Leonel was only stunned for a moment before a huge grin spread across his face.

It was unlikely that Aina would know it was him. After all, his last name had been changed and Leonel wasn't exactly an obscure name. However, even given that this city was easily ten times as large as the already large one he had just been in, Leonel would definitely find her soon.

He didn't quite understand why it was that Aina could use her Force while everyone else couldn't, but he felt like the secret behind this was another clue to understand the secrets of this odd Zone.

Of course, it was also possible that his Aina was just that amazing, but that was his rosy glasses talking. There was definitely something deeper here.

Leonel suddenly felt a lot lighter on his feet. Now that he was certain that Aina was okay, he only had to confirm his mother's safety and his mind would truly be free.

Leonel was relatively more confident in his mother, though. Even if this world took away his mother's ability to use Force, with her being so close to the Seventh Dimension, her body should be more than strong enough to handle herself in the wilderness.

From what Leonel understood after meeting Myghell and Noah, though their Force was locked away, the additional strength their bodies had gained while upgrading through the dimensions was not small at all. They were still able to use their bodies to hold their own and fight against the weaker enemies who couldn't find their place in the cities.

Due to this, Leonel had been relatively less worried about his mother than Aina who had yet to step into the Sixth Dimension. But given her current display of strength, Leonel was certain that she had taken that step just like he had.

With a smile on his face, Leonel shot forward. He didn't care about anything else. First he would reunite with Aina. Together, they were far stronger. If they put their heads together, his plan, which would have been a bit difficult to accomplish at first, would almost become a breeze.

In addition, he would be able to hide more of his strength if he was by Aina's side as well. After this event concluded, he would need to leave to find a secluded place to execute his plan. The more of his strength he showed before that, the more detrimental to their escape it would be.

Mistress Oliidark might not be the strongest Seventh Star there was, but she was still a Seventh Star. Leonel had to be very careful about how he handled her and he still hadn't forgotten the brand on his shoulder blade.

Very soon, he would burn it to ash, but he couldn't do so just yet.

The reason for this was simple. Leonel would be naïve to think that things would just end after he swept through these Class Sectors. Even if he spared their geniuses, there would be many organizations who still thought that it was only natural as though he owed them something.

It could be said that Leonel had spared their lives not because he thought it would definitely protect him, but rather to mitigate risk. Humans were complex creatures and there were bound to be some with consciences. It didn't make sense for him to accidentally offend such individuals and give them a reason to stab them in the back.

As for those that were more shameless, Mistress Oliidark would be his perfect cover. So long as it wasn't clear and obvious he had fallen out with Mistress Oliidark, the morally superior side would be with the Oliidark family.

Leonel wasn't a fool. He felt that Mistress Oliidark likely had a trump card or two that she hadn't used, or else she wouldn't dare send him into such a world of opportunity.

While clinging to that trump card, she would fight tooth and nail to keep Leonel to her side, which would definitely benefit Leonel.

With her thinking that she could still control him, things would become much simpler to handle and even the so-called Great Families might step in to protect the order.

Just the fact that these organizations that were breaking rules didn't dare to do so openly told Leonel all he needed to know about the kind of lines that were being toed. The Great Families might allow some underhanded methods, but they wouldn't allow outright cheating.

This was the sort of mentality that bred the kind of dog eat dog world this was, but right now, that fine line was exactly what Leonel needed and was looking for.

Leonel dodged out of the way of a black steed. With a single sidestep, his hand clamped down like a claw, a surge of Spear Force shredding its head into pieces.

He was starting to get annoyed by these demons. If they weren't here, he would find Aina a lot quicker.

'This city is too large to just roam around aimlessly. I guess the best choice is just to charge toward the center.'

At that moment, Leonel's points began to take large leaps of hundreds of points at a time. The High Class Sector geniuses didn't have so many more points than him because they were that much more powerful, but rather because the High Class demons in this place that they had the option to kill were worth far more Demon Points.

Although Leonel also had to put in more effort and couldn't use his Absolute Spear Domain to shred them apart anymore—at least not in his base form—the reward was also several times better anyway.

Leonel swiftly crossed the 100 000 Demon Points that he had lost to make it here in the first place, every kill netting him at least 100 to 500 points. He was absolutely relentless, working even harder than he had for the Bronze Tablet.

At that moment, though, several portals opened up along the roofs of the shops he was running by.

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