Dimensional Descent

Chapter 1536 Shock And Silence

The inside of the city was unlike what Leonel had expected. Or, it was more accurate to say that this so-called gathering was completely unlike what he expected.

He could sense several Force Arts in the surroundings designed purely for monitoring. This meant that they were being watched from all sides. Leonel concluded that since Mistress Oliidark and the others hadn't followed them into the city, they were using this method instead to check for progress.

Leonel had expected a tournament of some sort, but what he got instead was probably akin to hell on earth.

When they entered the city, they found themselves enveloped by a bubble of energy. All around them was what looked like a normal city with stores, residences and even sky rises. However, the issue was that all of these things were surrounded by demons.

Every group that entered the city was given a protective bubble of energy and could only watch in horror as large numbers of demons tried to scratch and claw at them, only to fail. It suddenly became very obvious that this protective bubble and the tall city walls didn't exist to protect those from the outside from coming in. Rather, it was the exact opposite. They were designed to keep these demons in.

In fact, when Leonel turned back, he couldn't even see the city walls any longer. Just like when he had entered the demon world, it was as though he had entered an all new space completely separate from the outside world.

At that moment, an automated message played in Leonel's mind explaining the proceedings. Then, with an unceremonious POP! his energy bubble vanished and he was dropped into a sea of demons.

Leonel raised an eyebrow as several demons swept at him. They were clearly only Low Class Demons and didn't pose much of a threat to him, but there were several others around Leonel who were instantly overwhelmed, being unceremoniously shredded to pieces.

Leonel dodged out of the way of a claw and stepped forward at the same time. His arm shot forward parallel to the arm of a wolf man demon and his fingers tapped its forehead.

In one moment, the wolf man was just fine, but in the next, its head was shredded to pieces. It was as though Leonel didn't need to try to kill Low Class demons in the slightest.

The strongest demon Leonel had faced until this point was the unicorn demon and it was a middle Low Class Demon. Back then, he had been forced to use 30% of strength. And, against the lower Low Class Demons, he probably had to use 10%.

Now, against the lower Low Class Demon, he didn't even have to bring out his spear, let alone use so much strength.

According to the voice that Leonel had just heard, the city was actually divided into Bubble Classes. Because they were Middle Class participants, they were directly transported to the Middle Class region.

This city was filled with nothing but participants and demons were their currency. Only by killing demons could they buy safety, rest, food and resources. In addition, if they performed extremely well, rather than just making enough to survive until the time period, they could exchange exactly this "currency" they had made for special prizes that would bolster their strength.

The names of the participants would be ranked on a leaderboard and the cities with the best performing triplet teams would gain prizes directly from the Four Great Families. These were the rewards the cities and the families that controlled them were most looking forward to.

These prizes would include relief from the Great Families, immunity from lottery draws to be drafted to needed areas, and a larger quota of resources for the next coming years.

It was the first time that the Four Great Families were doing such a thing, but even if it was the first time, it made those hopefuls no less wanting.

It was no wonder Mistress Oliidark was willing to swallow her grievances and put forward the best candidates. If she could bring her husband and son-in-law back home, then suffering a small bit of disrespect from Leonel wasn't a big deal at all.

Leonel's eyes glowed. As expected, this was a great opportunity.

The prizes the cities would get weren't intriguing to him. After all, they were designed to only be useful to large powers to begin with.

The prizes that he could earn himself by using and spending his Demon Points was a different matter entirely.

Leonel completely ignored Slaton and Sebastian, not even trying to team up with them like the other groups had. He had no interest in such things, they would only drag him down. In addition, there was very clearly a hidden rule here that most would be eyeing.

Killing demons would get your Demon Points… But so would killing those with the Demon Points to begin with.

Leonel had no way of knowing what Mistress Oliidark had secretly whispered into their ears, but he had no plans to give his back to these people to protect. Leonel didn't believe for an instant that Mistress Oliidark had left him in the dark about the rules by accident.

Leonel's Absolute Spear Domain flourished to life, shredding apart every demon that stepped without five meters of him. His pace of killing was mind numbing. In just a few seconds, he had already left those that had spawned with him in the dust.

There was something else about these rules that greatly intrigued Leonel as his ranking quickly shot up.

It emphasized that he had been spawned into the Middle Class region. Did that mean that there was a chance to exchange his Demon Points to enter a higher region? And if there was, he had a feeling that there would be even better prizes to exchange for there…

In a location high in the sky, floating in a cloud above, a gathering of elders, family heads and organization heads came together. Several leaderboards could be seen and various groups found their own and intently focused on it.

On the side, several screens of live action played, but they mostly focused on high rankers or interesting life and death situations.

When the new arrivals came, without pause, they all moved forward to greet the same man sitting high on a throne.

He had a head of vibrant blue hair and just as blue eyes, his aura wafting outward in suffocating waves. Everything about his air screams majestic and mighty, not to mention impregnable.

Mistress Oliidark bowed lowly and paid her respects. After a few seconds she raised her head and turned away. The man never acknowledged any of them, but this was already to be expected.

What wasn't expected, though, was that if Leonel was here he would have been shocked and silent. His mind would spin, unable to quite compute what he was seeing. 

Whether it was the hair, the eyes, even down the exact aura, this man was a perfect replica. It was impossible for it to be a coincidence. But the question was…

What was a member of the Adurna family of Earth doing in a Mythological Zone like this? 

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