Dimensional Descent

Chapter 1686 Rippling Image

Leonel closed his eyes, basking in the familiar feedback loop from his brain to his eyes and back again.

The Eighth Floor had given him slowed vision. It was almost as though the frames by which he saw the world in were multiplied several times over and filtered through his brain one by one at such a fast pace that it gave the illusion that everything was actually slowing in his eyes.

The Ninth Floor gave him what he could only describe as space eyes. Rather than seeing things move in space, he could see space itself. The world became like multiple planes of space stacked on top of one another and he could follow the ripples within it. It felt like he was watching the cause and effect of the foundation of physics itself.

When observing the spatial planes, even the tiniest of movements couldn't escape him. Let alone watching muscle fibers, he could see the impact of what someone had done and the effect that would have one what they would do. He could see a person's strength simply by the virtue of the impact they had on the world around them and he could even experience the kinds of Force this person could put into action.

The Tenth Floor flattened everything, concentrating it all into a single plane. If the Sixth Floor allowed him to see in three-dimensions, the Tenth simplified it all, concentrating it into not two-dimensions, but just a single dimension.

This simplification allowed Leonel to process greatly complex images in a single glance. If he was mortal, optical illusions and tricks of the mind would have become useless against him. However, with his current strength, this meant that he could see through real illusions with a single glance. Nothing designed to trick his eyes could possibly work.

But this wasn't all. When the Spatial Eyes of the Ninth Floor and the Single Line Eyes of the Tenth were combined, Leonel could shrink space with his eyes.

What did this mean? It essentially meant that rather than being limited to seeing in a linear fashion, with the starting point being his eyes and the end point being a certain location in the distance, he could shrink space with his vision and choose a starting point that was much further ahead.

For example, the current limit of Leonel's vision was about 100 kilometers of crystal clear image. This was thanks to the First Floor's rewards and it was already excellent. But if he wanted to see something 101 kilometers away, it would be far too blurry to make out.

However, if he shrunk space with his vision, he could make the starting point 100 kilometers away from himself and see up to 200 kilometers away!

Of course, the weakness of this ability was that everything from 0 to 100 kilometers would become a blur as a tradeoff. But this ability could be greatly useful depending on the circumstances.

The Eleventh Floor, though, made these rewards seem minimal and fleeting…

Time Eyes.

The reward of the fourth floor allowed Leonel to see things not only in the three-dimensions clearly, but also gain insight into the fourth-dimension.

According to Earth's theory of relativity, there were four dimensions that dictated all things, three dimensions of space and one dimension of time. The faster one moved in relation to light through the three dimensions of space, the slower you would move through the fourth dimension of time in the eyes of others.

The Eleventh Floor's time eyes culminated all of the previous floor's eyes into one, allowing Leonel to use his vision to play with the laws of relativity and make the sights he was seeing relatively slower to himself.

What did this mean? Simply put, when his time eyes were activated, the movement of others would become far slower, increasing his ability to see through their methods, actions and react to them far faster.

Eventually, this all led to the Twelfth Floor…

Among all of the given abilities aside from the first floor's, this was probably the simplest. Simply put, it allowed Leonel to emit Force from his vision.

pAn,Da n<0,>v,e1 By this point, after everything the other floors had given, one might feel that this reward was far too lackluster to represent the pinnacle of this Lineage Factor. However, Leonel did not believe this at all. In fact, he felt that this reward was truly worthy of being the final reward.

If he was correct about how he could apply this, let alone his archery, all of his abilities would take a qualitative leap forward given time. The only unfortunate part was that he couldn't fuse these abilities into one and had to waste a lot of effort and stamina stacking them all at once to make them as effective as they could be.

The process finally came to a stop and Leonel exhaled, slowly opening his eyes.

'That should be it…' Leonel thought to himself, ready to leave.

However, before he could do so, he froze.

Before him, a rippling image began to form. As the image sharpened, so did his own pupils. When Leonel understood what he was seeing, his heart skipped a beat.

In the rippling image, a young man sat in silent meditation. He looked like a statue carved out of the finest gems, so beautiful that he didn't seem like a living being. Every part of him was perfect. Not a single strand of hair was out of place, there wasn't a single blemish to be found on his skin, not a single wrinkle to be found in his clothing.

Seemingly sensing that he was being observed, the young man slowly opened his eyes, looking forward toward what seemed like empty space until he locked eyes with Leonel.

Leonel didn't need to think to know what had happened. This young man's vision had crossed countless light years, using the tenth floor's space shrinking ability to land directly on him.

Despite this, Leonel calmly looked through the ripples, knowing that he couldn't accomplish what the young man had. However, this time, he wasn't focused on the young man's looks. Instead, he was looking at the ring on his finger.

Even without ever having seen this ring before, he could still recognize it at a glance.

The Bow Domain Ring was with a genius of the Spirituals.

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