Dimensional Descent

Chapter 1715 One For One

Let alone everyone else, even Aina's expression flickered when Leonel said this.

After a brief moment of surprise, DiVincenzo immediately believed that Leonel was speaking nonsense, and if he did so, there was even less to say about the marching warriors of Shield Cross Stars. With their training, it took more than just a few words for their focus to waver.

But who was Leonel? Was he a fool who couldn't understand something so simple?

The moment he finished speaking, his body flickered and vanished. When he appeared once again, not only was he right before Captain Wimword's troops, his body was enveloped by a radiant Bronze Aura that shone brighter than even gold.

With the way his hair danced and his spear struck forward, he looked like the descendent of a Greek God, everything from his demeanor to his aura releasing a stifling, undying pressure.

The sound in the world vanished and a vast painting seemed to unfurl to Leonel's back. Seas of blood, rains of bone, lands of flesh appeared. Anyone laying eyes on it felt their hearts tremble. In that moment, it felt as though the light smile that always hung from Leonel's lips was no more than a mask, a mask hiding behind it the black heart of a demon.

Leonel's spear became like a river of blood, the mere tremble of its tip causing tsunami-like waves to spread out to the left and right.

All the while, his gaze was locked onto Wimword's. There didn't seem to be any emotion behind it. There was no coldness, no happiness, no anger, no fury, there was nothing but a vast, unfathomable depth, one that seemed to peer even into the souls of those who looked into it.

Wimword shuddered, his expressionless visage finally trembling somewhat. The cadence of the march shifted only the slightest bit, but that was enough for the radiant shield to dim just the slightest bit.


Leonel's spear collided with the shield.

He felt as though he had met a steel wall with the fist of a mortal. His forearms and wrists trembled, threatening to snap on impact. However, at that moment, the radiant Bronze Aura trembled, spreading out the reverberating impact toward the ground beneath his feet and the air around him.

Small pockets of explosions surged in the surrounding area, a small measure of it reupping and fusing with Leonel's strike, increasing his strike by small margins at a time.


The eyes of DiVincenzo and the Shield Cross Stars warriors sharpened. A crack in their shield?! That was impossible! Considering the standard of officers used to form it, this should have been an impossible task for anyone beneath the Seventh Dimension! How could a Tier 1 Sixth Dimensional brat possibly accomplish this?!

Captain Wimword's irises flickered with a malevolent light. He waved a hand, sending out several military grade hand signs known by only the members of his troops. However, Leonel didn't need to understand to know that it must be an attack sequence. If all these people could do was defend, they would be too useless.

The power of this formation was something Leonel had already seen through, and it was something he could have seen through even if he hadn't personally read some anecdotes about it in the Void Library.

This defense was an exceptionally rare formation allowing perfect defense from one side and perfect transparency from the other. This meant that while under the protection of this formation, the warriors of Shield Cross Stars could still attack freely so long as it was done in a coordinated fashion that didn't disrupt the cadence that allowed them to use this formation in the first place.


A blur of red appeared to Leonel's side.

Even as she swung his ax, her beauty was truly unmatched. The powerful, streamlined outline of her body exploded forth with a hidden power that didn't seem possible.

The wind stacked up on the edge of her blade, following up on Leonel's strike in one smooth motion.

Leonel hadn't even fully retracted his spear when she acted. The timing couldn't have been more perfect.


Aina's battle ax's blade landed right where Leonel's spear point had just retracted from.

Like sparkling motes of light in the form of twinkling shards of glass, the radiant royal blue and silver illusory shield shattered.

A long distance away, DiVincenzo froze, but it was already too late.

Leonel only took a single step back to deal with the recoil before he shot through the opening the two had created as the officers of Wimword's troop coughed up blood beneath the backlash of their collapsed formation.

Aina took a step back as well, just a measure after Leonel, before quickly following up. The two were like a pair tied together by a tight string, following one after another completely in sync.

Leonel appeared before Wimword who took up the vanguard of the formation, his face wearing a malevolent grin.

