the General." Gertrude snapped, sending a kick at Castello's ass.

"Oh, oh! Right, right, right! We can't be all so lucky as to have a beauty like you pining after us."

"Who's pining!" Gertrude growled, reaching for her halberd only to remember she hadn't brought it with her.

Castella, Miles and Austin's laughter rung as they ran from the tent, leaving no one but Leonel, Goggles and Gertrude behind.

Goggles, who was lying on the floor, opened a single eye. Noticing the odd atmosphere and realizing his plan to just sleep here for the night wasn't working out, he hopped up and coughed lightly.

"You two mingle. My wife… I mean my daughter… I mean my… Forget it, I'm going to the brothel too. Don't you dare tell my goddess about this!"

Goggles scurried away under Gertrude's deathly glare and flushed expression.

At the moment, Gertrude's countenance might have been as red as her flowing hair, but it only made her more beautiful.

The way her leather armor clung tightly to her curves, outlining her bust and hips to an almost intoxicating degree… The way the slight bit of her lower lip almost drew blood from their plumpness… The way her emerald eyes sparkled even beneath the dim light…

She looked like a woman ready to finally bloom. However, just as quickly as she was prepared to bud, she wilted even faster.

Leonel rose with a smile. "Have a nice night, Gertrude. Get home safely, I have something to handle."

Before Gertrude could say anything, Leonel had already vanished, leaving her looking down at her own chest wondering if she wasn't big enough to be considered a 'soft cloud'. She had half a mind to go and measure herself against those prostitutes. But, her logic slapped her back to reality.

She sighed, a sad smile on her face.

In the depths of the night, a robed figure rode its steed like a shadow, reaching a speed that seemed beyond what a normal horse should be capable of even within the Fourth Dimension.

Suddenly, that horse came to a grinding halt as the figure pulled on its reins.


"It can't be that the mighty General wants to kill me just for passing on some words?"

Leonel stood before the horse in silence, his gaze even, his breathing unhurried, and his purpose…


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