Dimensional Descent

Chapter 1128 Yellow Crystal

Chapter 1128 Yellow Crystal

Ingram and Rayner felt their souls leave their bodies. They hadn't even sensed when the little mink attacked but in that moment they felt as though there wasn't a single thing they could do to fight back against it.

Light Force should have been the perfect counter to Dark Elemental Force. But, why was it that it felt like the exact opposite right now?

The group of Division Heads fell into absolute chaos. It was clear that Leonel's speed in dealing with these enemies had fallen drastically, but none of his fire had waned. In fact, with every passing moment, it felt as though Leonel was quickly becoming a rising star of his own.

The rain became heavier and the steam became denser. Soon, it was difficult to see just three meters ahead of you.

Without a choice, the Division Heads could only rely on their Internal Sight, but it was then that they realized that this was the worst decision they could have possibly made.

In that moment, it felt like Leonel was both everywhere and nowhere all at once. Trails of sparkling Star Force sprinkled about the battlefield, giving it a beauty that didn't match the carnage it was experiencing. Limbs flew about and cries of pain pierced the veil.

Ingram and Rayner managed to survive the first exchange. Now that they were keenly aware of the danger of the little mink, they split their attention between Leonel and Little Blackstar, unwilling to end up like their counterpart had.

When these two formed a team, the strength they displayed wasn't just additive. However, in all their caution, they didn't realize just how many of their fellow Division Heads were being cut down by Leonel himself.

"Dammit!" Ingram growled.

He pulled out a second sword, a light silver glow wrapping around him. They couldn't allow things to continue like this.

The familiar sequence of took form.

"Cover me!"

Rayner didn't need to be told twice, pulling out a white leather whip from his hip. His gaze sharpened, a silver Force wafting out from them.

His vision brightened. From being able to see just three meters, he could now see through the entirety of the steam without issue.

Ingram crossed Leonel's path, blocking him from crippling yet another Division Head. His twin blades moved with a practiced smoothness, alternating his speed with the expertise of a veteran. He had learned long ago that pushing your speed to the limit all the time didn't make you a better sword master. Often times, lulling your opponent into one set rhythm before instantaneously changing it at the right time was far better.

However, Ingram very quickly found out that such tricks were worthless before Leonel. In fact, using a technique that Leonel was familiar with before him was akin to courting death.

The flat of Leonel's blade skimmed against the sharp edge of Ingram's sword, parrying it upward. The golden spear upon his forehead flashed as he took an in-step, counterintuitively giving up his range advantage as a spearman.

However, from this vantage point, Rayner's whip had instantly been rendered useless.

Leonel's gaze flashed, his spear vanishing. His fist hit Ingram squarely in the chest before the latter could react, causing an upswell of blood to fly from his throat.

Being hit in the chest, Ingram found the swinging motion of his second sword completely off course. He thought that it was a coincidence at first, but the violent breaking of his rib cage and the tenderizing of his muscles made his arms all but useless.

As though Leonel's fists weren't heavy enough, Ingram found that the space behind him had stacked several times. Leonel's Spatial Domain had made the several meter distance to Ingram's back as much as several hundred meters.

In the end, Ingram who should have been flying back at astonishing speed had practically become a practice dummy, his chest deforming as craters the size of fists formed within it.


Ingram's body finally shot out, appearing before Rayner in an instant. The stacking of space had immediately been reversed and shortened instead, resulting in the latter being caught completely off guard.

Rayner felt all the air in his body shoot out in a torrent, spittle flying from his mouth as his tongue hung outside.

In that moment, the robes protecting Ingram's chest burst into flames and fell into a pile of ashes.

Within the four pillars, the branch family youths, Noah, and especially Riah were at a loss for words. They could hardly see what was happening within all that billowing fog, but every so often someone frantic and screaming would run out for their lives, rushing away as fast as their legs would allow them.

Leonel appeared above Rayner and Ingram. The depth of his gaze was filled with a blinding crimson light, the smallest hint of violet fighting for a small corner along the outer edges.

He raised his spear above his head, prepared to swing downward with the same fiery momentum he had been slowly building up. Even his spear itself had begun to glow with a slight rosiness, impacted by the heat coming from Leonel.


At that moment, an arrow suddenly shot through the billowing steam.

However, without even looking in that direction, Leonel rose his left hand out and to the side, his palm flipping over to reveal an long sniper rifle.

Light Elemental Force whirred to life and several complex shield shaped yellow crystal formations appeared before the barrel, each proceeding one larger than the last.

By the end of it, the large yellow crystal shield was over three meters in diameter, dwarfing a human in size. And then…

Leonel squeezed the trigger.

A blinding beam of light shot out from the barrel, blasting into the first of the ten yellow crystal shields.

The light was instantly absorbed by it, moving within its structure so quickly that it looked like a pinball fighting for its life.

And then, the light shot out and entered the second shield… Then the third…

It all happened in the blink of an eye. By the time the light exited the tenth shield, it was so thick and fast that the clouds above split, the rain dispersing entirely.

The arrow that had just shot into the wall of fog was incinerated before it even reached the beam of light.

The space quaked and the fog domain was vanquished with a loud WHOOSH.

The beam illuminated the whole of the Luxnix estate, piercing through the air with a speed impossible to track with the eye.


The Archer, Ranker 302, only had time for her heart to tremble once.

Her right shoulder was blasted through, a bowl sized hole taking her arm and a piece of her collarbone along with it.

The fog completely dispersed revealing Leonel standing amidst hundreds of fallen, the ground beneath his feet dyed red and his breathing still billowing outward with piping hot steam.

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