Leonel's eyes sharpened, his pale violet hair becoming a bright white before lengthening to the point it waved out to his back like a river of light.

His side burns grew with the same blinding white, his canines continuing to grow to the point that they were almost double the length of any of his other teeth.

His pale violet eyes flashed with a white-gold light, his dilated pupils growing even larger. His field of view became monstrous.

A normal human, even at higher Dimensions, would only have a focused view of about five degrees and a sharp view about 30 degrees. But, Leonel's had grown to 90 degrees! At the same time, his peripheral vision had increased from just about 200 degrees to just over 330, with only the remaining 30 degrees centralized to the back of his head.

Nothing could escape Leonel's vision. It was as though the entire world had opened up to him.

Aina charged forward and he wasn't far behind. He only had ten arrows with him, but they were more than enough to start this off with a bang.

He nocked two arrows as Aina charged forward, his eyes glowing with such a radiant light that his dilated pupils could no longer be seen. It was almost as though his eyes had been replaced by two dancing white gold flames that licked against his eyelashes and brows.

In that moment, Leonel released his arrows.

They twirled through the air as though they had minds of their own, whizzing by Aina's ears and appearing before the throats of two royal guards that had already stood in her way to stop her.

The expressions of the two Sparrow guards changed, brandishing their short spears to block. However, this decision was the worst one to make.

The moment they moved to block, Aina's foot smashed against the ground. What had already seemed to be her greatest speed doubled, the air around her front collapsing like a clap of thunder as she appeared before the two guards.

A towering Blade Force surged.

Leonel thought it felt like a sword at first, and then it felt like a spear, and then a rod, before it finally settled into the form of an ax, shattering past a barrier and sparkling with the grace of a Level Three Blade Force.

Sixth Dimensional Battle Ax Force.

Two heads soared into the air, spurts of blood following their arc through the air.

Leonel's arrows had long since ricocheted off of their short spears. His pupils flickered within the dense gold they hid behind, reading trajectories as a cascade of numbers flooded his senses.

Even as his eyes bounced back and forth, and Aina charged forward, his free hand had already reached for his arrow, pulling out three and sliding each one between his fingers.

He watched as his first two shot arrows spun wildly in the air, having been knocked off to the side.

From all sides, noble guards surged toward Aina, while only a few along with some more fearless nobles charged for Leonel. But, he didn't seem to see them at all. His eyes focused on the spinning arrows through the air. They rotated with speed that could put anyone in the Fifth Dimension to shame, and yet to Leonel…

They flowed oh so slowly.

Leonel nocked three arrows, their tips blazing with Level Two Bow Force as he exhaled, a golden breath leaving his lips as though the skies themselves were sighing as the elegance of his shot.

The three arrows shot through the air, curving past the heads of several guards and appeared before their targets in the blink of an eye.

The leftmost arrow caught up with Leonel's spinning arrow. In Leonel's eyes, the event couldn't have been slower. Both arrows rushed by one another, completely perpendicular. However, just as the blazing arrow passed by the spinning arrow not by more than a hair's breadth, a portion of Leonel's Bow Force influenced it.

As though being given new life, the spinning arrow shook in the air, its spinning momentum along its length becoming concentrated into a spiral along its width.

The arrow became like a drill bit. Catching a royal guard off guard, it shot through the Pixie's head, sending her flying to the side only for her corpse to be pinned to an opposite wall.

The scene replayed itself on the right side. But, this time, both arrows applied pressure on the rotating arrow, causing it to pass through the heads of not just one royal guard, but two.

Leonel's three shot arrows continued blazing a trail forward, their trajectories suddenly shifting drastically to aim for the head of the King as though this was the main goal all along.

The sudden change caught the royal guard off guard, but they were still ready. They dove before the two thrones, brandishing their weapons and their Force as they rose into the air, their wings flapping and rising them into the air.

Unfortunately, but now, Aina had gained the blood of not just one, but five separate royal guards. The crimson blood, tinged with a hint of violet, danced behind her.

Her steps came to a heavy stop, the soles of her shoes gliding along the polished marble floor of the Throne Room as she pulled her ax back, her back flexing and her polearm bending beneath the might of her gathering momentum.

The five globules of blood gathered, coating her blade and blazing with life. Fueled with the vitality of five Sixth Dimensional powerhouses, the power was unprecedented. Even further fueled by her Sixth Dimensional Battle Ax Force, and it was like her attack was given the wings of an angel as it shot forward.

The scythe of crimson shot forward like a wave, cutting down everything in its path and even bisecting some nobles scrambling to the side.

The solemn expression of the royal guards couldn't change anything. Their weapons were torn in two, their bodies being sent flying backward.

However, it was right at that moment that the King and Queen stomped their feet, countless patterns along the wall and ground springing to life.

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