Dimensional Descent

Chapter 225 - Spirit Crystallization

After listening to Elys, Leonel came to understand a bit more about his situation.

'It's no wonder they immediately threw out the idea of me being a spy…'

According to Elys, Modred and her Demon Army were harbingers of darkness. Though Leonel wasn't certain if this meant that they could utilize Dark Elemental Force, what he did know was that the people of Camelot believed that someone who could utilize the Light Element was an inherently good person.

Toward this, Leonel was a bit speechless, but he couldn't blame them. After all, if the main enemy you fought for a lifetime was one of darkness, you had good reason to assume such things.

"What is Spirit Crystallization?"

For such questions, there was no point in asking the dictionary about them. This was an entirely new magic system from what Leonel understood. As such, though the dictionary could make speculations, it wasn't possible to understand it in detail.

This experience would teach Leonel something very important about the universe. Tales of fiction tended to have just one power system that ruled over all others, but this wasn't how the real world worked.

Within the universe, there were countless systems of powers and new ones were being created all the time. Even though many of them had the same ends, they all approached it differently.

Some magic systems could reach the pinnacle, others were lacking a bit, and yet others were lacking a lot. Whether Camelot's system fit into the first category or one of the latter didn't truly matter much to Leonel right now. All he knew was that they were more powerful than his current self. So, at least for now, their techniques were worth learning.

As long as it wouldn't badly influence his future path in a more properly vetted magic system, Leonel wouldn't mind trying out everything they had to offer.

"Ah…" Elys seemed to realize that Leonel really didn't know much of anything. It made her feel embarrassed that they had thought of him as a spy. "… Spirit Pressure is used to Crystallize the Elements. Mages are born with differing affinities depending on several factors.

"Most often, affinities are inherited from one's parents. If two mages have a child together, there is normally a 20% chance there child will also be a mage. If those mages are more powerful, the chance is even higher. But, it will also be more difficult for them to have children.

"If the parents share an affinity, the likelihood is even higher. For example, if both parents are Water Elemental Mages, the chances are closer to 50%. In addition, their child will also have an even higher affinity for the Water Element in comparison to their parents.

"Ah, sorry, I got off topic…"

Realizing that she had been talking about the mating patterns of mages, she blushed profusely once again.

Leonel smiled and didn't mind. After the overly straightforward answers he was used to receiving from the dictionary, this was actually a nice change of pace.

"The other method is what I'm sure happened to Holy Son. This could just be considered a blessing of the skies. Spontaneous birth of mages like you are ironically more common."

Leonel nodded, hiding his peculiar expression.

He gained his Light Elemental Force from his mother's side. So, he wasn't in the category Elys spoke of at all. But, he had told Heckle that he was an orphan, so Elys was probably tactfully tiptoeing around this.

Since it was better to continue allowing her to think this way, Leonel didn't correct her. Plus, in his opinion, his mother wasn't truly his mother regardless. He didn't even have the faintest memory of her. There was a reason he had hardly reacted when his father told him she was still alive.

Was it resentment? Leonel didn't think so. He couldn't remember ever missing his mother, but that was mostly due to him not really experiencing what it felt like to have one. Leonel would categorize it more as indifference.

If he thought about it, maybe he was the weird one for feeling such a way…

"What do you all want to do with me?"

Finally, Leonel couldn't help but ask this question. After satisfying his basal curiosity, he realized that there were more important matters at hand. He felt that it would be a bit too naive of him to assume that everything would be fine now just because of this.

However, after hearing Elys' response, he realized he had still underestimated the value of the Light Element in this world. Had he known this, rather than getting beaten into almost becoming a corpse, he would have directly used his Light Elemental Force instead of trying to hide it as a future trump card.

"Of course, Holy Son will receive the same treatment as other Holy Sons. You will be allowed to enter the Mage Academy with high standing and receive all the rewards that come with this. We hope that you'll become a pillar of Camelot in the future."

Leonel raised his brows. "There are others besides me?"

"Yes, yes. There are three others." A hint of worship flashed within Elys' eyes. "One is His Majesty, King Arthur. The second is Three Star Magus Orian. The last is the First Son of the Mage Academy, Sir Lionus. He is the son of His Majesty and is also walking the same path, that of the Magus Swordsman!"

Seeing Elys fangirling, Leonel didn't really have the heart to stop her ranting. He could only listen on as she rambled on and on about these three Holy Sons. At some point, he tuned her out completely and retreated to his own thoughts.

'Interesting… According to legends, Arthur had a bastard son by the name of Modred. But, in this place, Modred is a woman. In addition, it seems that his publicly acknowledged son is also the child of his Queen, Guinevere.'

Thinking to this point, Leonel's expression became a bit weird. He suddenly remembered that one of the side quests of this Zone was to repair King Arthur's relationship with Lancelot. And, the dictionary made it quite clear that this was related to Queen Guinevere.

Leonel felt another headache coming on.. He really hoped that Lionus was Arthur's son. If it turned out he was Lancelot's son, this matter would only get more complicated…

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