<Principles of Controlling Space Under the Influence of Anarchic Force>

Leonel found his mind enveloped, his pupils flickering and bouncing aimlessly as he seemed to be 'reading' through something despite the fact there was nothing but a mote of light before him. It took much more time to go through this information. It was dense and its explanations were far deeper than just words of written law.

The principles felt more profound than anything Leonel had ever read before.

This knowledge in particular didn't fall under the category of technique or historical recounting, rather, it felt more like a PhD thesis. There were a ton of references and much of it was actually theory. But, as Leonel's mind sunk further and further into it, his comprehension seemed to open up.

Without even trying, the references noted in the research paper shot over from a distance, adding themselves to Leonel's network of their own volition.

Some were actually Seventh Dimensional, but the vast majority were Fifth Dimensional.

'So focusing on research papers is actually another shortcut. This is good to know.'

Leonel hadn't realized this before for quite a simple reason. There simply were no research papers of the Fourth Dimension. All the information of the Fourth Dimension were either cold hard facts or techniques. After all, everything in the Fourth Dimension had practically already been excavated and comprehended to the fullest extent.

They were no longer 'theories', they were just objective realities.

It took Leonel a few minutes, but he finally went through it all. Pulling his mind back, he exhaled a long breath.


The research paper wasn't anything groundbreaking. Like most PhD's, it was just a tweak and critique of a smaller theory that already existed. In fact, it was one of many that worked on expounding the same theory, which made it far more reliable as it wasn't some out there shot in the dark.

According to the paper, manipulating space in Anarchic Force was difficult for reasons outside of their expectations. Anarchic Force didn't destroy things, it devoured things, turning them into nothing as though they never existed in the first place.

But, what did that mean for space?

It had to be remembered that those with high attainments in Spatial Force were seen to be great threats to the point where most strongholds had counters for them despite their rarity. Leonel had experienced this personally during his battle for Earth and its subsidiary planets.

Space was ubiquitous, but it was also the only type of Force that was easier to use the less of it there was.

The more Spatial Force there was in the region, the more solid the space was, and thus the more difficult it was to use Spatial Force for maneuvering.

The research paper claimed, then, that one shouldn't be fighting against Anarchic Force when manipulating Spatial Force in this sort of environment. Rather, one should make use of Anarchic Force to help.

Of course, one couldn't just take control of Anarchic Force. Leonel wasn't sure that there was anyone that could control Anarchic Force, it did as it pleased and there was no existence with an 'affinity' for it. Even Void Beasts could only be considered immune, but that didn't give them the right to control Anarchic Force. Only the Regulator could do that.

However, you could take advantage of the characteristics of Anarchic Force to make it work for you.

Anarchic Force flowed toward regions of high Force concentrations, its instinct was to devour. If you made use of this to force Anarchic Force to target and create a flaw in space, then teleporting would actually become easy.

There were obviously many problems with this theory.

For example, the Anarchic Force you used wouldn't just vanish after it was done with its task, it would obviously see be there. Even in the best case, you would have to keep the teleportation short to cut off the hounding of Anarchic Force toward yourself. In the worst case, you would die mid teleportation, devoured by the battle between space and Anarchic Force.

The research paper posited several solutions to this which included several Force manipulation and pattern techniques.

In one example, they suggested forming your Force into a maze-like lotus formation. According to their research, Anarchic Force took the longest to get to the center of such a formation of Force as it had to devour the outer structural integrity first.

This design allowed the inner workings to remain unharmed and structurally sound during the teleportation.

According to this, this method was safe for movements within ten meters, any further and the structure would crumble before you could make it out.

Of course, the idea of forming a complex maze-lotus monstrosity in the middle of battle all for the sake of teleporting just ten meters was ridiculous.

Even back in his Camelot days, it only took Leonel about two or three seconds to cast even the most complicated of techniques. If he used this method, it would take even his current self upwards of five seconds to finish.


Leonel's gaze narrowed. Because he could now project his Dream World into the real world so long as it was within his Starry Spirit Domain, his control within that region was unprecedented. It was like his control of his own body had extended out from him.

While it would theoretically take time to form his maze-lotus with his Spatial Force or his Ethereal Star Force which had spatial attributes, he could form it in less than a single blink of an eye with his Dream Force.

If he projected that maze-lotus into the real world, and then set a command within his body to constrain his Spatial Force to that area and that area alone…

'It would take me about half a second with that approach. That's still quite a long time in battles at this level, but it'll also be troublesome if my enemies can just see what I'm preparing in advance…'

Leonel's gaze glowed.

Who said his enemies had to see what he was preparing? It was his Dream World, he could make it invisible if he wanted to.

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