Leonel completely lost himself in a new world. Though he wasn't sure about why he had to do all of these hand exercises just yet, Leonel had already completely forgotten about that curiosity. His mind was entirely focused on the target he had set for himself.

According to his father's training program, flexibility was the very first step to training the fingers of a Force Crafter. Without flexibility as a foundation, everything else would come harder. The flexibility exercises were almost like a mechanic diligently oiling even the smallest components of their machines, building it up so that even the smallest corners were in top working condition.

Only after laying a foundation of flexibility would Leonel turn his attention to strength and speed. Upon reaching this step, Leonel would begin working in dexterity exercises which would teach him how to use his newfound strength and speed.

Of course, everything would once again circle back to flexibility. Every training day began with and ended with stretches. At the end of it all, there would be a cycle of recovery.

After about two weeks, Leonel felt that he should heed his father's advice. Focusing too much on Force Crafting would be detrimental to him, especially since it wouldn't help him take down Miles and Simeon.

'I've been here for a while, yet no one has come.' Leonel narrowed his eyes, looking down at the wrist watch still strapped to his arm.

This thing was his greatest worry. He always felt that it was only a matter of time before it was used to track his location.

Before, Leonel could only take the risk of staying in the same place. After all, if he could be tracked, whether he moved or not wouldn't make much of a difference. In fact, moving when he was heavily injured would only negatively impact him.

But after so long, nothing had happened. He had even almost forgotten about it.

'Hm, maybe it's jammed just like all the other technology? I remember that after the Paradise Islands fell, it went completely silent. It wasn't until I entered the Mayan Tomb that it showed signs of life again… Maybe I only have to worry about it inside of a Zone then?'

Leonel could only accept this line of thought. Regardless, he wasn't afraid.

His body had recovered completely by now and he even felt that it was stronger than it had been in the past. He felt that this might be because more of the residual effects of his dad's vomit brew were being released again.

He wanted to know more about that, actually. He even asked the dictionary about it. Unfortunately, he got an *Information Omitted* response in return.

'I guess I should enter the Spear Domain again.'

Leonel took a deep breath and got up to leave the Lab Setting.

Before he could, the little guy jumped up from the table and landed in his palms, snaking around his fingers and hands as though saying goodbye.

Leonel smiled. Since he had the Force Skin Gloves on, he wasn't worried.

"I'll be back tomorrow."

A bubble formed on the Metal Spirit and popped with a *Boop* sound before the little guy hopped back onto the odd table with wells.

He still hadn't given the Metal Spirit a name. He wanted to listen through Lesson Three first since it seemed to be important in understanding the relationship between a Metal Spirit and a Force Crafter. He didn't want to make another stupid mistake that could be avoided.

Soon, Leonel had made his way to his bedroom after going through Grade One recovery treatments for his hands. Then, he laid down comfortably, not wanting to bash his head on the floor again, and stretched his Internal Sight toward the Spear Domain ring.


Leonel felt his body go light again as though his consciousness had been forcefully sucked out from his mind.

When his vision cleared, he was once again in that hellish spear graveyard.

Dark reddish black skies hung above his head, spears of all shapes and sizes were dotted around him, and a heavy pressure that might crush him at any moment rested on his shoulders.

This time, Leonel understood a lot more and didn't blindly begin to walk around. He had questioned the dictionary thoroughly before coming here and had learned a great many things.

First, this wasn't his real body, it was a manifestation of his self formed of his Soul Force or spirit, as Leonel preferred to call it. Second, there was a constant pressure being exerted on him not by the world, but by the spears themselves.

Each spear was connected the consciousness of the owner it had previously. These consciousnesses were the equivalent of the state Leonel was currently in. As such, they exerted pressure on Leonel's spirit form.

The closer a spear was to that massive mountain peak that pierced the skies ahead, the more powerful the consciousness and thus the harder it was to walk forward.

At Leonel's current strength, it was already a miracle that he could survive in this place. Usually, it would only be possible after grasping Spear Force. Only then would one be able to resist the pressure of the spears here. However, Leonel's ability gave him a great buff to his spirit that allowed him to circumvent this.

Regardless, Leonel could only take a single step and touch a single spear before his spirit gave out. So, he had to be more selective this time.

He had gotten great gains from the primitive spear he took out last time, but he didn't want to take up a spear like that again. In order to make full use of the primitive man's combat ability, Leonel had to sink his mind into the same state. However, Leonel wasn't a blood thirsty, battle hungry kind of person. He preferred to be calm.

Without sinking into that primitive mindstate, Leonel could at best use about 70% of the primitive man's abilities. This wasn't bad, actually, as it taught him a lot. But, it could be better.

'I'm not good enough in the spear to use his abilities without just copying him, which is why I need to sink into that mind state… But, if I learn more and build a solid foundation for myself first, I'll be able to use 100% without changing my demeanor.

'For now, I need to find a spear that meshes with my personality better. Something calm and calculating, but filled with a firm resolve…'

Leonel took his time, quietly scanning each spear in range of a single step of him by turning his head. He didn't dare to reach out with his Internal Sight, or else he'd be blown away without even being able to choose.

After a while, Leonel smiled bitterly. Without his internal sight, he really couldn't make a decision. It was because of his Internal Sight that he had been able to pick out [DImensional Cleanse] before. But now, he could only rely on his eyes. He didn't know enough about spearmanship to make judgments like this.

Leonel took a deep breath. 'I guess I can only choose randomly, then.'

After a while, he made a choice and reached forward.

The spear had a wooden shaft as well, much like many of the spears in this starting line, but it wasn't crudely made like the primitive spear. It was made of a flexible, light wood that was about 1.8 meters in length. Its blade was just as thin as the shaft and was formed with four sides like a prism. The shade and tip were separated by a golden colored wrap which the feathers of a colorful bird hung from.

It was quite a beautiful spear. Though it was made of cheap materials, it was clear the craftsman cared about his or her work, which was why Leonel chose it.

But, it was a decision he instantly regretted.

Once again, he found himself in an all new world, but he didn't even have the mind to take a look around because… when he looked down he found that his chest had suddenly grown two massive, soft mounds. And, as though that wasn't bad enough, there was a distinct cold draft of wind sweeping through his legs.

Why was he wearing a dress…?

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