Dimensional Descent

Chapter 1241 Bestial Offensive

Chapter 1241 Bestial Offensive

Leonel's expression flickered. Having these wings seemed cool, but it made the over kilometer long diameter of the arena seem far too small. To make matters worse, because Leonel had become used to them being nothing more than an illusion, having them become a sudden tangible part of him left him feeling awkward and uncoordinated.

He realized then that he definitely should have spent the last few days going over the Luxnix family techniques that helped use these enormous pair of wings instead of getting lost in his game of chess with Wise Star Order. But, as they say, hindsight was 20/20.

The coldness in Leonel's gaze returned. He had lost himself in having fun in this battle and he hadn't been his usual self. The battles he had fought in the Dimensional Verse until now all felt like a struggle of life and death so he never wasted time playing around. He would drown his opponent out in calculations and cut the simplest path to victory every time. Often, he didn't even have emotions or straying thoughts of his own, he was like an efficient machine, executing its orders.

At this point, feeling that he was very quickly running out of power ups to use, and simultaneously feeling that Myghell still had depths he had yet to expose, Leonel was tempted to revert to his usual battle style.

It was quite ironic just how perfect a reflection of Leonel that Myghell was. Though the latter didn't have the former's calculative abilities, most of Myghell's battles usually ended just as easily. With what Myghell had comprehended from Leonel's Innate Node, he had even been able to one shot the Patriarch of the Viola family.

Myghell hadn't used any of these comprehensions against Leonel, much like Leonel hadn't used his Ability Index much at all either. Of course, whether or not such comprehensions would be effective against Leonel was another matter entirely, but it was still the principle of the matter that truly counted.

Myghell felt he didn't need to use Leonel's talent to defeat him. He could do it on his own. From the very beginning, he was better.

The three pillars savagely fell, Leonel's head tilting up and a smile spreading across his face. It wasn't laced with madness nor was there a fiendish aura to it. All it carried was a childish excitement.

Leonel remembered well the first time he had experienced such a feeling. He was within Camelot's Zone facing an army of Demons. For the first time, the weight of killing others wasn't at the forefront of his mind. After all, what he faced weren't humans, they were cold hearted monsters ready and willing to tear him limb from limb.

That was the moment that apprehension, anxiety and guilt gave way, becoming the emotions that he had always felt, that he had always wanted to feel…

A giddy excitement.

It was clear that he had already made his decision.

'I'm not just a Knight. I can be considered a Mage too. It seems I won't be able to find out the limits of Combustion today… !'


Everything collapsed. The arena began to sink, the golden barriers shattered to pieces, harsh screams and cries of terror called out as many feared for their lives, feeling as though in the next moment, they would no longer be among the living.

Alienor reacted just as quickly. She had originally used the same defensive mechanism Orinik had because she didn't think that things would need to go so far. But, it seems she had underestimated these two boys a bit.

It wasn't that their raw strength was so great, but their wills seemed to take tangible form, strengthening their attacks. They had already gained characteristics of the Sixth Dimensional God Path before even stepping foot into it.

Leonel with his King's Might… And Myghell with the odd power behind his words…

Alienor lightly tapped her foot, an enormous barrier forming. However, while her son's was a delicate violet color, her own was a vibrant green. In a moment, everything settled just… Just for an instant, that is.


The three crystal pillars shattered to ash. Just as the gem shards shot out in all directions, an enormous pillar of violet Force shot into the skies, outlining Leonel's figure as several Force Arts began to be quickly drawn in the air.

The pupils of those who understood constricted. Most Force Arts were completely invisible to the naked eye as they were drawn by the ever so illusive Soul Force. For Leonel's own to take form and for them to even witness their drawing like this…


Arrows of earth, fire and light fell from the skies. But just as quickly as they formed, they evolved into spears and javelins, falling from the skies like a torrential rainfall.

Myghell's crystal constructs responded in kind, the skies becoming like the clash of fireworks, explosions of Force, rock and stone erupting and fluttering motes of light falling from their collisions.

On the ground, the two tore a path toward one another, one bathed in white and the other in violet.


Leonel seemed completely invisible when strengthen by his King's Might, and yet Myghell seemed just as much so. Every time Leonel dug deeper, he seemed to find a new ceiling, his strength climbing and growing. It was as though even when he said Leonel had awakened him, he was still in a deep sleep, slowly opening his eyes wider and wider with every collision.

Myghell open his mouth wide, biting at Leonel's spear, only to receive a swing of its butt to the side of the face.

His head spun to the side, but he easily used that momentum to his advantage, allowing his torso and feet to spin into two great slashes with his great swords.

Leonel also followed the momentum of his spear's blunt attack, carrying it over to place it in position to block both swings.

His feet sunk down into the ground, his body quaking beneath the impact, only for him to realize too late that Myghell had sent three attacks, not just two. A kick formed the third prong of the attack, colliding with Leonel's lower torso.

Myghell's wild almost bestial offensive style forced Leonel to eat a loss soon after he had.

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