Dimensional Descent

Chapter 217 - Unique Power Systems

Though Leonel was baffled by the sudden turn of events, he soon decided to cautiously proceed. He felt that this might be another instance of this Mythological Zone finding him opportunities. He had no idea that things weren't this simple at all.

That said, the current Leonel was fascinated by the Mage Academy the knight mentioned. The knight had originally split off the youths that would be attending this academy to one side, but before Leonel could observe them, he suddenly found himself in a battle royale to the death. So, for obvious reasons, he hadn't had the time or mind to pay to them at all.

After questioning the dictionary, Leonel had learned a lot of things about Mythological Zones. But, maybe the most important thing was that anything that could happen here was capable of happening in the real world.

Due to this, Mythological Zones were highly sought after in high level worlds. In fact, world wars — the likes of which could make Earth's own world wars look like child's play — were almost guaranteed every time one appeared.

This may sound odd. There shouldn't be anything different about this Zone in comparison to others. One also needed to remember that the so-called 'rewards' of the Zones weren't prepared by the Zone itself, but rather higher level worlds investing in the progress of Earth. It could be said that Zones didn't have any rewards for clearing them at all aside from helping bring one's world closer to the next evolution tier.

Things only began to change when Gold Zones were taken into account. One could only begin taking treasures out of Zones at this level. In any lower level Zones, they would disappear.

That said… Mythological Zones were a special case.

It was still impossible to take treasures out of Mythological Zones unless they were Gold in grade. Since this was still considered a Black Grade Zone, Leonel was obviously out of luck in this regard. However, the crux of the value of a Mythological Zone was exactly in those earlier words… Everything that happened in a Mythological Zone could happen in the real world.

On the surface, this seems like a useless detail. But, really think about it for a moment… What if a Mythological Zone had a completely new power system? What if they had a completely unique way of utilizing Force or drawing Force Arts? Wouldn't that mean that whoever explored a Mythological Zone would gain access to this completely new system?

The value of such a thing was unimaginable!

For this reason, Mythological Zones were seen as treasures of the universe. Though it was impossible that they would always provide a completely new magic system, there was always the chance of such a thing. And, even when this chance ended in failure, it was always possible to find unique views that could progress already established branches of power.

What Leonel lacked the most now wasn't strength, but knowledge in how to apply it. He only had one technique — [Call of the Wind]. Aside from this, he was completely relying on his own instinct and the battle sense of his spear consciousnesses.

He had initially been planning on using some of his rewards from this Zone to solve this weakness before he left to Terrain. But, if he could get the techniques he needed from this Mythological Zone instead… the benefits might be unimaginable.

Of course, even with this set aside, Leonel was fascinated by the Mage Academy. If everything that happened here was really possible in the real world… what would happen if he joined the Mage Academy instead?

If he had the chance, he would. But, unfortunately, for whatever reason, Heckle hadn't tested his aptitude to become a mage.

'Forget it, it's most important that I focus on completing the missions. Learning this Mythological Zone's unique power systems comes secondary…'

Leonel couldn't forget that he was on a timer. Every Zone had a hidden timer hanging over the heads of those who entered it. He had found this out the hard way in the Joan of Arc Zone.

According to the dictionary, the timer for this world was set to around 10 years. That was the equivalent of 10 weeks to the outside world. He had to figure things out by then.

That sounded like a lot of time, but Leonel knew that it wasn't. In that time, he needed to gain enough power and prestige in Camelot to actually affect change. In an already established Kingdom like this one, let alone 10 years, even 30 might not be enough.

But… displaying his talents just might be a great help to that. So, if he had the chance, he would display them more. Now that he was here, there was no need to keep holding back. He'd begin to slowly show what he had.

Leonel was lost in his thoughts when a sudden voice awakened him.

"Elys, I've brought your brats. Hurry up and scram out here."

Leonel looked up to find that they had already long since enter Camelot. Not only had they entered, but they had gone as deep as the third city section.

Camelot had five walls and five gates. The most outer wall open to a section known as the outer city, the second gate led to the upper outer city, and the third, where they were now, was known as the inner city.

Beyond that, the fourth gate led to the noble city and the fifth led to the true core of Camelot.

Of course, these were just colloquial names. Officially, all of these cities were collectively known as Camelot. If one could live here, they were already the cream of the crop. But, where people could have divisions amongst each other, they would…

Currently, Leonel and the group of youths had been led to the inner city and were now before the doors of a small shop. Compared to the large buildings all around, it seemed out of place. Through the windows, it was possible to see bookshelves that covered the whole shop. It was to the point that books that couldn't find a place were strewn about wildly.

At that moment, a woman wearing dark blue mage robes and a pointed hat that seemed to big for her head pushed her way out and faced the youths and the knight.


The woman frowned. Or rather, Leonel thought she did. It was a bit hard to see her face through her drooping hat.

"These are the brats the captains picked. If you want to blame someone, blame them. If it wasn't because I lost that bet, do you think I would have picked them up for you?"

Elys waved her hand that looked surprisingly fair. At this point, Leonel was expecting an old hag. If it wasn't for the barely noticeable curves and her voice, he wouldn't have been able to tell she was a woman at all.

"Alright, I've done my part. Now, you five. Follow me."

Leonel saw a barely perceptible flicker of excitement in the knight's eyes when he said these words. Causing him to be confused.

It seemed Elys noticed this as well and looked up curiously. She was likely quite familiar with this knight and wanted to know what could excite him. But, Leonel would have never expected her eyes to land on him.

Well… He thought it landed on him. Her body seemed to be pointed in his direction. It was simply too difficult to catch a glimpse of her face.

Suddenly, her body trembled violently as though she could fall over at any moment.

"Jarin! Are you trying to steal talents from me?! Do you believe I won't blast you into ash right now?!"

The knight who had been ready to take them away looked toward Elys with an incredulous expression.

When he saw where Elys was looking, he protected Leonel to his back.

"Don't you dare, old witch. This is my future general!"

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