Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 208: The End of an Era

Fang Xiu frowned, his mind wondering if these were Zhou Qingfeng's final words before his death.

"Who took him down? If someone managed to kill such a powerhouse, just how terrifying must they be?"

With a deep breath, Fang Xiu continued reading.

"I buried myself in the Graveyard, hoping to warn future generations."

Fang Xiu's frown deepened. "Bury himself in the Graveyard? How can a dead man bury his own body?"

"To those reading this, heed my warning: the Specters can never be defeated. Humans cannot triumph over them.

You might laugh at me or call me weak. After all, those who chose this path do so to battle the Specters at the space nodes.

But, as pessimistic as it sounds, my words hold an unchanging truth. I was once like you, filled with passion, aiming to save our collapsing world and stop the chaos. And I did.

I followed our ancestors, sealed channel, and ended the Specter era. I seperated the two worlds and granted humanity a hundred years of peace.

Back then, I believed my mission was to vanquish the Specters and conquer the Other Side.

Reflecting now, it seems ridiculous.

After the separation, I ruled the Lands Between, eradicating any Specters that dared to invade. Over time, my power grew, and with it, my arrogance.

I even thought humans could counterattack the Other Side. So, I rallied the strongest among us, thousands swore an oath, and we charged into the Other Side.

But they all perished... everyone died... It was then I understood our weakness before the Specters.

We only managed to repel them because the space nodes were too small for the powerful Specters to cross into our world.

Compared to the Specters, humans are like ants, and ants can never hope to destroy them. It’s laughable, truly laughable!"

Fang Xiu fell silent after reading that.

Yang Ming and the others nearby, however, were in an uproar.

"Zhou Qingfeng claimed he ended the Specter era and brought a hundred years of peace to the human world!? How is that possible!? The one who created countless Specters was once a savior?" Yang Ming shouted in shock.

Hei Jiji was even more incredulous. Her small, red lips parted in disbelief.

Even Bai Qi, usually quiet and cold, was stunned. Known for his silence, he suddenly spoke at length, "Is this the real story behind the missing hundred years of history? Specters and psychics only appeared in modern times; a hundred years ago, there were no signs of Specters.

"If this account is true, it means Zhou Qingfeng eradicated all Specters from the world a hundred years ago and led a group of psychics to their deaths. Yet, such a person declared that humans can never defeat the Specters. He called humans ants before the Specters. It's hard to imagine the horrors Zhou Qingfeng and all the human warriors faced on the Other Side."

His words echoed his deep shock.

Despite everyone giving their two cents, Fang Xiu remained silent. He stared intently at the word "ants" and then, unexpectedly, laughed.

"Ants? Whether humans or ants, it doesn't matter. The important thing is, as long as I am alive, the Specters must die!"

Fang Xiu didn't care how strong Zhou Qingfeng was or how terrifying the Specters might be.

No matter how powerful the enemy, he would seek revenge. Perhaps he might die on this path or encounter a Specter that even his ability to reset from death could not defeat, but that didn't matter.

He couldn't let the Specters go just because they were formidable. The hatred from being killed hundreds of times was not easy to forget.

If a person could forgive everything, then he deserved everything awful he experienced.

"There's more writing on the back," Hei Jiji exclaimed.

Fang Xiu paused, then flipped the parchment over.

It read, _"I am Zhou Qingfeng. God's favor made me think I was unique until I stepped onto the Other Side.

There, a weeping bride brought storms of blood, and twisted Specters cried incessantly.

I lived again, thinking I had seen the highest view.

I believed I could reach the top, but then I saw the world-devouring Taotie.

Only then did I understand what true supremacy was.

The Wedding God tore my heart and lungs, and angels dismembered my flesh and bones.

Human strength at its peak was just a remnant of despair!"

Reading this, Fang Xiu's pupils suddenly contracted.

'Fate? Taotie? Wedding God? Angels!?'

In his mind, he envisioned three terrifying figures: the world-devouring Taotie on the Other Side, the bride in a wedding robe standing tall in the sky, and the huge, blood-eyed angel with white, blood-streaked wings hanging high above!

Fang Xiu never expected Zhou Qingfeng to have such a past. He thought the man was just the president of Green Mountain Mental Hospital, a mad scientist capable of creating Class-S Specters. He never imagined Zhou Qingfeng was the chosen one of the previous era, who successfully ended an entire Specter era. The extent of his power was beyond words.


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