Dimensional Descent

Chapter 1323 Good Thing...

Chapter 1323 Good Thing...

Leonel knew that he was getting ahead of himself. He couldn't complete this new streamlined battle Style with the limited knowledge he had now. Only after seeing all the resources the Void Palace had on hand could he make an informed decision. But, in the mean while, gathering data and ensuring Aina gained an Amethyst Token was his top priority.

When the group across from them realized that they were facing Leonel, their gazes narrowed. But, it wasn't just this, they could tell that Aina's cloak of gold was also a brighter and more vibrant sheen than usual as well. It was clear that this group had defeated others before reaching this point.

There was no doubt that information about Leonel had already been spread. In fact, it could be said that it was because of Leonel that the battle to the center of the lake had become as violent as it had.

The idea of fighting through many Golden Token wielders, a large segment of whom would have been Amethyst Token wielders any other year, was like asking for death. Most would have chosen to cut their losses and focus on reaching the main objective rather than chasing after side quests.

However, Leonel had become a juicy piece of meat dangling over all of their noses. Rather than defeating a whole host of Golden Token wielders, all you would have to do is defeat a single fake Amethyst Token holder and you would be promoted in a single bound.

That sort of enticement and luck of the draw lottery was on a completely different level. And, as a result, there were many more participants.

All of this said… There were many groups who would have chosen to participate regardless, groups that had full and unbridled confidence in themselves… And this group, from a very familiar Golden Sector, was one of them.

The young mistress of the Pyius family, Simona, almost seemed to glide as she walked, her dainty feet only barely peeking out beneath her long, dark purple gown from time to time. It truly seemed as though she was walking on air rather than solid ground, her gait too smooth for words.

Her hips swayed like a hypnotic pendulum, her skin so pale that one might feel as though you just might be able to see right through it. However, she contrasted her near transparent skin with bold dark purple lipstick and long, curved nails, decorated with gems and a base coat of the very same color.

Her hair was once again a dark shade of purple, the only slightly lighter sheen to be found were in her pair of irises, steady with an undying cold light.

Despite the darkness she exuded, she was truly a beauty beyond words, a gorgeous woman with a delicate nose and gently sloping chin that lost out to Aina in no way.

Her slender waist swayed just once more before she came to a stop, her subordinates following suit without a word as well.

At that moment, a slender little pinkish purple fox with the stature of a puppy peeked out from Simona's leg, its large black eyes blinking curiously as it observed Little Blackstar.

Leonel took all of this in without a word. The pressure he felt from this woman was no joke. Compared to the three he had defeated previously, she was on a completely different level. The dangerous light in her cold eyes spoke for itself even while not saying a thing.

Leonel had known that he might run into such a character taking the approach he had. But, he had left it up to fate. It seemed that his luck wasn't very good. And yet…

Some of that bubbling excitement seemed to want to resurface.

Unfortunately, as soon as that excitement came back, he felt a heated gaze boring two holes into his cheek. Eventually, he sighed.

"Fine, fine, fine. She's yours. I'll handle the rest of them."

Leonel had almost forgotten that Aina was even more of a battle maniac than maybe even he was.

Toward his words, she smiled sweetly, her visage seeming to disperse the fog like a ray of sun.

"You have to take care of your image," Aina said lightly. "What would it look like if a King was always fighting women?"

Leonel's lip twitched. Fighting women? What was wrong with that? There was probably a young woman, right about now, whose face was still half buried in dirt and stone who was lamenting the fact Aina didn't wake up earlier.

Aina giggled seeing Leonel's reaction. She knew well that he never cared about such things. On Earth, he gave women their due as the fairer sex. However, after the Metamorphosis, there was nothing 'fairer' about women. With how Leonel broke everything down logically, he saw no reason to not treat women as his equals any longer.

But, this was exactly why she was here. There were some things that couldn't always be dictated by logic. Aina had already decided to do something about Leonel's choice of wardrobe when next she got the chance. He was too handsome to be wasting it all on sweatpants.

Aina took a step forward, her smiling expression vanishing. Her battle ax rested on her shoulder, her long, jet black hair dancing about in the wind. She looked particularly wild, the short beast skin skirt and choker she wore playing on the fantasies of all who saw her. But, after seeing how she interacted with Leonel, they were under no illusions about where her allegiances lay.

Simona's cold gaze didn't waver. Instead, she only shifted it from Aina to Leonel.

"I don't fight the weak. Just hand over your Tokens and scram. I have no interest in wasting time on unworthy scum."

Her voice came out the same biting cold her image shared, her indifference washing over Aina.

However, Leonel only grinned.

"Good thing she's not weak. Unfortunately for you, she's especially not weak when she's angry. Good luck."

Aina's entire demeanor shifted, a dense fog of red erupting around her as her Ax Force pierced into the skies.

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