Soon, the reports she wanted were on her lap. She went through them all one by one until she found what seemed to be a true smoking gun.

'Savahn and Yuri...'

She narrowed her eyes.

What were the odds that both this Fawkes and Leonel knew and were close to the same people? Almost zero, especially since she could find any information on Savahn and Yuri dating more than a handful of years back.

'Oh...? Fascinating...'

As she flipped through the report, Flaura got to a portion that intrigued her.

It turned out that years ago, the Human Bubbles took the initiative to ship out several Races back to their homes. They should have been grown and raised in those Incomplete Worlds. The Human Race was scared of being targeted because they controlled Races that were clearly above them, so they took preventative measures.

If this report was correct, Savahn and Yuri appeared around the same time, as did many other unexpected geniuses.

Further than that, one of the geniuses of the Spirituals, a Spiritual sent in by the Kairo Bubble, in fact, was personally killed by Leonel during the Gathering of Kingdoms. In fact, it was because of this that Leonel wasn't able to participate and he had his wife do so in his stead.

Could it be a coincidence?

Why would Leonel have a grudge with this Spiritual he should have never met?

"Leonel Morales is not only a Human, but a Human of an Incomplete World?"

Flaura let out a bell-like laughter. 'Fascinating, fascinating, far too fascinating...'

She would have never guessed such a thing. She made a mental note that she should go down any interesting lines of investigation, even if it felt that there was only a 3% chance.

By now, that 27% chance had ballooned to 42%. It was practically 50-50 on whether this man was truly Leonel or a Fawkes.

But that left other questions. What ability did Leonel use to mimic Emperor's Might? Could it have nothing to do with Emperor's Might and she was being led by the nose by his words?

Her heart skipped a beat. Could it be that Leonel Morales was both? Who said a Fawkes had to have Fawkes as a last name?

The two streams of thought melded into one and Flaura felt an unshakeable resolve toward them. It was hard for her to even think of shaking them off.

The images overlapped in her mind.

That was right. Didn't the Pluto owe the Fawkes a favor? Could it be, then, that this favor was repaid using Incomplete Worlds? How else could the weak Human Race get their hands on such worlds?

'The real question is... How do I use this to my advantage...?'

A sly grin spread across Flaura's face.


Leonel returned to Savahn and Yuri's home. Although it was empty now, he still did so, his thoughts churning.

It was at that moment that a flash of light landed before him. He opened it up without much care and when he read it, a sneer crept onto his lip.

The first line was as clear as day.

"Greetings, Leonel Morales."

The letter was polite, but the implied threat was as clear as day. It wasn't just that the threat was clear, but also that the demands were almost... easy in comparison to the weight of the threat.

It claimed that it knew that he was both a Fawkes and a Morales, but that they had no need to tell everyone about this so long as he helped them out with a few tasks.

As for what those tasks were, they were all related to his Dream Pavilion. They wanted him to issue a Challenge Sequence, actually. But this time, a targeted one. Namely, it was akin to a dojo challenge of an Ancient Japanese culture.

There were two forms of a Challenge Sequence. The first was the one that Leonel had used previously, and the second one was a one on one challenge. The restriction, of course, was that it had to be executed by those in the same "bracket", so to speak and both parties had to willingly accept the challenge, or else it wouldn't go through.

As for what was meant by "bracket", this was decided in groups of a thousand up until the top 1000, which was decided in groups of 100, until the top 100, which was decided in groups of 10.

Essentially, the 9999th Dream Pavilion could challenge up to the 9000th. The 999th, though, could only challenge up to the 900th, while the 100th could only challenge up the 91st. So on and so forth.

In the end, this person didn't even say whether they wanted him to win or not, they just wanted him to send the challenge. As for who he was challenging? It wanted him to challenge the Kairo Bubble.

'This person really is playing with fire.'

Leonel felt that the intentions were quite obvious.

If he challenged the Kairo Bubble, several things would happen in quick succession.

First, he would be back in the spotlight he had taken such care to get out of.

Of course, this wasn't too bad because the spotlight wouldn't be too bright, and it would even play into his whole arrogant, can't be bothered persona. They would think that this was his attempt at snatching back some of the pride he had lost at the Gathering of Minds.

If this was where it stopped, he might consider doing it for no other reason than the fact it actually helped him in the long run. If he really just faded into the shadows without a word, some might be suspicious.

But that wasn't where it stopped.

Leonel smirked and pulled up a list.

102nd - Vast Dream Pavilion

183rd - Ma'at Dream Pavilion

211th - Khafra Dream Pavilion

Seeing this, Leonel's sneer deepened. He had to admit, this person was a good schemer, indeed.

The Khafra Dream Pavilion was a Nomad Race Dream Pavilion. It seemed that he was correct.

This person was tied to Wicked and God Zoltene.

And clearly, they thought themselves to be more clever than they really were.

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