Leonel sat in silent meditation, trying to feel the changes to his body. The changes previously had happened far too quickly and he wasn't sure what had actually happened to his body, he wasn't even aware of having become a so-called True Sovereign.

He had heard about True Sovereigns before, but he knew next to nothing about them. He wasn't sure what the separation was, and even after becoming one, he only had a faint inkling.

For example, when his aura had flooded outward previously, it wasn't just that spears had reacted to him, but other weapons were suppressed as well. Previously, Leonel couldn't even influence spears from a distance, they had to actually attack him for him to be able to negate them. But now, he seemed to have an area of effect on not just spears, but all weapons to a certain extent.

It was a mysterious sort of feeling and it made him see through the uniqueness of Weapon Forces all the more. Not only did they seem to have a strong link with his soul, but they seemed to be linked to one another in a special sort of way as well.

Of course, this was the case for all Forces. After all, due to his fire affinity, Leonel could somewhat suppress and control all other fires, though not to such an exaggerated effect. If weapons Forces were Forces, as was natural, then it only made sense for a high affinity in one to have such an impact.

But the oddity of this lied in its connection with the soul. Weapon Forces almost seemed... unique to the person. There was such a huge variety among them that it was almost impossible to account for them all, it was even to the point that two Spear Forces could feel entirely different from one another.

When things were looked at like this, it almost felt weird that a person could use some arbitrary connection to influence others at all...

However, that was just the first layers of oddity.

Setting weapon Forces aside, almost all other Forces existed without human input. Whether or not there were conscious beings alives, Fire Force, Water Force, Wind Force, etc, would have to exist no matter what. Beyond that, the likes of Spatial Force and Time Force were tied into the very fabric of reality itself.

That said... if all weapon Forces were suddenly wiped from existence right this moment, what would happen?

The answer was nothing.

Interestingly enough, there was one other Force that was exactly like that as well...

Dream Force, or more accurately, its root, Soul Force.

Ultimately, Dream Force was just the root of human consciousness. It didn't need to exist for the universe to exist... right?

Something about that conclusion just didn't sit right with Leonel, but it somehow felt logically sound. If weapon Forces could be erased without consequence, there was no reason for Dream Force to be any different. Both were reliant on the existence of living beings, and the universe didn't need such a thing to function. After all, 99.999% of the Dimensional Verse was void of any life at all, it was clearly not needed...

Even in meditation, Leonel couldn't help but frown. There was something wrong with this conclusion.

If the metric was how little of the Force existed in the grand scheme, then the universe technically didn't need any Force whatsoever because 99.999% of the universe was also empty space. Although there had been a ton of research on Dark Matter on Third Dimensional Earth, there were never any solid conclusions and Leonel had never heard of an equivalent in the Dimensional Verse.

If the metric was instead necessity... you could try to argue that no Force was technically necessary, there were planets and even entire galaxies with center Force concentrations so high that only a single kind could be found.

'Is that true...? Or is it rather the case that other Forces are there but just in incredibly low concentrations..."

Leonel felt that he was going around in circles, he didn't even know what his original hypothesis was, what was he even trying to conclude?

'If I wanted to prove that a Force was necessary or unnecessary, I would need to understand it so fundamentally that... fundamentally enough to create a Theory of the Dimensional Verse, a theory that could explain everything.

"Who am I to say that Dream Force isn't necessary? And by extension that weapon Forces aren't necessary?

'If I created the Dimensional Verse from scratch and left it to its own devices, could I say with 100% certainty that life wouldn't appear? That seems like a logical fallacy. Given the vastness of the universe, so long as enough planets and stars and solar systems and galaxies appear, life is bound to be formed... and if life is bound to be formed, then Dream Force is bound to be formed... and if Dream Force is bound to be formed, then derivatives of weapon Forces are bound to exist...

"When you frame things this way, isn't Dream Force and weapon Force just as inevitable as any other Force in existence... Who says that there isn't a fundamental law of nature that almost guarantees the creation of life...?

"Necessary... Necessary...'

The space around Leonel continued to tremble, growing more and more fierce with each passing moment. Spear Force seemed to manifest from nothing at all, becoming extensions of life ripped out from the atmosphere no differently from any other Force. Leonel suddenly found that just like he could use his Mage Core to control atmospheric Fire Force or Spatial Force or Light Force, he was actually also able to find strands of Spear Force as well...

No, he didn't find Spear Force, he birthed it. He made it necessary. By virtue of his existence, by virtue of the fact he was a living being who exuded Dream Force, he necessitated the existence of weapon Forces... he necessitated the existence of Spear Force.


The world quaked and Leonel's aura began to surge.

Leonel still didn't have a Theory of Existence, such a thing was far too beyond him. However, his very thinking itself had shifted, he realized that he had been wrong in his approach all this time.

Mastering the spear wasn't about deducing it like some sort of formula. However, mastering the spear also wasn't about listening to it as though it could whisper its truths to you either.

Even so, Leonel had no choice but to admit that Old Hutch's approach had been far closer to the truth than he had.

From the very beginning, Leonel had treated the spear like some synthetic creation separate from other Forces because it seemed manmade. But now he saw something different, his perspective shifted and he saw Spear Force for what it was.


Spear Force was no less naturally occurring than any other Force in existence.

ƥαṇdα-ηθνε|·ƈθm In that instant, let along the door to the Seventh Dimension, Leonel sensed the door to the Eighth. Whether it was his Spear Force or his Bow Force, the blows to both felt like they had been blown wide open.

Leonel's body trembled and a shocking pulse of Bow Force radiated out from his body. His Bow Force, which had always been a delicate white color, began to shimmer and change, becoming more and more gold with every passing second until it suddenly became no less resplendent than his Spear Force.

The barrier to Tier 5 shattered, and then the barrier to Tier 6 shattered right after it.

In one single step, Leonel crossed from Tier 4 of the Sixth Dimension to Tier 7.

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