Dimensional Descent

Chapter 1102 Last Crystal Ball

Chapter 1102 Last Crystal Ball

The Ores fell into a beautiful pile on the soft bed. For a very long time, Leonel couldn't bring himself to move or even breathe. He had to double and triple check that he was seeing correctly, and with his thinking speed, he actually ended up checking several hundred times before he realized that it all wasn't an illusion.

Evolution Ore. Not just any Evolution Ore, but both Fifth Dimensional and Sixth Dimensional Evolution Ore. Of the former, there were actually 20 Essences worth. For the latter, there were exactly 10, the minimum amount Leonel needed.

This was why Leonel had felt that these gifts were simply far too personal. Evolution Ore was exactly what he needed to form the foundation of his Divine Armors if he wanted to continue following his father's crazy plan.

It had to be remembered that the Divine Armor Leonel was wearing right now was still Fourth Dimensional. The reason it could display so much strength within the Fifth Dimension was precisely because Leonel had used Evolution Ore as its foundation.

The trouble with this approach, though, was the difficulty in finding Evolution Ore. Even after all this time, he had yet to catch the faintest clue about Fifth Dimensional Evolution Ore. But now, he suddenly had all he would need for his next two Divine Armors!

Toward such a turn of events, Leonel could only be speechless. He knew that even for a Seventh Dimensional existence, these two gifts shouldn't have been so easy to get one's hands on. In fact, it wouldn't really be an exaggeration to say that it was near impossible.

A Tier 9 Gold Grade bow?! Sixth Dimensional Evolution Ore?! How could Leonel not be shocked. Even with his limited scope of the Dimensional Verse, he knew just how valuable these things were.

Leonel couldn't help but look around again. But, even with all the giggling of his mother, he couldn't detect her at all. Without a choice, he could only store these ores away as well. Now, he just needed to find the core piece of his next Divine Armor then he could start designing it.

Leonel had already planned to use the Snowy Star Pendant to exchange for the core of his Fifth Dimensional Divine Armor. Now, he was even more determined to do so.

Leonel moved on to the next crystal ball, but this time he braced himself. If he got shocked to the point of silence every time, he might very well be here forever.

The next crystal ball burst into motes of light and crystals, revealing a delicately embroidered pouch. It alternated in deep blacks and gently glowing golds.

When Leonel opened it up, he found that it was actually a spatial treasure. Within it, he not only found billions of purple coins, there were even billions of kilograms of Sixth Dimensional Urbe Ore and millions of kilograms of Seventh Dimensional Urbe Ore.

It was safe to say that Leonel had never seen such wealth concentrated in one place. It only confirmed just how low his previous bounty was… He really was just a petty criminal.

Of course, this wasn't exactly true. Tier 4 Fugitives don't just fall out of thin air. The main reason Leonel's bounty was so 'low' was because he was still technically a galaxy level criminal, as such his bounty was tied to the Milky Way which was a poor corner of the universe. This was only to be expected.

Still, in one moment, Leonel had been poor. And in the next, he could be considered to be one of if not the wealthiest man on Planet Luxnix. The difference was so striking that he almost experienced a bit of whiplash.

With this, there were only two crystal balls left.

Leonel stepped toward the second to last one, allowing it to shatter just like all the other ones had. However, unlike what Leonel had come to expect, there was actually another crystal ball waiting for him on the other side of this one.

Curious, Leonel sank his mind into it, only to be bombarded with all sorts of information. At first, it was a bit overwhelming until Leonel pulled back. He had gotten into the habit of wielding his Internal Sight like a sledgehammer because he could usually take in everything at once. But, clearly this was too much information even for him.

Once Leonel did so, his eyes practically shot out lasers of their own.

Techniques. Thousands of them. And, each and every one related to Snow Force and the Snowy Star Owl Lineage Factor. There were Third Dimensional, Fourth Dimensional, Fifth Dimensional and even Sixth Dimensional techniques all in one place. There were techniques designed for those who hadn't awakened any branches whatsoever, and other techniques designed for those who had awakened one or even multiple branches at a time.

It was as though the entire history of the Luxnix family's advancements were all painted in this singular crystal ball, and Leonel had a feeling that if the Luxnix were aware of this, they would have been pissed off to an extreme.

Leonel suddenly realized that the difference separating his combat prowess and that of the top geniuses of this Sector was in his hands. These gifts were definitely all carefully selected for him. They were exactly what he needed.

Leonel stored the crystal ball for now and moved on to the final one. When it shattered, he found that there was yet another crystal ball waiting for him. In fact, within, he found more techniques. However, these techniques were far different from the Luxnix family techniques. In fact, they were designed not for the Luxnix, but rather the Fawkes.

Leonel's brows shot up.

There were only a handful of techniques, but each was uniquely curated. Each taught how to apply the Fawkes family Lineage Factor in cooperation with your strengths. If Leonel was correct… These techniques were likely personally designed and created by his mother. Only she could have all these unique combinations of powers.

The first of the techniques Leonel seemed to gravitate toward made his heart tremble:

<Starry Eyes>

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