Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 9: The Sales Office and the Director’s Office

Chapter 9: The Sales Office and the Director's Office

The sales office was fancy. Glossy marble floors stretched from wall to wall, and a grand crystal light fixture hung from the ceiling while the walls showcased various cool patterns.

In the center of the room was a small model of Willow Hill. It looked neat and very well made. To the right was a meeting spot. It had fancy tables and chairs made of dark wood, soft leather couches, and a screen for presentationspretty much everything one could possibly need.

The moment Fang Xiu walked in, several salespeople in their fancy suits looked over at him. When they realized it was Fang Xiu, their faces changed. They were all in the same work chat group, so they knew about his decision to quit.

But Fang Xiu didn't care about their looks and just walked around the sales office. His focus was fixed on the hospital office area. To him, unraveling the Specter's secrets was of utmost importance.

Right then, a young man in a suit quickly walked over. He looked pretty ordinary and kind of thin. He also had thick black glasses on. It was Zhao Hao, Fang Xiu's friend who had called earlier.

He spoke in a low voice and sounded worried, "Dude, why are you only here now? Wu Dahai is furious. If not"

Fang Xiu cut him off before he could finish, "Hao, we'll talk about it later."

"Fang Xiu, you"

But Fang Xiu had already walked away, heading for the second floor of the sales office since the first floor didn't have the Director's office.

Zhao Hao watched Fang Xiu walk away and sighed, quickly following him. He thought Fang Xiu was going to ask Wu Dahai for money on the second floor and was afraid things might go badly. So, he decided to see what would happen.

When Fang Xiu walked into the second floor of the sales office, he was also walking into the second floor of the hospital's office area. The entrances to the stairs were different for both buildings, but the floors were about the same height.

Upon reaching the second floor, a voice full of anger and stress resounded before Fang Xiu could start looking around.

"Fang Xiu! You dare to show up for work? I've already fired you, you know that?"

A middle-aged man in a black suit and white shirt approached him quickly. He was slightly bald and had a big belly. He pointed his chubby finger at Fang Xiu and began yelling at him.

The second floor was where the salespeople worked, and Wu Dahai's yelling drew the attention of many people working at their computers. Most of the onlookers appeared quite pleased, ready for some drama. They were hoping to see Fang Xiu argue or maybe even fight with Wu Dahai.

Wu Dahai was notorious for being harsh on his employees. Even though they wouldn't dare stand up to him themselves, they'd be really happy if someone else did.

However, the big showdown they were expecting didn't happen. Fang Xiu didn't even blink at his boss's yelling and didn't bother talking back to him. Mid-rant, Fang Xiu simply grabbed Wu Dahai by the shoulder and pushed him aside. Then, he carried on his way.

Wu Dahai was a big guy, but it was mostly fat. He never expected the usually quiet Fang Xiu would push him. He stumbled, nearly falling, but managed to steady himself by grabbing on a computer desk.

"You... you pushed me!? You're being defiant!" Wu Dahai turned red with surprise and anger as he struggled to keep his balance. Seeing all the staff staring at him, he felt even more embarrassed. "Unbelievable! Totally unbelievable! Where is security!?"

Wu Dahai decided not to take on Fang Xiu himself. First, he couldn't win, and second, as the supervisor, engaging in a fight with an employee would spell the end of his management career. Fuming with anger, he started shouting and called security on his phone.

Fang Xiu paid him no attention. Everyone watched as he walked around the room before making his way toward the sales office on the third floor.

The Director's office wasn't on the second floor.

"Fang Xiu, you've got some nerve, pushing me, you" Wu Dahai was mid-rant when his expression changed. "What are you doing!? Who said you could go to the third floor!? Come back here!" He pointed at the other staff and shouted, "What are you guys staring at? Stop him!"

They hesitated but stood up. But by then, Fang Xiu was already on his way to the third floor. Seeing this, Wu Dahai's expression changed again, and he stopped them.

"Never mind, sit down. I'll go."

Wu Dahai moved his big body as fast as he could and hurried after Fang Xiu to the third floor. He looked really worried as if there was some secret on the third floor he didn't want people to see.

When Fang Xiu got to the third floor, his eyes went right to a door not far away. It had "Director's Office" written on it in big letters.

He walked toward the Director's office, and Wu Dahai, panting hard, was right behind him.

The truth was, Wu Dahai didn't know Fang Xiu was going for the Director's office. He just saw Fang Xiu marching toward the last office on the third floor, and his face turned all kinds of colors.

"Fang Xiu, come back!"


The office door was thrown open.

From inside came an angry man's voice and a woman's screams, followed immediately by the sound of clothes being put on hurriedly.

Wu Dahai went pale as a paper.

"It's a disaster! Total disaster!"

He yanked at his white shirt, pulling off two buttons, before sprinting toward the office. When he got inside, he saw Fang Xiu just standing there, staring straight ahead.

In front of him was a fancy desk. The laptop and papers on it were now on the floor, and in their place were a man and a woman, both looking a mess.

The man was skinny, with deep-set eyes and a very pale face. His pants were halfway down. The woman was curvy, her face carefully made up. She wore a professional dress and black stockings, which were ripped in a few places. Her high heels were gone.

Fang Xiu was looking right at the woman's stockings, or more accurately, at the desk in the Director's office of the mental hospital. On the desk was a piece of old paper, and the woman just so happened to be lying on top of it.

"Who the heck are you!? Who let you in!?" The man was putting his clothes on fast, swearing at him. Meanwhile, the woman clung to the man like a scared bird, trying to cover herself with her clothes. Fang Xiu recognized both of them. The man was the son of the person who invested in Willow Hill, Wang Ziteng. The woman was Li Feifei, the top salesperson at Willow Hill. She was also the prettiest of all staff.

The sales team at Willow Hill was put together by the investors, so technically, Wang Ziteng was Fang Xiu's big boss.

"Wu Dahai! Didn't I tell you no one was allowed on the third floor?" Wang Ziteng yelled at Wu Dahai.

"Mr. Wang, please calm down. Fang Xiu's been acting crazy today. After he came in, he not only hit me, but he also ran up to the third floor without a word. I couldn't stop him. Look, my new white shirt that I bought yesterday was torn by this jerk. I admit, I'm getting old, and I couldn't stop him." Wu Dahai said, looking apologetic and frightened.


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