Leonel's thoughts were consumed by the consumption of Mine Cores. Every one he swallowed didn't seem like enough, and his consumption quickly crossed the seven figure mark and rapidly approached eight figures. He left behind his previous capacity by so far that his power practically became its own engine, thrumming with power and energy so much so that the air around him trembled.

Leonel realized that he had been too neglectful before. He had been obsessed with improving his Dimension, but he had forgotten that this wasn't the only path to improving himself.

No... it wasn't that he had forgotten. It was probably impossible for him to forget most things. The main issue was that he only had so much time in the day and everything he had to do was so draining and all-consuming. He had come to enjoy the time he spent with his wife instead and he didn't want to spend all the time in the world consumed by improvement.

So, though he knew the room he had to improve his Metal Body was there, the idea of sitting down and swallowing up millions of Mine Cores, especially when it wouldn't help him destroy the enemies he really wanted to destroy, just felt like something he could put off until later.

But now, feeling the vast difference, it was akin to a new sky opening up.

From over 700,000, he shot over a million, then two, then four, he didn't even begin to see his potential limits until after he had crossed 6,000,000, and even then he showed no signs of slowing down until over eight.

The problem was that even though he could split his mind, there was only so much energy his body could consume at once. With his skin, it was easy because it was external, but if he was targeting individual cells inside his body, he had no choice but to use more roundabout methods...

Until something suddenly clicked.

After consuming so many Mine Cores, it felt to Leonel as though he had sensed something different. He opened himself up to that new feeling and he felt his Destruction World layer on top of the world around him.

In that moment, the Mine Cores around him shattered like glass, being crushed beneath the pressure.

Leonel's first reaction was panic. He had reacted on instinct, but didn't his Destruction World, well... destroy? What did he think was going to happen? Where had that feeling even come from?

But as soon as those thoughts of panic appeared, he washed it away with several more thoughts as he realized several things in quick succession.

First, just now, he had reacted on instinct, as though he knew how best to do something that would benefit him. But this obviously wasn't a feeling that he should have had naturally, that meant that it was a new phenomena, and by extension, could only be related to his new status as a Quasi World Spirit.

Anastasia never had to learn how to use time and space because it came to her naturally. There was a reason the Segmented Cube managed to have so many time-altering treasures within it.

And much the same way, just now, he had naturally felt that he could do something related to his Destruction World. Whatever that feeling was, it shouldn't have stirred him wrong, and that helped him to calm down.

The second thing he recalled was his own comprehension of Destruction and Creation to begin with.

Scarlet Star Force was at such an extreme of Creation that it manifested to the world as Destruction... but shouldn't that mean that the opposite was also possible?

Right now, it might be called his Destruction World, but wasn't he creating it in a sense? And in this situation, although he had "destroyed" the Mine Cores, weren't they still living in another form, ready to be reborn as a part of him?

There was a reason why after wild forest fires, forests would often grow back more vibrant. If from Creation you could take so much that you ended up Destroying, then why was it that you couldn't do the same from the opposite direction?

The moment he thought of this, it clicked for Leonel.

The benefit of tempering each one of his cells didn't just open him up to using Force through everything single one of them, but didn't it also mean that he could absorb Force from all of them as well?

While it was true that [Final Destruction] was a Dimension strengthening and improvement method... who said that the foundation it laid couldn't help him to improve his Metal Body as well?

After this thought, Leonel's approach completely changed and the Mine Core Essence around him split into countless tiny streams, tempering each one of his cells individually and forming a comprehensive Metal Body that was on an entirely different level.

To Leonel's surprise, he didn't need more Mine Cores to do this. In fact, he needed less.

As he did so, the other streams of wasted Mine Core Essence were pulled out and used to temper his cells individually until Leonel's body practically glistened.

Flashes of gold and dark gold danced across his body, the light gliding off his bronzed skin as though he had become a glass fixture in a room of bright rays.

His strength increased by leaps and bounds and he realized that his father was, indeed, a Morales.

Velasco seemed to have separated himself from the normal path of his lineages, but that didn't mean that he didn't pull from them in some way.

When he created [Final Destruction], he would have kept in mind its compatibility with methods that Leonel was already practicing.

And in that sort of situation, how could they not play into one another hand in hand.

Leonel's Metal Body began to form a balance with his Destruction World, stabilizing and anchoring to a greater degree.

Finally, his Fourth Dimension Metal Body reached a point of absolute saturation.

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