Dimensional Descent

Chapter 1361 Archetypes

1361 Archetypes

Aina couldn't have been more right. In fact, she was so right that Leonel almost regretted not having asked this question earlier. All of his tendencies, she had gotten down to an exact science.

Leonel rarely, if ever, went all out in battle. Sometimes it wasn't even as Aina said and that he just felt there was a more efficient way to win, sometimes it was just because he liked having trump cards in his back pocket to prepare a perfect counter attack given the situation.

The style of battle Leonel liked to use was one that withheld as many cards as possible until it was the most advantageous moment to use them. There was even a very long time in his life where he didn't even use his Speed Branch of his Snowy Star Owl Lineage Factor because it was so much more beneficial to have his enemies believe him to be a slow, bumbling, spearman.

And this was just one example, Leonel could think of countless others Aina hadn't mentioned, like his Wisdom Branch, his Gravity Domain, sometimes he even neglected to use his Radiant Force despite the fact Fire Elemental Force was quite literally one of his most powerful weapons.

Then there was the most glaring one: His Bow Force.

It was fine if Leonel saved his Bow Force as a trump card back when he could only use it two or three times in battle before collapsing. But now that he had a Quasi Life Grade bow, he quite literally didn't have this problem at all, it had been entirely negated.

Yet, Leonel was content to keep this card in back pocket, waiting for the moment he had to use it.

But, all of this was fine until Leonel considered the words Aina hadn't spoken…

A true warrior brought out their greatest strength and forced their enemies to meet them on their terms. They didn't care about the retaliation of their enemy because they were already confident that their greatest strength would trump everything. Compared to this ideal, Leonel was sorely lacking. In fact, his battle style could even be said to be directly opposing to valiant.

In some way, he had been aware of this. That was why during his battle with Myghell, he had chosen not to use his Ability Index at all. Leonel was far too confident in his ability to win with his mind. Even the likes of Myghell would only be a matter of an added bit of effort.

If Leonel was honest, though, let alone a valiant warrior, his method of battle definitely didn't feel like the way of a King either, and that was just the honest truth.

Leonel fell into his thoughts, not quite sure of what direction to go in.

He didn't want to become a brute who only thought of honor in battle. That wasn't him, even though he liked to dabble in it from time to time. He would never act that way during a battle that really meant something. At best, he had seen Myghell as a bit of fun…

But, he felt that Aina's words had great merit as well. What use was his training if he threw it all out the window the instant he entered a battle? It was no wonder why he could never settle on a Style, he was constantly going his own way and making up his own path.


Leonel's gaze suddenly flashed.

'Create new Ability sub-category. Call it Dream Class. Set parameters. Archer. Spearman. Fighter. Mage. Set sub-parameters.

'Sniper Archer. Explosive Archer.

'Strong Spearman. Flexible Spearman.

'Mixed Fighter. Speed Fighter.

'Fire Mage. Defensive Mage. Combat Mage.'

Leonel's mind went into overdrive, formulating a new ability, splitting it into four sub categories and then further into nine sub, sub categories.

Dream Class was an application of Leonel's Tier 4 Control. Leonel saw this situation just like he had his spear dilemma. He could never decide whether to focus on instinct or calculation, until the day it all snapped into place and he felt he could subtly grasp the intricacies of both.

This would be no different.

Leonel had four main archetypes. Archer, spearman, fighter and mage. Depending on the situation, he tended to rely on one or the other, sometimes mixing and matching.

This time, however, he would do so far more deliberately. By shifting these four Archetypes into a Tier 4 Ability, he was essentially honing all the skill his body had in a certain path and fine tuning it to maximize his strength in this category.

For example, if Leonel ran into an opponent he thought would best be dealt with as an Archer, the first thing he would ask himself is if he should be a Sniper Archer or Explosive Archer. The Sniper Archer archetype focused on long ranged, unmoving assault. It was a relentless pinning of an enemy from a distance. Explosive Archer involved movement. The power output was less than that of the Sniper Archer, but its flexibility benefited from it.

Once Leonel made the decision of which to go with, he would activate Dream Class. Once Dream Class was in effect, everything about Leonel's very being would shift to optimize this archetype.

If he chose Explosive Archer, he would hone in on Light Elemental Force, movement technique conducive to evasion and firing at the same time would be prioritized, and he would focus on rapid fire rather than powerful shots.

If he chose Sniper Archer, his Element of choice would lean more toward Fire. He would root himself in place, focusing on heaviness and power. Every strike would be aimed toward maximizing strength and quality of shot.

'Organize all techniques and abilities, categorize into archetypes, deduce strength…'

Leonel began to organize everything he knew one by one. Some abilities fit into multiple archetypes, but he didn't mind, duplicating them as he saw fit. Soon, he had finished tabulating the result and had come to a conclusion.

'Sniper Archer – 0.58

'Explosive Archer – 0.31

'Strong Spearman – 0.13

'Flexible Spearman – 0.11

'Mixed Fighter – 0.07

'Speed Fighter – 0.07

'Fire Mage – 0.18

'Defensive Mage – 0.11

'Combat Mage – 0.10.'

Leonel realized that of all the archetypes he could fit into, only Sniper Archer was even close to meeting his maximum output while relying on his Ability Index. All of the rest were severely lacking.

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