Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 43: I Can Change The Past

Chapter 43: I Can Change The Past

The people around Fang Xiu quickly responded, pulling out their guns and aiming at him. They were ready to shoot if he made any strange moves. The psychics sitting at the conference table were also closely watching him, their looks showing curiosity and caution. A hint of faint but noticeable Spiritual Energy pressure came down on him.

"Fang Xiu! Do you know what the penalty is for attacking the Investigation Bureau's staff? What are you trying to do exactly? Or, who are you really?" Wang Dehai asked with a serious expression.

Faced with Wang Dehai's questions and the pressure from the psychics, Fang Xiu didn't say anything. Instead, he calmly looked at Yang Ming, who was smoking in a corner.

Out of the blue, he asked calmly, "Do you want to bring Bai Qi back to life?"

Yang Ming stopped smoking abruptly; his previously dull eyes suddenly became terrifying. He looked like an angry tiger coming down a mountain, intently watching Fang Xiu.

Gradually, he stood up, his face stern. A hidden force was building up inside him, similar to the tense silence before a storm, so heavy and overpowering.


He threw the cigarette on the floor and stomped it out.

After that, he walked steadily toward Fang Xiu.

Yang Ming stopped right in front of Fang Xiu, staring at his calm expression. "No matter who you are or where you came from, don't make light jokes about those who have passed away, or someone will get hurt."

Like a giant wave, an invisible pressure came down on Fang Xiu. This pressure from Yang Ming alone was much stronger than that from all the other psychics.

The other psychics also showed slight changes on their faces at this point.

_'So, this is the strength of a third-tier psychic?'_

But even with this huge pressure, Fang Xiu's expression showed no change. He had gone through enough encounters with powerful Specters before, so this kind of pressure was nothing to him.

He calmly looked at Yang Ming and said gently, "You only need to say yes or no."

His peaceful words seemed to have an unquestionable power.

Seeing this, everyone in the room couldn't help but feel amazed.

_'Standing up to a third-tier psychic and still speaking so confidently, just who is this Fang Xiu guy?'_

Yang Ming focused deeply on Fang Xiu's serene eyes, trying to see something in them. Yet, all he could find was a profound and immeasurable calm.

"Fang Xiu, what are you talking about? All of you, seize him!" By this point, Wang Dehai completely lost his trust in Fang Xiu. He strongly believed that Fang Xiu had a secret group supporting him, planning some kind of horrible scheme.

But just as the nearby staff were getting ready to move, Yang Ming raised his hand to stop them.

"Can you truly bring Bai Qi back to life?" Yang Ming asked, feeling like he was losing his grip on his sanity.

The idea that the dead can't be brought back to life is a universal truth. Even if the person before him could revive the dead, Bai Qi's body was devoured by the Specter. There was no way anyone could bring him back.

Yang Ming couldn't understand why he had asked such an irrational question. However, as he gazed into Fang Xiu's calm eyes, a faint feeling in his heart suggested that what Fang Xiu claimed might actually be true.

A slight smile formed at the edge of Fang Xiu's mouth. "I can't resurrect the dead, but I can travel back to the past and alter the future."

Hearing this, everyone burst into a frenzy. They felt like they had just heard the most absurd claim.

Traveling back in time to change the future seemed even more unbelievable than bringing someone back from the dead. No one there believed what Fang Xiu was saying, yet Yang Ming persistently asked, "What needs to be done?"

Fang Xiu didn't reply, instead posing a question of his own, "Where were you when Bai Qi died?"

After pondering for a while, Yang Ming replied, "Back then, I had found some leads on Human Head, near the hilly region by Qingbei Town. But the leads were wrong, so I didn't go into Qingbei Town."

As he spoke, he unconsciously tightened his fists, his face marred by guilt.

"If I had figured it out sooner and made it to Qingbei Town earlier, maybe he would still be alive."

"That's good, now give me your phone number."

"Phone number?" Yang Ming was stunned, utterly unable to follow Fang Xiu's erratic line of thought.

"Yes, just hand over your phone number now, and then share a secret with me."

"What kind of secret?" Yang Ming's confusion deepened.

"A secret that will convince you it's really me," Fang Xiu replied calmly. "Next, I will return to the past and call you before the Bai Qi incident occurs, urging you to rescue him. So, I need a secret that will persuade you to believe me."

At this, Yang Ming couldn't help but gape, finding the situation utterly absurd, as if Fang Xiu was spinning a ghost story.

_'Travel back in time to call me?_ _Can there genuinely be such a bizarre power in this world? Even if it existed, wouldn't it demand the abilities of a fifth-tier psychic to execute it? How could this be happening?'_

No matter how desperately Yang Ming wished to bring Bai Qi back, he found it difficult to take Fang Xiu's words seriously.

And it wasn't just him; the other psychics present shared his skepticism. They find it impossible to believe.

They couldn't help but wonder, _'As fellow psychics, why does Fang Xiu seem so much more powerful? Changing the future and revisiting the past? Is he even a psychic anymore? He sounds like a god!'_

Yet, one person felt a whirlwind of emotions coursing through her.

It was Shen Lingxue.

Because she suddenly recalled what Fang Xiu had mentioned during the test.

"I have traveled back and forth many times between the future and the past, seeing things end and start again, going through countless possibilities. For me, the future is just something I can watch and change if I want to."

She suddenly realized why Fang Xiu hadn't directly answered whether he could predict the future back then but made such a proclamation instead.

It was likely that he wasn't merely bragging but was describing his capability in a different mannerthe power to revisit the past and change the course of the future!

Observing Yang Ming, who looked doubtful, Fang Xiu offered a gentle smile. "There's no harm in giving it a shot."

Yang Ming was convinced almost instantly. Indeed, what did they have to lose by trying, even if it turned out to be unsuccessful?

He couldn't see how Fang Xiu might hurt him with just a phone number and a minor secret.

Taking a deep breath, he began slowly, "138..."

He recited it only once, and Fang Xiu heard it just once, but he ingrained it solidly in his mind.

Then, Yang Ming paused to reflect for a bit before finally saying carefully, "I suppose I'll share a secret that only I am aware of. It's about Bai Qi. I never intended to disclose this in my lifetime since I worry he would be angry with me if he discovered it. But since he is no longer here, it doesn't seem to matter anymore."

"The truth is, before the initial captain selection contest, Bai Qi didn't fall sick because he ate something bad, which led to diarrhea during the competition. It was actually me who secretly slipped him laxatives beforehand. Yet, since my power is luck, no one has ever suspected my involvement."

Silence enveloped them.

All those present turned their eyes toward Yang Ming, utterly stunned. They saw him in a new light, as if they were meeting him for the first time.

They couldn't believe that Yang Ming, who was known as a reliable and straightforward team leader, could have committed such a deceitful act behind the scenes. This revelation was shocking and unprecedented."

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