Leonel sat on the back of an enormous rhino beast, it must have been the size of a small hill. At first glance, it wasn't even immediately obvious that it was a creature and looked more like a large patch of dried, grey land. However, the aura it radiated was a different matter entirely, especially considering the large crystal orb that Leonel held in his palm.

Leonel looked at the crystal orb that was larger than his own head and laughed to himself. How was he supposed to eat this, exactly? He would just have to hope that cracking it wouldn't cause him to lose too much of its essence.

Casually swinging his spear downward, Leonel shattered the crystal. Almost immediately, the energy began leaking out in all directions.

Leonel sighed. It seemed that he wouldn't be so lucky. However, he didn't give up.

With a large inhale, he tried to suck up everything he could. Without the ability to manipulate Force outside of his Spear Force, this was the best he could do. Surprisingly, things worked out better than he thought they would.

The Force was ripped toward him along with the wind, flooding into his lungs.

Leonel almost choked on the shards as they went down the wrong pipe, but luckily, when they entered his body, the shards dispersed into motes of energy, saving him from an embarrassing death.

'I really am too pathetic without my Ability Index," Leonel didn't know whether to laugh or cry, what a stupid mistake. That was the kind of mistake even a normal human wouldn't make, but he was so used to thinking at the speed of light that he was too confident in taking actions before he even finished his thought process all the way through.

Leonel leapt up and nodded with satisfaction.

He had finally cleared the evolved beasts in his new fused territory, it was about time he went hunting again. The next milestone was a hundred for Silver. He should be one of the first if not the first to reach a Bronze standard, so he had to press his advantage and slaughter his way through a few more territories.

The moment Leonel stepped out from his bubble, he found that there were actually a few options down this path, three to be exact. Two looked quite normal in that they were also large forests with a density of beasts, exactly like all the territories he had conquered until now. The last one however had a different sort of aura to it, and Leonel could see a building in the far off distance, likely located at its center.

Without hesitation, Leonel took this third option. This should be one of the challenging territories Nelligan had spoken about. There were any number of rewards to gain from it, whether it was a new spear or spear technique or an auxiliary treasure that could help you in the tribulation.

Leonel shot inside and streaked through the forest, keeping a sharp eye out for anything dangerous.


Raffyr Brazinger, the leader in name of the four Brazinger youths, was quite exasperated at the moment.

The instant they returned to this place, a place that, quite frankly, they had all seen as their backyard, they had been ambushed by Seventh Dimensional existences.

Although they were geniuses in their own right, the gap between the Sixth and Seventh Dimensions was far too great. Although this didn't mean that they were helpless against a Seventh Dimensional existence, fighting in that situation would have only ended poorly for them. After all, if they caught up fighting one, what would they do when a second or third involved themselves?

Under normal circumstances, Raffyr would have taken the risk. After all, the Moon wasn't too far away by the standard of their current means, so if they were attacked in such a fashion, help from their people shouldn't be far away.

However, Raffyr wasn't a fool. The fact that Earth had so boldly attacked made him feel that something was off. And, more oddly, the Seventh Dimensional individuals that had surrounded them weren't normal. In fact, they could be classified as geniuses. Although they weren't nearly as good as the best the Brazinger had, compared to the batch they had sent out this time under their current restrictions, they were still extraordinary.

Due to these factors, Raffyr and the others had chosen to take the safer approach.

But the moment they had, they found themselves in a dilemma.

The air space of Earth was completely monitored with what seemed like a Force Art on the scale Earth most definitely shouldn't have. They had no idea who could have possibly set up such a formation, but it made escaping Earth through the air nigh impossible.

Due to this, their only option was teleportation, but after a few attempts, they realized that the formation also had very strong restrictive properties. By the time they finally gathered up enough materials to create a formation stronger than what Earth's Force Art could stop, they ran into yet another problem: the path to the Moon was space locked and would require even stronger materials than what they had. Without a choice, they could only change their destination to a settlement of the Adurna family...

Only to run into even more problems.

The team of four had only just vanished and appeared in a distant location within the Milky Way, but not only did they find a planet that was almost entirely barren where they should have found thriving civilization, but Sarathana, Raffyr's elder and most silent sister, suddenly spoke.

"We've been tracked," she said softly.

The other three couldn't feel it, but she could.

A Force Art drawn on a large enough scale to encompass an entire planet was difficult to make perfect unless a much higher Dimensional existence went down in Dimension to draw it.

As such, it wasn't surprising that Earth's Force Art could be circumvented with the use of stronger materials.

However, it was obvious that whoever had drawn it had known this, so rather than fighting the inevitable, they let it happen and tagged the teleportation of the four instead. Now they likely only had a few moments before they were hunted down once more.

It was then that a familiar warp in space occurred and four blue haired individuals appeared.

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