Aina took out what looked like a polished jade. It was completely flat and it had an oval shape to it. From some angles, it looked quite milky as the light reflected off of it, at others it looked like a pearly white, and at others it gave off the subtlest pale jade color.

Leonel could tell immediately that there was something inscribed within it, but he let Aina sink her mind into it first.

Several hours later, she came back up with a frown on her delicate brow.

"It's a technique called [Soul Reincarnation]. It feels like a very high level Spiritual technique, but humans shouldn't be able to execute it, unless..."

"Unless they have Soul Clairvoyance?" Leonel guessed.

Aina smiled and tossed the technique at him. He unceremoniously took a look at it as well, but unlike Aina, it only took him a few minutes to go through all of it.

When he pulled his mind out, he too had a frown on his face.

"Show off," Aina scoffed, causing him to laugh.

The technique allowed one to do exactly as it said, reincarnate the soul and return to a weaker state. But it was also highly dangerous. In fact, it could be said that only Aina and her father would have any sort of confidence in succeeding, and that was despite the fact it was a Spiritual technique.

What he was frowning about wasn't the danger, he felt that Aina had a near 100% certainty of succeeding. What really had him frowning was the fact it felt so similar to...

Leonel's hummed, feeling his mind churning something together.

This technique was basically a chance at a redo, returning to a weaker state to reforge your path while carrying the understandings you already had. But there were drawbacks even beyond the difficulty in succeeding without Soul Clairvoyance.

The first was that your comprehensions would be sealed away. It was similar to the Forgetful Orb, but far more exaggerated because it didn't just remove the path toward comprehension, but even the comprehension itself.

The point was to follow the same path you already had, coming to understand things you already had once before.

Then, when everything came together in the end, memories you had forgotten would fuse into one and it wouldn't just be an additive improvement to your power, but a distinctly exponential one. Depending on the success level of the technique, even a thousands of fold increase over previous strength wasn't impossible.

This was for a Spiritual using this technique. For Aina and her father, it was much the same except they could remember the feel of how powerful they had once been, which was why Miel was able to project that strength directly into Leonel's mind.

Now that Leonel thought about it, Miel had already returned to the Eighth Dimension, didn't that mean that he was already close to returning to his former strength? Didn't that also mean that very soon, he would have an explosive increase in his power?

It seemed that Miel had taken following his grandfather to Earth as an excuse to finally try this technique out.

The scariest part of [Soul Reincarnation], though, was the fact that there was literally nothing stopping Miel and Aina from using it again and again. For every success, they would have yet another explosive growth in strength.

'Wait... who's to say that this is only the first time Miel was using it?'

Given what he understood about Soul Clairvoyance, it shouldn't have taken Miel the almost 30 years Aina had been alive to only just finally reach this point. Even a decade was probably stretching it.

At the same time, if he had read the details of the technique properly, then every time it was used, it would take longer and longer than the last time to succeed. Even if he was being conservative, this would probably be Miel's third attempt, maybe even likely the fourth.

How powerful would he be once he returned to the Ninth Dimension?

Even with all of this said, this wasn't what was on Leonel's mind. Obviously, he was thinking about his own return to the Third Dimension. Were the two related? Was that also why Miel didn't ask any questions about his regression and just trusted his daughter to him?

But there were some very clear differences...

For one, Leonel clearly remembered all of his comprehensions, none of them had been forgotten. There were some other minor differences, but none were as important as this one alone.

'Are they unrelated? Is it just a coincidence? Maybe the methods are derivative of each other? But why did I have to be unconscious for one while the other is actively practiced? Weird...'

Leonel couldn't really understand it, but what he did know was that he and Miel weren't the only ones to have regressed in strength. His grandfather had almost certainly experienced the same.

Then Leonel thought about something else...

The one Lineage Factor that had yet to come back after he began to progress and entered the Fourth Dimension was his King's Might Lineage Factor.

Could it be related?

King's Might gave him so much control over the souls of others, could it be...?

It hit Leonel like a bolt of lightning, the simulations rampaging in his mind until he came up with one that had a better than 80% chance of being true.

If he was correct, that either Miel or his grandfather had spent a great deal of time in the Spirituals world, ending up with this technique.

One way or another, his grandfather got his hands on it and used it as a framework to create what could only be described as the fourth crown techniques of the Lineage Factor.

If in the past [Breathe], [Assimilate] and [Arise] had been alone at the top, he was willing to give this new method a seat along with them.

It was no wonder it wasn't in the Golden Tablet, his grandfather had created it.

It seemed that the old man was more impressive than Leonel gave him credit for.

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