Dimensional Descent

Chapter 2512 [Bonus] Obey

[Bonus chapter courtesy of Firemonster <3 3/6]

'A Fifth Dimensional expert who can strike to kill the likes of Xagu.'

The thoughts of Urlgan were much different than what his actions dictated. He was calm and calculating. As for why he had sacrificed Xagu, it was because he didn't have the patience to deal with the matter.

If he gave up a substantial amount of resources, he might be able to shorten the time to just 10 years, but what good was that?

The amount would be substantial and would put a dent in the coffers of the Empire. The more powerful the Ninth Dimensional expert was, the more expensive it would be.

He was unwilling to pay that price just for the sake of one Xagu. But if he let Xagu resurrect the slow and normal way, a few things would happen.

For one, his people would think him cheap. Or, they would think the Empire to be poor. These were two things he wouldn't allow. He could deal with a loss of an expert, but not a loss to his prestige.

The Demon Race was a Race of savages. They only respected the strong and weakness would not be allowed. He might be the strongest now, but that didn't mean that he would be forever, and it didn't mean his lineage would be able to maintain its strong hold on the Empire either.

It was a better investment to use Xagu as a tool to strike fear. This was the greatest worth he had to Urlgan.

As for Leonel's existence, he didn't take it lightly at all. Much like everyone else, he thought the same thing.

A God's child. Either that, or his was a God Childe. There didn't seem to be any other explanation outside of this.

'In this time of crisis, the humans have produced a God Childe? But he has yet to mature. I'll need to approach this with caution.'

If Urlgan knew how much effort it took for Leonel to output that level of power, he wouldn't hesitate to set out right this moment.

Unfortunately for him, his son and his daughter-in-law, the only two that knew the truth, had been captured by Clarence.

As such, he made the first wrong decision maybe of his entire lifetime. One that he would come to regret a great deal very soon.

** Leonel's path forward was a bit of a tricky one to decipher.

He had all this extra talent given to him by his Lineage Factor, but it was difficult to maximize them normally, not without trying to invest in breathing all these new Forces to the Impetus State as well.

But he already had far too much on his plate. Trying to handle them all at once would just stretch him thinner and thinner.

So he chose a different path.

The Snowy Star Owl had three main aspects to its Lineage Factor: Speed, Wisdom, and Healing.

Healing granted Leonel [Instant Recovery], a great ability to have even now. Though with how deep his vitality was now thanks to his Vital Star Force, it was hard to say that he would ever need it.

Speed spoke for itself. Back then, using his Light Force, he could cross great distances in the blink of an eye. It was largely for this reason he had never had to or bothered to learn a movement technique.

Finally, there was Wisdom. Thanks to it, his Dream Force broke through ahead of time. Back then, he had a mind that surpassed his Dimension, much like he did now.

From what Leonel could tell, Wisdom and Healing were the basic tenets of the Lineage Factor, both Light and Dark Side. Regardless of which of the Envoys he was invoking, they all had this foundation. What was different was the third aspect and how they manifested.

The Light Northern Star manifested Wisdom as a boost to the person; the Dark Side manifested it as an oppression on the world.

For Healing, it was similar. The Light used self-healing. The Dark used steal-healing, often using an enemy's vitality to heal yourself.

When Leonel thought about this dichotomy, it was very similar to his Unnamed Lineage Factor in that there was a give and a take portion. It played well with his strengths.

Then there came the third aspect.

For the Golden Tiger, it was known as the Slaughter Domain. For the Death Pulse Deer, it was known as the Pulse Domain.

Both were ironically perfect killing formations. Both sides, whether Light or Dark, focused on the art of slaying the enemy.

It was a lot. A lot of new abilities, a lot of new thoughts on how to use them, and ultimately, it was too much.

Then, Leonel remembered what his greatest weakness was right now. What was holding him back wasn't just his Dimension, it was the fundamental weakness of the Human Race.

Why was it that he was so powerful when he activated his Dream Asura Lineage Factor? It was because his body was no longer that of a Human. All of the previous limitations were lifted and raised to a level he couldn't fathom.

Something similar happened when he transformed into a Snowy Star Owl, or a Starry Tailed Fox, or... A Death Pulse Deer and a Golden Tiger.

lightsΝοvel So his goal was simple.

Forget the Domains. Forget the Forces. Forget the techniques and complicated methods of using them. Forget the need for comprehension and the time and pain that would come with doing so.

If his Unnamed Lineage Factor could even force the unruly earth to listen to his commands, why could he not do so with his own body?

If his Ability Index could impose its will onto his body and exhibit perfect control, why not use it?

Why use the Northern Star Lineage Factor the way it was meant to be used at all? Why not use it to forcefully raise the level of his talent? Forcefully raise the ceiling of what his body could handle at every level?

And he already had the perfect pairing of partners to execute that wish.

The Unnamed Lineage Factor on one hand.

His Control Ability Index on the other hand.

It was his body. It was about time it obeyed him.

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