Dimensional Descent

Chapter 2218 Incomplete World

It reminded Leonel of Elthor's Chaotic Particle Force. It was formed of granules of earth as well, and yet it was the number one Earth Force in all of existence.

Well... he wasn't sure if he could say that anymore. He wondered if these Force evaluations were just limited to the Dimensional Verse's understanding of them or not. Although he reacted as though it was nothing much, that didn't mean that he didn't take note of the existence of the Pluto and Void Races. Their existence clearly meant that this world was much larger than he knew.

There was a second pressure Leonel had felt just now as well, though... and that was the pressure of the others of the Pluto Race.

They were dressed simply, but even the shortest was at least five meters tall. It seemed to be reminding Leonel of El'Rion's age again and again. They didn't seem powerful outside of their size, and yet their every moment seemed to rock the earth.

As Leonel walked forward, he felt that El'Rion was holding back a great deal. At the very least, when a Pluto sweat, it seemed that the entire world worked as well. Every drop of a Pluto's body was precious and couldn't be shed without an equivalent exchange.

'A powerful race, indeed...' Leonel thought to himself.

Even so, it didn't stop his steps forward. He didn't even react when El'Rion appeared by his side.

He really didn't understand this boy. But, he had learned that different cultures of humans could react to things differently. The Morales were a prime example, they were almost all fiery and battle-hungry, but that wasn't entirely because of their blood, it was also because of their culture.

It was clear that the Pluto Race had its own unique culture. They felt that they were so above everything that they weren't quick to any emotion at all.

Even though Leonel had appeared, they had ignored him. Only when El'Rion appeared did they look over, but even after this, they looked away.

'It isn't appropriate to call them servants, they don't seem to be despite their style of dress. They're artisans, and those are most definitely not limestone like the history textbooks say. As for what they're resonating with... it seems to be quartz...'

Quartz, back in this era, or rather a few hundred years later, would be quite widely used. It was one of the most abundant substances on Earth, and it was useful in a wide range of applications from glassware to powering watches.

It was completely unremarkable, at least at the time.

In Leonel's era, though, the importance of quartz skyrocketed, and it was likely also part of the reason that Earth hadn't reached the point of having to gather energy from the stars either. On Earth, by the time Leonel was born, they were able to build surface cities around quartz deposits, using the existence of these quartz deposits to power the cities entirely without the need for fossil fuels or other types of renewable energy.

The best part was that this energy seemed endless and inexhaustible because it relied on the natural chemical bonds of quartz, bonds that were incredibly difficult to break as it was the fourth strongest material on Earth at the time.

Quartz was quite fascinating... at least to a Third Dimensional Leonel. The current Leonel had already long since stopped caring about this level of material, and had already come across a countless number that had similar and even stronger effects. Compared to Third Dimensional electro-chemical effects of the like, just how far beyond was a trickle of Force from a Fourth Dimensional Ore? It could completely crush the former.

But then why? Why were the artisans of this mighty race relying so heavily on this material?

Leonel could tell after a few moments what was happening. They were using the pyramids as a foundation to resonate with the quartz of Earth. This would thus execute some unknown action still elusive to him... but wasn't there a better way?

The obvious answer to this question seemed to be that they were on Earth so they were just using what was available on Earth, but something was telling Leonel that things weren't as simple as they seemed. He was missing something. He would have to get closer.

Just as he was going to, El'Rion suddenly spoke.

"This pyramid is one of the symbols of our Pluto Race. It's being used to harness the energy of your planet, it will ultimately downgrade its level, an unfortunate price to pay."

Leonel's gaze narrowed, and he looked up and toward El'Rion.

"In the past, a member of the Fawkes family did a member of our Pluto Race a favor. It has been many generations since then, but the favor was cashed in upon the destruction of the Fawkes family.

"This place is what you call an Incomplete World. You see how all the planets and stars are scattered? This is what happens when a world fails in its birth. What you call stars are not technically real stars, they're kernels of a universe's energy. You would normally not be able to see them as they would all be fused into the land. The fact you can see them so clearly is evidence of this world being incomplete.

"A Complete World has one land, one star, one being. An Incomplete World does not, and phenomena like Sub-Dimensional Zones appear as a result. Though..."

El'Rion trailed off as though not wanting to explain the rest of this matter fully.

Leonel's brows furrowed. Why was this man explaining this to him? He suddenly found himself getting annoyed. He knew that his temper wasn't the best in recent days, but this was ridiculous even for him.

It was then that he calmed down. He understood that maybe the rest of the Pluto Race was quite calm, but El'Rion was still a child. How could he be as unbothered as he seemed?

It seemed he had begun to understand more about Leonel. A person that Leonel had just reprimanded explaining things to him that he didn't understand? Was there even a better way to annoy him?

"Usually, Incomplete Worlds are disseminated to the Gods as they're still valuable commodities. But this time, my Pluto Race... commandeered them to return this favor and help in something they called the Dream Project.

"The parameters of this Dream Project, though, are quite strict. The last remnants of the Fawkes family need safe passage, and the only way to allow that is to weaken this world. But should everything go well, this world may rise again."

Leonel's gaze turned frighteningly cold. What did he just say?


[Author's Note: Sorry everyone, I've been feeling like shit all day and tried to ride it out... which is part of the reason GAB chapters were so late today though many of you DD readers probably didn't notice that. I'll spare you the more gory details as this is a family friendly server. Only managed to write two today. The good news is that I almost just wrote one... yay? *tears*]

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