Dimensional Descent

Chapter 1581 Grand Display

Leonel closed his eyes.

With his Dream World now capable of projecting outside, focusing on any one thing was all too easy. This had already been proven when he went through so many years of Void Palace history in just a few seconds. Now, it once again came in handy.

However, what Leonel didn't expect was for him to suddenly and so forcefully be sucked in. In fact, meditating on the Dark Star Force tablet was far easier than it ever had been with the Light Star Force tablet.

Of course, the reason for this was because he hadn't awakened his Starry Tailed Fox's Starry Spirit Domain back then. But that didn't make the feeling any less magical.

If before Leonel could vaguely touch upon the exterior mysteries and slowly meditate on them, right this moment, he felt like he had been sucked into a vast and endless world, one no less complex than the one he was used to. And yet, all he could see in this world were three large and looming figures.

The first was mysterious and ethereal. It didn't seem to have a true form and its body was a vague, uncondensed fog. However, the one portion of it that was the most prominent and powerful was its protruding tail.

This tail seemed capable of crushing mountains, of splitting oceans, and shattering the skies. A single sweep encompassed the whole world.

The second had wings that seemed capable of enveloping an entire planet. When it rose its head and roared into the skies, stars exploded and worlds were destroyed. Its body radiated a dark silver that sometimes shone as bright as a sun but what often as black as an endless light.

The third was a grand creature of white and black. Its palms carried a strength that could choose to hold up a world or crush it. Its body was sturdy and impregnable, carrying with it a rumbling power and a towering defense.

Leonel knew the names of these creatures, but he didn't quite know how to react to them being portrayed in such a grand light.

The Shadow Tail. The Dusky Steel Bat. The Aurora Black Panda.

These were names that he had heard from Wise Star Order and they were the counterparts to the Snowy Star Owl, the White Stone Elephant and the Starry Tailed Fox. This meant that the first was Sixth Dimensional, and the two latter ones were Seventh Dimensional with the Aurora Black Panda being at the very pinnacle of the Seventh Dimension.

Knowing this, it was obviously impossible for these creatures to have such strength.

Splitting the skies? Destroying worlds? Shattering stars? Even Eighth Dimensional creatures shouldn't have such strength unless they returned to a Fourth or Fifth Dimensional world.

If the worlds these creatures were in were indeed so weak, it would explain things. But why had they displayed themselves in such weak worlds, what was the point? And even then, how would that explain their size? The Dusky Steel Bat was quite literally able to envelop a planet with its wings! There shouldn't be a single creature with that size!

Leonel's heart shuddered, suddenly remembering something. His Dreamscape tried hard to spark, connecting two events that were seemingly entirely unrelated. But now matter how hard he thought, he couldn't for the life of him figure out what should bridge them.

All Leonel could think of was the size of beast he had ridden to come here in the first place… And think back to the first day he awakened his Snowy Star Owl Lineage Factor…

Back then, how majestic had the Snowy Star Owl seemed to him? With a single flap of its wings, it crossed an entire galaxy in a blink, arriving before Leonel with those caring, wise eyes just as he awakened the first of his Branches.

It wasn't until later that he learned that the Snowy Star Owl was actually so "weak"… But was it truly weak? Wasn't it just as grand as these displays here?

He hadn't been conscious of the awakening of his Starry Tailed Fox Lineage Factor, but he wouldn't be surprised if it was just as grand as well.

There was clearly a secret here that he didn't understand.

Leonel didn't discount the possibility that this was just yet another creator of a technique blowing their own trumpet… But hadn't he spent years underestimating [Dimensional Cleanse] before he realized that maybe its creator had actually been a bit too modest? What if this was yet another case of the same matter?

'I feel like… I can choose…'

Leonel's expression flickered.

With these three enormous beasts staring down at him as he stood in the depths of a void, he should have felt fear, fear that came from the depths of his heart. But he didn't feel that at all… In fact, all he felt was familiarity, understanding, and a calmness that reached to the depths of his soul.

'Then it'll be you.'

Leonel reached out toward the Aurora Black Panda. It was the one he understood the abilities of the most perfectly and also one he felt was very much complimentary to his current Starry Tailed Fox Lineage Factor.

Like Wise Star Order had said it too had a Healing Branch, a Strength Branch and a Wisdom Branch, similar to the White Stone Elephant. However, it manifested in completely different ways. 

The Strength Branch spoke for itself, although instead of manifesting into physical changes, it instead formed a curtain of Force around Leonel that displayed strength beyond relying just on Leonel's body.

The Healing Branch acted as a life steal, taking and snatching from others to fuel it even further.

And finally, the Wisdom Branch instead manifested as a Domain, the Yin-Yang Domain specifically, which acted as a balancer in the middle of battle. It could take the strength of an opposing Force and turn it into your own, working especially well against diametrically opposed Forces…

However, this was just Leonel's understanding of prior to the synergy Aina spoke of… As for what it would be now… He would have to find out.

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