1813 Any Time

Leonel knew the underlying problem here.

Spirituals had a far different concept of time than humans did as they lived over a hundred times longer. Raj didn't bother to try very hard to convince Yuri of anything in one part due to his own pride and personality, and another part due to the fact he didn't think she was trying very hard at all.

A year was already far too long, let alone a decade. To Raj, this ship had already sailed and had been over for a long time already, and it was only made worse by the last word Yuri had left him with after their last fight.

But this was another problem. Spirituals, especially Spiritual couples, could read intentions past their own words. Yuri could also read past Raj's intent and see into his soul. So, she had never really been all that enraged, she was just being stubborn. But when Raj made no attempt, she thought that he wasn't trying hard enough so she wanted him to try more.

These two factors, on one side being their difference in how they saw time, and on the other side being how they took words whether at face value or not, had led to such a situation.

Obviously, Yuri hadn't discarded her old body and built a new one, this was the very same body she had had long ago, so obviously she hadn't erased her history with Raj. But not only did Raj have no way of knowing that, he also hadn't seen her in almost a decade.

Raj had grown up on modern Earth, that kind of time frame was ridiculous. After a decade, you might as well be strangers at that point.

It was no wonder the two were so useless in a relationship. It was difficult enough to date a person who didn't share the same cultural background as you even if you were both human, let alone to date someone who was from a different species altogether. Without a willingness to communicate, they were bound to fail.

But luckily for them, Leonel had stopped giving a damn.

Yuri didn't think that Leonel would lie about this and she couldn't help but look toward Raj. Raj, who was still being a bit stubborn, looked away. He thought it would be a bit too corny of him to rely on his death to get a leg up, especially since he was obviously alive and well now.

But this reaction only made Yuri more certain that Leonel wasn't lying. Even though she couldn't read Leonel, she could read Raj quite well.

“Alright, alright? Good." Leonel nodded to himself, seemingly feeling satisfied with the silence.

"Wife!" "Hm?" Aina responded subconsciously, causing Leonel to grin.

"Excellent," Leonel nodded again, leaving Aina blushing once more. What a shameless tactic.

Just as Leonel was about to say something more, his eyes narrowed. On cue, Raylion opened the door. By his side, there was Sael, Aphestus and Emna.

"What happened?" Leonel asked.

"There's movement. There'll be an attack launched in about half a day." "Half a day?" Leonel raised an eyebrow before he smiled.

This was the benefit of having such a robust information network. Half a day actually wasn't long to prepare, but given the fact that all of this had likely been done in the utmost secrecy, and the fact the enemies attacking were almost certainly already within their territory, the fact that Etching Metal could give them a half day buffer was utterly ground breaking. It might as well have been akin to seeing the future.

Leonel couldn't help but chuckle. In his time in the Dimensional Verse, he was always on his back foot, always reading and reacting to what was happening instead of being proactive. But now that he had such an organization to fall back on, things just might come easy.

"Aphestus, this is for you," Leonel flipped over a palm and a box of pills appeared. He handed it to Aphestus. "These pills will synergize well with your Ability Index. They were prepared by my lovely wife, so be sure to thank her." Aina was beginning to get exasperated, but it felt like this wasn't the right time to say something.

"This is for you,’ Leonel repeated the same action for Raylion. "This will be less helpful to you than it is for Aphestus, and you'll also have to be far more careful. A single one of these Force Pills could kill you. You have to be mentally prepared and ready to endure pain. However, if you survive, this will set the foundation for you moving forward. I have something much better in mind for you, it'll just require some time to execute." Raylion solemnly accepted the box, but there was a clear flash of determination in his eye, not dampened by the worry in his wife's eyes.

"Sael, vou have a Unique Ability Index. I've reserved a spot for you in the Midas and Radix families’ territory. If you go there, you'll find a surprise and your strength will increase a hundredfold, easily." Sael's brows jumped.

Her Ability Index was, indeed, unique. Even with their information network and scanning through trillions upon trillions of people, she had never found a second one like her.

Leonel was certain that the complete inheritance of the Silver Empire was almost tailor made for Sael, she would most definitely thrive from its use, even more so than the Florer family.

"Here, Leonel handed Sael an Eighth Dimensional sapling similar to the one he had given Grey. With just this alone, her strength would increase quite a measure.

Sael accepted it solemnly as well, not knowing what to say. In all these years, she had wondered if her husband's faith in Leonel was warranted. But in just a few moments, he had handed over things beyond her wildest imagination. Just the scent of the pills he had given Raylion and Aphestus were enough to make her tremble.

"Emna..." Leonel sighed somewhat. "Your path is your own. I actually think that if I gave you external items now, it would actually hinder you as oppose to help you. You only need a hint of inspiration to cross that final barrier and more battle experience. Less assassination, more upfront, life threatening clashes.

"Are you prepared to do that?" Emna's gaze flashed with a fierce light and she nodded her head.

"Any time." The Blade Force around her seemed to sing.

"Good. Let's move out everyone. We're going to crush them all ina single sweep."

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