Leonel looked toward this elder before him without much of a reaction. However, the calmness of his expression had nothing to do with how alert he was.

The starship had never failed up until this point, at least not in such close proximity, or what would be considered relative close proximity. Even El'Rion hadn't managed to dodge it. Though, granted, not only was the Pluto not harmed to the point of lethality, but he was also far closer to the strike.

Even so, the feat of dodging the starship's attack-and most importantly, the starship under the control of Leonel's skill-was absolutely ridiculous.

This person must be Amery's grandfather, Overlord Maxx Suiard.

Leonel had learned quite a bit about this man in recent days, or at the very least, he had learned everything that Amery knew about him, as much as a grandchild could know about his grandparent. That could either be quite a bit, or nothing at all depending on the temperament of the grandparent in question. And judging by the reaction of this old man, Leonel had a feeling that it was by far the latter.

"Don't be like that, I used to know your grandfather, you know. We could be considered good friends. Why don't you step out and we can have a chat?"

Leonel didn't say anything, continuing to look at the old man. The more he did, the more he felt that the words "old man" didn't really fit Maxx. He was too vibrant, too full of vitality. He seemed to have as much life ahead of him as a newborn. Comparing him to the older generation felt wrong.

Maxx sighed when Leonel had no intention of taking him up on his offer. There were quite a number of things that he couldn't talk about so openly, and this brat insisted on making things hard on him. What an annoyance, what an annoyance indeed.

Overlord Suiard took another step and he vanished. This time, Leonel saw it clearly. This man wasn't a Spatial Force expert at all, rather his attainments in the sword were so high that he might as well have been. Leonel was certain with a single glance that that Sword Force was, at a minimum, at the Impetus State.

He wasn't crossing space, his sword quite literally sliced reality apart, shattering any concepts of distance until his destination was just a single step away from him. To call this man an Overlord felt like an insult to him, he had already met the requirement to enter the Ninth Dimension, and the only reason he hadn't was likely because of the restrictions of this world.

By the time Leonel's mind had finished processing all of this, Maxx had appeared within the starship, sitting across from Leonel as though he had always been there. His expression was quite casual, until he seemed to realize that Leonel's was just as casual. But after a momentary gaff, he calmed down again.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're very annoying? I'm glad that you're not my grandson, I'd have to spank your bottom red every day just to vent a bit."

Leonel's gaze narrowed.

"Don't you have any refreshments here? Really. I'm sure your grandfather taught you better than this, you're just ignoring his teachings." Maxx shook his head. "Forget it, this is a waste of time. I'll keep things to the point. How much about this situation do you understand?"

Leonel didn't know how to respond to this question. He knew what Maxx was referring to, but how much of his assumption was correct, he didn't know. Also, this didn't seem like the kind of question this man should be asking him, he should have been on their side, no? Was he wrong about that?

Everything the Suiard family did seemed to side with them, most pointedly of which was marrying Amery off to the Spirituals Religion as though he was some damsel.

Suddenly, Leonel's pupils constricted. What was he thinking? What a stupid mistake. He had already learned that these Incomplete Worlds were set up by the humans of a Complete World in order to survive some sort of calamity. But he hadn't thought about something very important...

If this place was created for humans, then what did that mean for the other races in these Incomplete Worlds? What would happen to them? Would they be seamlessly integrated? That sounded very unlikely.

It was more likely that they would be pulled into slavery and forced into subordination, used for the purposes of the humans of the Complete World, and then... Well, if the humans had as poor of a position in greater Existence as El'Rion and Shan'Rae had made it seem, then they would likely get rid of these pawns as quickly as possible so as not to attract the ire of species and races far more powerful than them.

The Spirituals of this Incomplete World were already so powerful, what about the Spirituals in greater Existence? What about the Rapax? Or the beasts? Or the Nomads? And how would they react to knowing their Race of people was forced into submission by the humans?

Leonel only now realized just how much of a gamble this was. It wasn't just them gambling their future existence within these Incomplete Worlds, but if they dared to use the other races, even if they survived the first calamity, they might invite upon themselves countless more.

He was so used to humans being in the weaker position that he had almost neglected the fact that in this small corner of Existence, they were the ones in control, and as a result, the Races that usually pinned them beneath their heels, were in a precarious situation as well.

Him assuming that the Suiard family was just like Shield Cross Stars or the Void Palace or the Three Finger Cult, all because they had sided with the Spirituals Religion was foolish. He had simply taken their being an enemy to be natural as they had always been the rival of the Morales, but he was only making false assumptions.

He also wondered... Just how much of these deductions could be translated to the hidden branch of the Morales as well?

"I see." Leonel spoke his first words. "Okay. Hand over your World Spirit and give me information about your cooperation with the Spirituals and I will handle the rest."

Maxx Suiard didn't even know what to say.

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