Leonel finally let Aina go when she really couldn't handle anymore. 

In truth, given the strength of her body, it was really hard to hit that limit, even going for days wouldn't be a problem. But this wasn't an issue of her strength, but rather one of her mind and nerves. There was only so much she could take before she was really overloaded and pleasure became pain, and unfortunately for her, Leonel was an expert at reading and reacting to such a thing. 

Leonel smiled with a more than content smile on his face, a feeling of euphoria spreading out across his body as he delved into the deepest parts of Aina's body, releasing what he had been building up for several hours already. 

It was the greatest feeling in the world, too great to be described in just a few words, so he didn't even bother to try. 

He collapsed onto the bed, beads of sweat falling down his brow. He was ready to pull out and take a nice rest, but Aina's hand gripped his wrist which rested on her hip. Toward this, he could only chuckle inwardly, of all the things this woman found the strength left to do it was actually this, it was more than a little amusing. 

Leonel wrapped his arms around her waist and obliged, falling into a deep sleep. 


Leonel awoke to the shuddering of the world around him. For a moment, he was groggy and confused until he snapped awake. 


Before, Leonel had been joking about crashing the ship, but to think he would actually mess up so royally. 

Leonel shot up. 

The situation wasn't bad, he had just accidentally navigated the warship into an asteroid belt. As things went, it could be far worse. But then again, it could also be far better. 

Running through the protocols, Leonel sent out his clones once again and activated a series of commands. Soon, the ship was enveloped by a forcefield of repellant Force and the shaking came to a stop. 

'What shit tier luck,' Leonel grumbled internally, '99.99% of space is empty and I just had to be the lucky guy that ran into an asteroid belt.'

Luckily, the ship was just fine. The rocks of this asteroid belt couldn't possibly hope to harm a ship of this caliber, it was more likely that the asteroid belt would be ground to dust before a scratch was left on this vessel. But Leonel wanted to be more cautious. After all, he definitely couldn't afford to build this ship currently and he only had one of them. 

Of course, there would come a time where this ship was useless to him, but that would be a problem for the future. 

The so-called 'self sustaining' nature of the ship was due to its self-contained nuclear fusion reactor. Given the core's quality, it could withstand a decade of heavy usage without running out of energy, and the best part was that there wouldn't be any significant changes until it ran to the very end of its lifespan. 

That said, heavy usage implied war torn times and the Human Domain hadn't seen such a thing in a very, very long time. Under normal, more benign use cases, even lasting a century wouldn't be a problem. 

This was only the third time this ship was ever used as there was rarely a need for it, as such its core was very fresh and new. Leonel didn't mind using it up a bit to make sure that nothing untoward happened to the ship as a whole. 

Leonel exhaled and wiped a bit of sweat off his brow. This could have definitely been worse, he could have been woken up to their crashing through a planet. 

This warship wasn't called a planetary warship without reason. It was bigger than most moons and could definitely run through some planets. The real trouble was what kind of damage would result in doing such a thing. 

Leonel was unwilling to find out just yet and he was lucky that he didn't have to. 

With everything handled, Leonel went back to the master room to find that Aina was still sleeping. This silly girl had actually slept through a near death catastrophe, he could only speechlessly commend her. 

Leonel sat on the bed and found his eyes drooping again. This time, he learned his lesson and put the warship in idle. He couldn't put his shiny new toy in harm's way again. 

He crawled into bed and shared the covers with Aina, his consciousness fading again. He didn't know why, but he just felt more tired than usual. 

As he went to sleep, he had vague thoughts about what he should do next and how to prepare. Gathering talents from the Void Palace was obviously impossible now so the only thing he could do was rely on more unproven talents. 

That said, he was quite lucky in this regard. Others would be screwed, but would he? Earth's territory would produce the greatest talents of the Human Domain given enough time, this was the power of a place with Eighth Dimensional potential. 

It seemed that he would definitely have to return to Earth first and reunite with his brothers. Then he could consider matters about the Oryx and the Umbra family. According to Valor, the Morales family had chosen to postpone the Heir War until they all entered the Seventh Dimension, so he could have quite some time. 

Leonel could feel that progress had slowed to a crawl after entering the Sixth Dimension. He was probably still a month or two away from entering Tier 2. At that pace, it would take him two years just to make it to Tier 9. 

The odds of that were slim, though. In all likelihood, it would take longer and longer the further he progressed. The fact he felt Tier 2 was just two months away in the first place was more a testament to his talent than anything else. 

Leonel drifted off to sleep once again, unable to finish his thoughts. 

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