Dimensional Descent

Chapter 2582 Blood Sovereign Path

Leonel watched as Aina took the first pill. He could practically feel her progress.

The locations of her Force Nodes stayed pretty similar, but with his senses he could feel that they were just a little skewed and their size was just a little bit bigger. It was a slight change, but there was no doubt that it would continue to roll forward.

What shocked him, though, was that when Aina entered the Fourth Dimension, something interesting happened. This was definitely something that she hadn't done during the first time around.

She didn't make new Nodal Pathways at all, or at least not in the normal sense. Instead, she hijacked her circulatory system, blood and all, then expanded it.

Her Innate Nodes became flooded with her rich blood and the two systems became one and the same.

Leonel's eyes widened. He could tell from the feelings that were coming off of Aina in waves that she had wanted to do this for a long while, it was a huge relief to her to take this step. Regrets she had harbored in the past disappeared into the wind and she truly relaxed, her Blood Force becoming even more potent.

At the same time, the strength of her body increased by leaps and bounds. With just a single pill, she had returned to the peak of the Fourth Dimension.

She reached forward without opening her eyes and popped the second one into her mouth.


Waves of pressure came from her as the Nodal Pathways, or Blood Vessels, or maybe just both, began to worm their way into her brain.

Thick veins and arteries began to take shape in her brain, but they were so cleverly folded and precisely controlled that rather than her actual brain matter shrinking, it actually multiplied several times over.

She popped a third pill in her mouth as the effects of the second were just beginning to calm.


Cracks began to appear along Aina's Ethereal Glabella. Leonel felt his heart lurch, but he stood in place. If there was anyone he should trust with understanding her own body, it was Aina...

And that she did.

He had already seen it all happen in the Simulation, but who could blame him for worrying about his wife?

Aina's blood flowed into her Ethereal Glabella, filling it was a lake of blood. At the same time, her blood vessels began to worm their way into the cracks, fusing and becoming one.

Soon, it didn't even look like the Ethereal Glabella had been cracked at all. Instead, rather than being a foreign object in an otherwise normal organ, it became part of the organ, the two becoming one and the same.

Oddly enough, Leonel could feel that rather than separating her soul from her body as seemed customary for power, Aina was actually doing the opposite. She was bringing her soul and body closer and closer together until they overlapped in the same place.

It seemed to make her more human, and yet something beyond human at the same time.

Leonel's eyes widened with hints of surprise and even more pride.lightsnovel

Everyone said that having your soul and body as one was nothing more than a detriment. His wife was probably the only one who took it in a completely different direction.

Compared to him, it could be said that she was a true champion of the Human Race. She was taking maybe the greatest weakness of the Human Race and forging it into a strength.

The Fifth Dimension was all about using the mind to release the last lingering constraints of mortality, and she was doing that and then some.

She reached for the fourth pill.

Leonel was probably the one that Leonel was most interested in seeing. The Sixth Dimension was where a Path would be set. The Dimensional Verse created the God Path, the most common path was still the Conventional even in wider Existence itself, the Oliidark family had their own unique charm Path or sorts, and Aina...

lightsnοvεl He would best describe it as the Blood Sovereign Path.

What distinguished the Convention Path and the God Path was that the latter relied heavily on comprehension. Leonel would say that what would decide the strength of the path most was how much it relied on comprehension versus everything else.

The ideal ratio seemed to be 50-50.

His father's [Final Destruction] was a perfect example. It required him to take in a large number of resources, much like the Conventional Path, but there was also a heavy emphasis on Comprehension.

From Leonel's views, it was actually harder to gather the resources he needed than to meet the comprehension marks. So the ratio of [Final Destruction] was probably like 25-75, with 25 being comprehension.

However, what closed in that gap was [Dimensional Cleanse], which was pretty much all Comprehension.

The two were made perfectly to be used with one another and reached a perfect balance.

Aina's path was extremely unique. It relied on the highest form of Comprehension, that being Sovereignty, but it also seemed to play fast and loose with the terms.

Blood Force was a unique Force in that its strength didn't necessarily come from itself, but rather the Life Force it interacted with. Blood Force was a vessel through which Life Force could exude a great amount of power and influence.

That was to say, to build a Path based on Blood Sovereignty was to both rely on comprehension, while also making yourself a vessel for resources at the same time.

The best way to describe it was like Aina took the Venn diagram for Comprehension and Resources and pushed them together until there was a perfect overlap between the two.

Aina popped the last two pills into her mouth.

Delicate runes of blood red began to etch themselves into her skin, giving her an ethereal temperament that radiated out in all directions.

She reached the peak of the Sixth Dimension and then broke through in a single bound.


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