Dimensional Descent

Chapter 2322 Mass Murderer

Chapter 2322 Mass Murderer

Leonel believed that there was still more he didn't understand about Goggles' abilities, and maybe even things that Goggles himself didn't understand. That was because the parameters of background information and context that Goggles needed were quite... broad.

When Goggles had been working for him, it wasn't just information that helped him out, but rather an intimate relationship with the events in question. For example, after Goggles bound himself to the army that Leonel led, he had been able to predict certain things about the outcome of various battles. However, Leonel had realized the more specified Goggles' target, the more accurate and clear his predictions became.

So, Leonel scaled down Goggles' "binding" from the army to just a small squadron that had carried the elites of his army, including himself, Rollan, Gertrude and others. After doing that, Goggles' prediction ability skyrocketed, and he began to make them more frequently and with more clarity.

As such, there were two necessities that bound Goggles: information and/or relationship ties or bonds. But this didn't exactly seem to just be a simulation. It seemed to allude to that mysterious Force El'Rion spoke about, the very same mysterious energy that was the reason why El'Rion didn't form more Innate Nodes than he needed, and also why stealing Innate Nodes wasn't something the strongest did.

There seemed to be faint ties between the two, and it fascinated Leonel. It also meant that Goggles' ability delved into a Force much deeper than what it seemed to on the surface.

When Leonel first learned of the ability, he had likened it to his own attempts at simulation. But he was very much wrong about that; Goggles was on an entirely different level. Leonel believed that if Goggles had read through the entire library of the Void Palace, he might be capable of doing something similar to Aina in that he could seek out the perfect path for himself.

Even then, the Void Library was limited in its information compared to wider Existence. If he fed Goggles this kind of information, just what kind of monster would he become? After all, if stronger relationships and a more focused lens made Goggles' oracle-like abilities sharper and more accurate... What better target was there than Goggles himself?


Leonel's gaze became a bit more gentle as he swept a gaze through everyone present.

"You all may not know me, and rightfully don't trust me very much. You've spent years beneath a tyrant, and those with power aren't exactly the ones you would be willing to put your own lives in the hand of. So, I will give you all power of your own.

"Grasp the chance I give you, and the King Alexandre, the supposed Apex that barred your path for so long, will be nothing more than a stepping stone in your path.

"You don't need to trust my words now, nor do you need to show me some undying loyalty. You won't believe it, and neither would I. Instead, I'll allow you the time to see for yourself."

The approach that Leonel took with this batch of people was much different than he did to those of the Morales, or the Constellation families, and definitely far different from the treatment he had given the Spirituals Religion and the Suiards.

He felt like he owed these people, and for the first time in a long time, he felt like Leonel. Not the Leonel he truly was, but the Leonel he had idealized himself as, the warm-hearted, caring person he tried to pretend to be... and seeing the visible relaxation of those here, he felt an unexpected warmth.

In the midst of that crowd, though, there was a blazing fire as well, and none were more fiery than Goggles himself. The passion in his eyes would practically rival that of stars, but it wasn't toward Leonel. It was instead toward what Leonel could provide.

When Leonel returned, he half expected to find the Morales territory on fire. But it seemed that the other powers were both more cautious and cowardly than he had thought them to be.

If they were smart, they would capitalize on the righteous indignation to bolster their morale. Well, it wouldn't work, but it would still give them a better chance. Of course... unless that mysterious figure was planning something else.

Leonel gave the odds of that pretty high. Though, without more information, he wasn't too sure of the motive of this person, or if they were even human to begin with.

What he was most concerned with wasn't the intelligence of this person; he didn't feel that anyone could deal with him on this front. The main issue was that their range in the Dream Plane seemed unlimited.

Even if Leonel was more intelligent than this person, if they could gather more information than him, and affect change on a larger scale, he would still be at a disadvantage.

But that was precisely why he had chosen to have this final battle on his own home turf. By then, any preparation there was didn't matter. Leonel suddenly smiled before it even happened.

"Seventh Nova!"

The voice was booming.

'Oh my, not even calling me Littlest Nova anymore. That's not very endearing.'

Leonel walked forward as though he hadn't heard a thing. His current location wasn't the Morales Palace, but rather his personal abode. The residence of the Patriarch was one of the many moons that surrounded the Capital Planet of the Morales, and he actually had the entire small moon to himself, not that he used most of it.

This voice was definitely Ancestor Issa's though he could already sense the auras of many others. They had actually invited themselves into his home all on their own; it seemed the Ancestors were still the Ancestors.

However, he could also sense the old Overlord... and there were actually three others that gave off the same overwhelming pressure.

How fascinating. Even the Spirituals Religion and the Suiards only had two Overlords a piece. Though, Maxx was on another level even compared to other Overlords. But the Morales actually had four.

Leonel strolled into his home, finding that the elders of his family had already made themselves comfortable.

Splintered wood flew in all directions as his dining room table was blown to bits, shattering even further even as they flew through the air.

"How dare you put such a stain on the prestige of the Morales?"

"Ah, so that's what this is about."

Leonel nodded. Seemed they were mad he murdered the Void Palace down to their last man.

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