Dimensional Descent

Chapter 264 - King’s Summon

Swirls of golden lines followed the arc of Leonel's hand. His quill worked quickly. Sometimes it was forceful and strong, other times it was soft and delicate.

The blueprint of his craft grew more complex and intricate with each passing moment.

The more time Leonel spent diving into the world of Force Crafters, the more he realized just how deep such a world was.

The ultimate deciding factor of the complexity of a Craft was the number of parts it was constructed by. The number of parts that constructed a Craft could decide whether it was simple to make or if it would be the bane of its creator.

Of course, there were always exceptions to the rules. It was possible for lower part Crafts to exceed higher part Crafts in difficulty of construction. For example, the most complex Craft Leonel had made to this point was his earth escape treasure.


This earth escape treasure was only constructed of two parts. The outer band of the ring and the inner band. The outside was made of an Earth Elemental Vessel while the inner was made of a Water Elemental Vessel. It was precisely the difficulty of balancing these two Ores that made this treasure so difficult to construct.

This was all to say that the number of parts was a deciding factor, but not the only factor…

Unfortunately, Leonel was facing trouble on both sides now. Not only was this Craft made of more parts than he had ever delt with before, but it also involved very volatile elements he was having trouble controlling.

The design he had settled on was a glove with three sleeves, one for his middle finger, one for his pointer figure and the last for his thumb. Since his pinky and ring fingers weren't strictly necessary for using a bow, he decided to save on materials.

However, it was impossible to construct a sturdy enough glove with metal while also maintaining flexibility if he forged it into one part. As such, he needed to account for his finger and thumb joints.

In addition to this, Leonel wanted to use the properties of the Ores he chose to increase the strength of his arrows. As a result, he needed to form Force Pathways within the glove. This added a level of complexity that was beyond his current skill.

However, Leonel had his Dream World. If he wasn't skilled enough now, he would practice and practice until he could accomplish his goal in real life.

'This Craft will have a dual Wind and Lightning Elemental affinity.

'I'll use the Fluttering Leaf Ore and Second Strike Lightning Elemental Ore…'

If others head Leonel's thoughts, they'd think he was insane.

Fluttering Leaf Ore was a Wind Elemental Vessel Ore best know for its light weight. Its a favorite for constructing flight type treasures, especially wings.

Second Strike Lightning Ore was a favorite of Lightning Mages. However, its main use was in increasing thinking speed and casting speed.

Using these two Ores in a Craft designed to strengthen arrows was practically unheard of.

However, Leonel wasn't a fool. It was precisely because of these abilities that he wanted them.

Though these Ores were known for these abilities, they were ultimately still Elemental Vessels. As parts of this Ore Family, their strength lied in storing their element.

The reason they were known best for their respective abilities was because they were great at providing a controlled output of their abilities.

Flight required a controlled stream of wind. If wind was erratic in flight, the likelihood of death was simply too high.

On the other side of the coin, just how fragile was the nervous system? If a Lightning Ore could be relied upon to speed up one's thinking speed, it was as gentle as it came.

This is what made these two Leonel's ideal choice.

His hand was an important part of his body, especially his right hand which was dominant in the wielding of his spear. In addition, an arrow had a slim and delicate body in most cases. Whether it was for his arrow or for his hand, Leonel had to maximize safety and not strength.

Leonel knew he could pick other Ores for a more exaggerated affect, but he was still too unskilled to guarantee their success. Maybe in the future he would look into such things, but for now… this would be his best shot!

'I'll use Wind and Lightning Vein Ores as the foundation of the Force Pathways within the glove. However, they'll only play a supporting role, all of the Elemental Force will be provided by the Wind and Lightning Vessel Ores…

'The final part will have 11 parts and be a Tier 9 Black Grade treasure…'

Leonel continuously tweaked his final design. Any problems he found after simulating it in his Dream World would be fixed immediately.

He had no idea just how outstanding his feat was. Tier 9 Black Force Crafters were rarities on Fourth Dimensional Worlds. There were many such worlds without even a single one. Such worlds had to rely on trade with better off worlds or the rewards provided by higher Dimensional Worlds for clearing Zones.

It could be said that the current Leonel was an anomaly amongst anomalies. Even he, himself, had underestimated just how valuable his ability was to his career as a Force Crafter.

However, while Leonel was advancing by leaps and bounds, he was still ignorant to too many things. His value as a Force Crafter alone was enough for those of Earth to elevate him to the level of a God.

Well, that was just one possibility… the other possibility would be them locking him up to refine Crafts for them to the end of his days…

Like this, weeks ticked by and the call Leonel was waiting for finally happened.

On that days, Leonel opened the door of his residence to find Lionus standing there waiting for him with a solemn expression.

"Leonel, I hope you've been well." Lionus forced a smile. "My father seeks an audience with you."

Leonel was stunned for a moment before his gaze narrowed. King Arthur wanted to see him?

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