His spear spun in his hands before it thrust forward, leaving several shadows in the air.

Wimword's expression changed. He immediately changed his hand signals and retreated, two of his vice captains following him as they settled into a formation of three as their troops followed suit.

Pockets of squads of three separated, but some were still too slow. They had just withstood the backlash of their formation collapsing, so how could they all reform another one so fast?

While it looked like Leonel was aiming for Wimword, the tips of his spear vanished and appeared in the surroundings.

Under the astonished gazes of many, his spear's range felt almost endless. No one within 10 meters was able to escape the wrath of his blade as he attacked as he pleased. If you were too close, your life would be reaped from yourself. It was as simple as that.



Truly Swift.

The spear shadows practically blotted out the skies as the might of the Morales shone forth.

Madmen. Generals of the battlefield. Reapers even amidst the carnage. Their spears blanketed the clouds and layered the earth. Absolute Spear Domain.

Half a dozen squads lost one or two members instantly, some of them even losing all three. Without their organized squadrons, they were no longer able to form their smaller shield formations, and better yet, those that were further away didn't have time to reinforce Wimword and his vice captains.

Aina shot by Leonel, causing Blood Force to rise into the air as she ripped the Life Force out of the falling corpses.

Leonel smiled. "Just me and you."

Leonel's gaze locked onto Wimword, the tip of his spear trembling and a rising tornado of golden Spear Force dancing around him as his three glorious white illusory tails rose into the skies behind him.

Wimword's heart skipped a beat, but he immediately forced himself to calm down.

Even if Aina held back the other members of his troops from interfering, Leonel was still speaking nonsense. What about the other 71 troops? She couldn't possibly stop them all as well, right? In just a few more breaths, they would be completely surrounded and they most definitely wouldn't get a chance to shatter another shield.

Considering the strength they had shown now, this was already their limit. Leonel definitely couldn't take him down in just a few seconds.

Star Fusion.

An eruption of starry blue Force rushed into being around Leonel, making him look like the incarnation of a deity.

His pores opened, a dense blue fog akin to a radiant nebula spreading out around him.



In an instant it all turned a furious shade of red.

Leonel took a step forward, the ground beneath him shattering into an avalanche of rock and stone.

In that moment, he remembered when he first came to the Void Palace. Cutting down a single tree was impossible, he couldn't even leave a scratch on the ground, even using his Internal Sight beyond a few meters was impossible.

But now, on his way out, he could do as he pleased. This landscape, if he wanted it to change, it had no right to tell him no!


Wimword's formation shield shattered beneath Leonel's aura alone, a single rogue strand of Spear Force no thicker than a hair whipping against it and collapsing its entire structure.

It was only now that those watching realized that Leonel had yet to put in his full effort. While others had reached their upper limits, he was still scratching the surface of his potential.

Leonel took another step forward, casually flicking his wrist.


pAn,Da n<0,>v,e1 The ground his spear swept by rose into the air, forming a hill of earth so large that an entire half of the troops found themselves facing the descent of a mighty mountain crashing toward their heads.

Just as Leonel took a third step, he disappeared in a flicker of crimson. When he appeared again, his spear was at Wimword's throat, a moment away from piercing right through.

Wimword's body trembled, veins popping out across his forehead until he suddenly roared.

Just when it seemed like Wimword would be skewered through, Leonel's spear passed through nothing but air.

However, just the residual aura of Leonel's strike alone caused Wimword's two vice captains to burst into clouds of blood.

Leonel slowly retracted his spear. Despite missing, there was a grin on his face as Wimword slowly appeared again about five meters from him.

The entire battlefield froze and even in the far off distance, DiVincenzo and the Void Elders also froze until a furious expression appeared on Galienne's wrinkled face.


There was only one race in existence capable of using such a formless movement technique. "Wimword" had exposed himself, and by proxy, he had exposed Zylgella and Urrith.

If Leonel was one for one, he was almost assuredly three for three as well.

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