Leonel knew that this was impossible. Emulation Spatial Force was not Infinity Force and it was likely that even Infinity Force could not do so, but he understood now how Dream Force could "take". Space would become the root of his current world. Dream would become the root of the Second Dimension, the Impetus of Life itself. His Dream Plane was precisely the access to the Second Dimension that he needed and it would be the truest form of "taking" that he needed.

Lower Impetus State...

Middle Impetus State...

Higher Impetus State...

Peak Impetus State...

Half-Step Life State.

Leonel took so many leaps forward at once that his presence became suffocating. Just sitting there, he emitted more pressure than the likes of Mo''Lexi or Vivak ever had, and his Emulation Spatial Force directly became the strongest Force he had.

In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that his Innate Node was now dormant, he might be able to use that Innate Node to push his comprehension into the legendary Life State.

However, after his recent comprehension, Leonel's understanding had deepened so considerably that he didn't immediately leap to that.

It was impossible to create something from nothing. Whenever his Innate Nodes acted to do this, they were taking something from him, tying him down in some way. This might be the reason why even El'Rion was so hesitant about adding Innate Nodes to himself.

There would always be something to give back...

It might be best to use his Innate Nodes like large wells of Force and sources for comprehension rather than as a boost to power. This would be the best way to protect his future.

Leonel's eyes opened and they flashed with a dense silver-gold that only slowly faded after a long while.

He exhaled. He had finally done it, he had finally completed the three tasks his father had asked of him.

In truth, it had only taken a couple of months, and most of that time had been spent running for his life and guiding others. Maybe he had given his father too harsh a critique for setting the standards so high. However, that made him worry about what the next requirements would be.

[Final Destruction] was a technique of accumulating Force and moving through the Dimensions. It seemed to also temper the body beyond normal techniques as well.

Leonel wasn't really worried about this. [Dimensional Cleanse] was always a technique that had been compatible with others. Leonel had actually been missing out on some of his potential by not finding another method to use along with it, another example of his laziness coming back to bite him.

What he was left speechless about were the requirements.

First off, the minimum requirement of this technique was to be a Destruction Sovereign.

That was fine, he didn't mind. He was born with that ability anyway. However, the rest of the technique, or rather the small part of it that he was allowed to read at the moment, was truly headache-inducing.

Ignoring the matter of Destruction, the point of the technique seemed to form the Nodes into an amorphous blob. Rather than having hard and faceted locations, they would be transported into a different space almost like the Dream Plane or the Shadow Plane, a location of endless destruction.

The problem was that you were supposed to create your tenth node, then use the Anarchic Force conjured from that to influence this separate plane.

As though using Anarchic Force to do this wasn't absolutely insane enough, the amount of resources that it took to take just a single step in this technique was asinine. You were essentially forming your own Realm of Destruction, relying on the minor Life State aura that your Destruction Sovereignty gave you.

According to this explanation, it seemed that the Shadow World and Dream World weren't exactly natural. No, they were, but rather the society, rules and regulations created around them were.

There was no reason that some Sovereigns would have such worlds and others wouldn't other than the fact that some worlds were more convenient to enter and create than others were.

For Destruction to Create something... well, the difficulty could be imagined.

But after his recent comprehension, Leonel didn't find it absolutely ridiculous either. If Creation needed to take and essentially destroy to do the same, why could Destruction not do the vice versa.

The main issue was that it needed to do a whole lot of Destroying before it could get there.

According to the technique, you needed the equivalent of about a million kilograms of Reinforced Urbe Ore and an equivalent amount of Evolution Ore to open just one Node.

Reinforced Urbe Ore... that was about a hundred million kilograms of the unrefined kind.

The worst part was that they all had to be of the Fifth Dimension at worst.

He hadn't even started and he felt Poor.

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