Dimensional Descent

Chapter 1215 Meaningless?

Chapter 1215 Meaningless?

It was quite ironic. Just earlier today, Leonel's grandmother was warning him about the dangers of Scarlet Star Force. Her exact words were that Scarlet Star Force was one of the only Forces she knew of that could cause harm to a higher Dimensional being while even at a lower Dimensional level. However, when faced with Wise Star Order, Leonel hadn't even considered using it.

Firstly, whatever damage a Force could land required it to actually land in the first place. Leonel had no confidence in landing an attack on a Seventh Dimensional being. Wise Star Order had already proven that his mind worked even faster than Leonel's own. It was foolish to even consider such a thing.

Secondly, Leonel had still underestimated his own Innate Node. Even though he remembered the words his grandmother had said, he didn't think that this would apply across two Dimensional levels.

Though Leonel had fought Sixth Dimensional experts in the past without the use of his Scarlet Star Force, there were multiple factors to take into account.

For one, they were exceptionally weak amongst Sixth Dimensional beings. Compared to the Sixth Dimensional existences of the Luxnix family or Seventh Dimensional families, it could only be said that the mere fact they could share the same title was grace enough.

The second important point was the environment. Because of the preparations Leonel had made, the core abilities a Sixth Dimensional existence should have weren't accessible, thus weakening them further.

Third, Leonel had a detailed breakdown of all of their abilities ahead of time thanks to the detailed report of the Radix. With the opportunity to set up a battle plan ahead of time, he was at too great of an advantage.

And finally, Leonel's body was built on the foundation of the Lineage Factor of a Pinnacle Seventh Dimensional family and he had brought it to just a single step away from the Sixth Dimension before the battle even began.

Yet, even with all of these advantages, that battle had almost cost him his life.

Knowing all of this, when faced with a Seventh Dimensional existence like Wise Star Order, even Leonel was a bit baffled by the result. This was especially so because Wise Star Order wasn't a normal Seventh Dimensional existence.

It had to be remembered that Savants could not access the strength everyone else could. This meant that they couldn't progress through the Dimensions like everyone else could, nor could they comprehend Universal Forces. This was the exchange they made for the power they were granted.

This meant that the Seventh Dimensional pressure Leonel was feeling from Wise Star Order wasn't a result of his true Dimension level, but rather a reflection of how much he had honed his ability throughout the years…

Leonel had assumed that because Wise Star Order's ability was tethered to his soul's mobility and Immortality, that it would naturally translate into its durability. And that it did. The issue wasn't durability, but rather durability in comparison to a corporeal body…

Why was it that a supposed Seventh Dimensional being was forced to bide his time and scheme as he had? Why did he go so far to cover up his ability as a Savant, even to the point of fabricating the birth of several Northern Star Orders in order to hide his trail, and even spending an entire lifetime as a good Samaritan all to ensure that the maximum number of individuals possible would believe his philosophy?

Didn't it all point toward him not being as powerful as he seemed?

A Savant like Vice would always be able to protect himself because as he grew, his ability to lock space would continue along with him. What did he have to fear if everyone around him couldn't move?

A Savant like Candle would always be able to protect herself because as she grew, her ability to reflect attacks would grow along with her. What did she have to fear if every assault levied toward her was reflected back toward her enemy?

A Savant like Monkey would always be able to protect himself as he grew, his ability to multiply his strength seemingly indefinitely would always grow along with him. What did he have to fear if there seemed to be no end to the strength of his fist and the number of copies of himself he could make?!

All of the Savants that Leonel had met to this point had abilities that directly translated to strength or excellent defense, but what would you do when you were a Savant like Wise Star Order?

You would, presumably, be born in a family that treasured power. But, you could display none of your own in your youth, all you had was your clever mind and a Title bestowed to you by a mysterious entity with a purpose you knew nothing of.

In that sort of situation, what would you do? Wouldn't you have to bide your time and scheme? Hopping from valuable body to valuable body, strengthening it to reach your goals and then abandoning it before it died of old age?

Wouldn't you be forced to do exactly what the current Wise Star Order had done?!

But ultimately, your innate disposition would still be fragile and weak. As much as Wise Star Order had tempered his soul over the years, compared to a true Seventh Dimensional existence, it was lacking considerably. While his soul was leaps and bounds above what one could expect from even a Seventh Dimensional being's soul, when compared to a Seventh Dimensional being's body…

It was several steps below.

The soul was ultimately a fragile construct, even when supplemented with such a powerful ability, this fact didn't change. In fact, Wise Star Order's soul was only about as durable as Leonel's body would be once he brought his Metal Body to the Sixth Dimension.

Wise Star Order had been a man who took every step meticulously, making sure to cover his bases, had actually fallen to a boy due to bad luck just when all his years of deligent planning were finally about to pay off...

Wasn't his life far too meaningless?

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