Chapter 2483 Retreat

Cidra couldn't have imagined that Leonel and the others would attack without her. Even when Leonel went off, she assumed that he was just an arrogant brat who knew that support would be coming one way or another.

She was obviously biased toward Miel, so when she saw Leonel pulled his daughter out like that, she had felt no small part of dissatisfaction in her heart, it was just that it wasn't her place to say anything.

So, although she hadn't purposely slowed down given the situation was already urgent, she still made sure that everything was meticulously in place before heading off. In her opinion, it was impossible for Leonel to even open the hangar doors on his own, so what good would it do him to get there first even if he had the intention of attacking on his own?

She was wrong. Oh so wrong.

By the time she caught up, there was a flood of light coming down from above, and with that light came thick clouds of dust that obscured her vision as well.

She tried to use her Internal Sight, but what she saw with it made her eyes widen.

Absolute carnage.

It should have been aimed toward Leonel and his people, and yet she wasn't even sure if a single one of them had been injured.

Leonel was completely controlling the flow of the battle. Every time one tried to organize the situation and reform the attack, he'd target their weakness, crushing them before they could even gather up momentum.

His small squadron of barely over ten walked around the battlefield like they owned it. Every second, hundreds died.

What shocked her most was Miel's daughter. She had strength that made her heart palpitate. If she appeared for even a moment, a head would fly into the skies without fail.

At the same time, her blood roses rotated in the skies above everyone's perception, unleashing a rain of carnage on the Seventh Dimensional experts as well. This made the troops in the distance who wanted to come over to support not even have a chance to approach.

To make matters worse for the enemy, every time she attacked another Eighth Dimensional expert would fall. How would they organize themselves if all of their commanders were dropping like flies? There simply wasn't anyone to pull the army back together.

She stood there in shock.

Somehow, even with Aina's performance, she found her senses floating back to Leonel again and again.

A screen of dirt and soul shouldn't be this effective. How could these powerful warriors not have Internal Sight?

Someone had to be interfering with their senses, and she had a feeling that it was this boy. In fact, how had this dust not settled just yet? Someone was also constantly agitating the earth, making it impossible for the Godlen army to even see their enemy.

'How could a Fifth Dimensional expert have this level of power?'


Leonel's pale violet eyes blazed with the light of an entire universe. His hands moved so fast they blurred, one arrow after another appearing in his hands before soaring through the skies.

The White Lion blow seemed to roar with life, suppressing the world around him as he shot faster and faster.


'They'll take drastic measures soon.'

Leonel was already a step ahead. No army worth its salt would allow this to continue indefinitely.


A mighty roar echoed through the skies, the dense, foggy shape of a mythical dragon appearing.

Aina's figure flickered and vanished, appearing on Blackstar's back as they shot through the air, aiming for a man hidden in the distance.

Leonel had spotted this man immediately. Most of the so-called Sergeant here were only in the early Tiers of the Eighth Dimension. This man, however, was in the middle Tiers and should be a Tier Four. He was definitely the Head Commander of this operation.

Leonel was confident that Aina could take him alone. Her standards of combat were clearly far beyond that of the rest of the human alliance. Even though she was in the Seventh Dimension, her strength was towering.

However, with Blackstar, it would be a quick battle. This would suffocate the last of the Godlen's attempts to reorganize, and what made it worse was that retreating without the word of the Head Commander would be nigh impossible unless there were waves of defectors.

Leonel was very tempted to use his King's Might Lineage Factor, but he restrained himself. He remembered his grandfather's words well.

Although there were some humans that should know he had it due to their infiltration of the Dimensional Verse, what was more important was making sure that this news didn't become common knowledge to the point it spread to the rest of the powers in Existence. That definitely couldn't be allowed.

Leonel looked to the side. 'About time.'

A roar came from the side and another hangar door several kilometers to the side opened up and Miel charged out with his own army. Although he was clearly shocked as well, he didn't pause, immediately cutting into the army.

'This should be over now.'

Leonel's arms never stopped, but his mind had control over the entire battlefield.

Mere minutes later, Aina and Blackstar began their return. As for the Head Commander, he couldn't have been more dead if he tried.

The army didn't even realize their Head Commander had fallen. They continued to get slaughtered by the dozens, some barely managing to fight back.



Leonel's lip curled. It seemed they finally noticed.

He waved a hand and stopped his brothers from chasing. It wasn't worth it.

"Why are you chasing?" Cidra frowned.

Leonel sent a glance toward her. Originally, this woman looked to be in too much of a daze to do anything, but she eventually got herself together and led a charge.

"Are you serious?" Leonel asked, somewhat speechless.

Cidra frowned. She didn't like this boy's tone at all, who did he think he was talking to?

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