"There's no time to wait. The attacks will begin within the day. And by attacks... I mean our own."

Leonel stood to his feet, the shock of the elders not moving him.

"But, the others-" Elder Aria tried to speak, but she was far more hesitant and unsure. Nora had never seen her mentor like this, and it made her respect for Leonel skyrocket. Her eyes sparkled as she looked toward Leonel's back, but her discipline was strong as her expression remained professional, imitating her mentor.

"I only retained Armand to show you all. Before I even came here, I had already sent the other geniuses back and I also noted down all of the information that I needed to as well. I have a perfect battleplan in place for each and every Seventh Dimensional family. We will attack in one sweep and I will lead every charge."

"You will...?"

Leonel's figure flickered and clones of himself manifested one after another. However, these clones didn't seem... normal. Instead, they were like a cross of soul constructs and something beyond... Were they Crafts? How was that possible?

Elder Aria's heart skipped a beat. As a Crafter a step from the Life Grade herself, her experience was great and untold, but she felt wholly inferior just seeing this scene. She couldn't even begin to tell just how Leonel had done it, nothing she thought of made sense.

And of course she couldn't. This "Craft" was a combination of Little Tolly's help, his King's Might Lineage Factor, and his Crafting expertise. It was impossible for a Crafter alone to accomplish this, at least not at Leonel's current level.

The first thing he did was intimately understand Breathe. He couldn't do this without his enlightened self, but what also made it far easier was the help he received from his Vital Star Force, raising it to a half-step from Impetus State.

Breathe was ultimately a bridge from inanimate to the animate, a connection that gave something "dead," "life."

The second thing he did was create the perfect ore for himself. Compared to the Blood Diamond Ore, it was far more valuable, and it drained his wealth. This ore didn't have a name, so Leonel simply named it the King Ore. It was the perfect representation of him, carrying every aspect of his affinities and skills.

This obviously relied on Little Tolly, but what relied on Little Tolly far more was what happened next.

Leonel had to place a small part of himself within every King Ore, and then use Breathe on himself. He wasn't quite sure how to succeed in this, and everything he tried only harmed himself to no benefit. But then Little Tolly, as he always seemed to do these days, made it impossibly easy.

Little Tolly simply latched on to each piece itself, carrying with it its connection to Leonel. Then, when Leonel used Breathe, each clone gained a small bit of himself, and an aspect of Tolliver.

Originally, he thought that this might harm the little one, so he did just one as a practice run, but to his shock, it was like nothing had happened at all. Before, there was a limit to how much he could split Tolliver and he could only work on a thousand or so Crafts at the same time. But now, Tolliver had completely shed those limitations.

Though Leonel hadn't tested it, it might as well have been infinite to him because it was over the capacity his own mind could even handle. As a result, forming one copy of himself to lead each army was impossibly easy.


The Morales Ancestors might have usually already complained. Leonel was the least experienced of them all, but now it seemed that he wanted to take control of everything? Were they going to trust a youth to decide the destiny of a family that had existed for thousands of years?

But none of the elders remaining had the face to do such a thing. They remained silent and let the Ancestors make the choice, their silence speaking for itself.

It was then that a voice echoed. "Littlest Nova will be the Supreme Commander of this war. Listen to his every order."

The elders shuddered. They wouldn't normally recognize this voice, but they had learned who this man was just a day or so ago.

The Overlord of their family.

Leonel had already walked out from the Palace even as the voice sounded. It seemed that he had already expected as much and nothing about this matter could surprise him.

The elders rushed after him, the first to appear being Elder Kriss.

"Please command me, Patriarch!" She spoke in a low shout.

"Build me 12 armies. Each must have a size of 10 million. Seventh Dimensional experts only." All 12 Leonel's spoke in unison. "Within each, there must be an organization of sets of ten, then a hundred, then a thousand. Do not organize beyond that."

Elder Kriss inwardly questioned this kind of order. If the organization stopped at a thousand with an army of that size, it would be a mess. That would mean 10,000 independent minds trying to work on their own, there wouldn't be any forward momentum whatsoever.

The other problem was that 10 million was too small a number for a war on this scale. The numbers should start at billions; what was a scale of millions going to do? There were billions of Morales who had awakened at least one Lineage Factor in the Nova Generation alone, let alone the others.

But her discipline caused her to not even attempt to question it.

"Split the Tier 9 Seventh Dimensional experts evenly, and do not add any Junior Ancestors. You all will anchor the home base. You have exactly six hours to accomplish this, go."

Elder Kriss saluted and then vanished.

"Patriarch... What is our goal?" Elder Aria tried to remain in line, but she wasn't raised in the military like Kriss was, her discipline was nowhere near the same.

"The goal? Within a week, the Constellation Alliance will be brought to their knees."

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