The sword howl caused many to narrow their gazes. Even amongst the weaker older generation, they felt the need to take this attack seriously.

They couldn't fathom how someone in the Sixth Dimension could possibly deal with such a strike. In fact, they didn't know many Seventh Dimensional existences in Tier 1 that could deal with it, not without ending up in a sorry mess, that is.

However, Leonel's smile didn't fade. In fact, he didn't even move.

A shadow seemed to appear from Leonel's side.

James seemed to come from nowhere. Placing a foot on the rail of the flagship, he reached out a palm toward the coming sword blade.

Many frowned when they saw this, did this young man want to lose his hand? But something most couldn't have expected occurred.


James' fingers clawed downward, grabbing the golden Sword Force and squeezing down.

The sound of shattering glasses echoed as the Sword Force dispersed into a whirlwind, the bits and shards echoing into the distance.

Many stunned gazes landed on James. His hand was uninjured, there wasn't even the slightest scratch on it. It seemed that he had casually dealt with it without even the slightest discomfort.

"How rude," James clicked his tongue. "What are you doing attacking a clone like that? If you're mad, wait till you're face to face. Doing things like this just makes you seem petty."

It was only after James said it that everyone seemed to realize that the current Leonel lacked something. This wasn't something others could normally see through, but with the number of Eighth Dimensional existences here, there were no small number of them that could see the difference. Fooling the eyes of such experts was especially difficult, especially when they knew what they were looking for.

It was no wonder they couldn't sense Leonel's exact Tier. Most had assumed that he was speaking nonsense when he said that he could enter the Seventh Dimension in a year. But if his clone was powerful to the extent of fooling so many eyes, then what about his real body?

But even more importantly than that... Amery was a genius that many knew of. In fact, he was well known as the first since Velasco and Cynthia to be at such a level. So who was this young man who could resolve his attack with a hand?

Just as many were lost in thought, another figure suddenly appeared. It was a young woman with a body filled with hidden and explosive muscles. She appeared by Leonel's side with a hint of fury in her eyes, her hair fluttering with Blade Force.

Emna reached a finger forward and tapped at the air.

At that moment, a blade howl the likes of which didn't seem to lose out to Amery in the slightest appeared, concentrating on her fingertip with a radiant golden light.

Amery's eyes narrowed, however an instant later, his pupils constricted.

Without hesitation, he unsheathed his second blade, taking a step forward and swinging.


Amery's arms trembled and he was forced to take a step back. His eyes widened and released a low roar, his aura flourishing as he resolved the attack. Even so, he was forced to take yet another step back.

James winced. "Oof, that's a little bit embarrassing"

Amery had attacked Leonel, and yet the result was one of Leonel's men resolving it with ease, and a second one of Leonel's men forcing him back.

For someone who had such an undefeated legend, if this wasn't embarrassing, then nothing else could be.

The worst part was that no one seemed to recognize who these two people were. They were complete unknowns and only one of them seemed to have the aura of Earth, something the powerhouses were only now becoming familiar with. That meant that using Earth as an excuse didn't seem to be enough...

Emna didn't seem satisfied, and wanted to attack again, but before she could, Leonel raised a hand.

Seeing this, Emna didn't hesitate to take a step back, her obedience making the striking difference all the more obvious.

Ancestor Alvaro nodded inwardly. It seemed that there was a difference between Leonel and his father after all. While they were both extremely arrogant, Velasco was not a leader and never had an interest in it. Leonel, however... It seemed that he was quite capable.

"You remember different, hm?" Leonel smiled. "Funny words coming from someone who couldn't withstand a few arrows."

Amery stabilized himself, his gaze still tranquil as he looked up toward Leonel.

Amery stabilized himself, his gaze still tranquil as he looked up toward Leonel.

"But I don't really feel like rehashing the past. Since everyone is here, I think that there's something far more important to talk about, don't you think?"

"What compensation do you all plan to give me?"

The eyes of many narrowed, the atmosphere falling into silence.

"Hm? Nothing?" Leonel chuckled. "Feigning ignorance is fine if your goal is to only seem more like a worthless bunch of elitists, even more so than your actions today would suggest. None of you find it funny that the geniuses you're sending forward to participate in the Heirs Wars wouldn't even be here to participate if not for me?"

"The Morales family shares my blood and they don't hesitate to step out to protect me. But what are the rest of you worth to me?"

By this point, it was all too obvious what Leonel was referring to. Faced with this, there was little they could say.

"It's funny. I should have returned a hero, but the first thing that happened to me when I returned to the Void Palace was an interrogation and pressure to hand in a method that was mine to begin with."

"Fine, that much is fine. My research and results could be game changing for the Human Domain, I might be inclined to help out if the feeling was reciprocated. But not long after that, Shield Cross Stars came to arrest me as though I truly was a fugitive."

"As though that wasn't enough, I'm also now suddenly a ticking time bomb that needs to be dealt with just because I have Fawkes and Morales blood coursing within me."

Leonel's smile suddenly faded, a dense violet fog exuding from him and enveloping the flagship.

"My patience is very limited and my temper isn't good."

"I'll tell you all right now, since you don't want to acknowledge the fact so many of you owe your lives to me, I'll keep count of the debt myself. I don't have a need for your pity."

"I'll collect those debts back one by one. If you dare to send your geniuses in, I'll dare to kill them. If you send in one, I will kill one. If you send in ten, I will kill ten."

"As many come is as many as you'll lose. Consider it as a repayment of your debt."

"Your lives belonged to me to begin with."

Leonel rose to his feet.

These people thought that he was some sort of live target that they could casually hunt. It was only right that they came to understand how he saw things, that they came to understand the reality of things.

He wasn't the prey, they were. He wasn't the hunted, they were.

He was half Morales but no less of a madman.

[There might, potentially, be no third chapter today. If there is one, it will be much much later. I will try my best, sorry everyone. This month and next month will be quite hectic for me]

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