Leonel shook his head.

The real reason he asked Aina what she saw was to see if there would be anything like that Silver Tablet of his, but it seemed that the answer was no.

Because Aina's father's Bronze Tablet seemed to share similar abilities, he had been tricked into thinking that they were far more common than he originally assumed. But what if that wasn't the case? What if it was just a coincidence that he just so happened to run into another such Tablet?

Regardless, there was no point in dwelling on it any longer. He would only have one more opportunity to check the Top Prizes, and he didn't even have any intention of fighting for it. The Fiend Class was simply beyond him right now.

Not only was the talent far greater, their Realms and Tiers were too far beyond him.

As powerful as Leonel's Dream Force had become, his Ability Index still didn't allow it to project outside of his body. So, he was unable to use it to affect others. Even if they entered the range of his Starry Spirit Domain, at most he'd just be able to show them what was in his Dream World.

These were the restraints of his Ability Index and he would simply need to learn to accept them.

However, that wasn't to say that the results were lackluster. In fact, Leonel's Tier 4 Control Ability Index had become so powerful now that he could hardly believe it. He even had a certain hypothesis, which, if found to be correct, could change everything for him.

But for now, there were other things to deal with first.

"Okay, let's go. One more stop."

Aina accepted Leonel's hand and nodded as well.

Before the pair left, Leonel made sure to trade for a Vital Star Force Mantra. His weakest affinity was in it, so without such a Mantra, he didn't know how long it would take him to truly master Vital Star Force.

As for a Scarlet Star Force Mantra, he didn't need one. Why would he? He already had the complete Rune in his right kidney. Compared to a Mantra, this was even more valuable. With the current strength of his mind, it was only a matter of time before he also brought his Scarlet Star Force to the pinnacle of the Seventh Dimension as well.

Of course, there was another problem… And that was that this place didn't even have a Scarlet Star Force Mantra even if he did want to trade for it.

What was truly lamentable was that there wasn't a Void Star Force Mantra either. It seemed that his hypothesis would have to work out if he wanted anything more than the bareboned ability of those two Stars currently in his Ethereal Glabella.

The good news was that Leonel was able to trade for a Blood Force and Life Force Mantra for Aina. Each cost billions, but it was a worthwhile investment. He would definitely have Aina start mastering [Dimensional Cleanse] as quickly as possible, so she would soon need them.

This did make Leonel wonder, though. Dream Force and Life Force were at least as valuable as Void Star Force and Scarlet Star Force, so why were the former two present, but the latter two weren't?

There was probably something else about this that Leonel didn't quite understand. But he hoped that there would be a Void Star Force to trade for in the coming Sector.

Leonel and Aina entered the Fiend Class Sector not long afterward, but they were surprised to find that there wasn't a city here at all where they thought they would find one. Instead, it was like they were transported right into the demon world.

Leonel's brows furrowed. "Shit…"

It wasn't "like" they were transported, they really had been. It seemed that the battlefield for the Fiend Class Sector was the real demon world. But that was a huge problem.

"What's wrong?" Aina asked, worried.

"If we're here, it makes my plan more difficult. The spatial barriers around here would make the calculations much more difficult to pin down, and it makes it worse that there's this evolved Anarchic Force in the air. The materials I've already gathered only have a 20% chance of working in this place. We would need to return to the human world to give ourselves the best chance."

Hearing this, Aina's brows also furrowed.

There were too many enemies outside. Even setting aside Ophelia and whatever organizations that might be pissed by their monopolization of three different Top Prizes, Leonel still hadn't forgotten about the Oliidark family.

His original plan for revenge was to just let them deal with the fallout of this matter. But now, it seemed that he would have to face them head on. It was already too late to adjust his original plan.

To make matters worse, because they were currently in this place, there was no huge amount of high Dimensional materials for Leonel to use to form another construct.

Leonel had already abandoned the previous one because he knew it wasn't powerful enough to move the needle in the Fiend Class Sector, it would just drag them down and make them a huge target. But now, he almost regretted that decision. Some protection would be better than none.

Leonel took a breath and exhaled, his heartbeat slowing to a crawl and his mind cooling down. The issue with thinking so fast was that you also thought of all of the potential problems all at once as well. It was helpful sometimes, but it was often easy to over analyze as well.

Were they in danger of death? Yes.

Was it likely, though? Not with him here.

Leonel's expression went cold. All at once, both he and Aina manifested their weapons, turning in the same direction at once.

The ground rumbled and the trees toppled over, a lumbering four meter tall figure walking forward slowly. Everything in its path was flattened, crushed like weeds.

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