Chapter 156

After hanging up the phone, Fang Xiu went to the Investigation Bureau.

In the reception room of the Investigation Bureau, an elegant middle-aged man was talking with Wang Dehai, Yang Ming, and others.

"Yang Ming, Bai Qi, this is Mr. Ma Xingbang, a consultant from headquarters."

"Mr. Ma, this is Yang Ming, the captain of Greenvine City Investigation Bureau, and Bai Qi, the vice-captain."

After Wang Dehai introduced them, Yang Ming and Bai Qi were quietly observing Ma Xingbang.

Ma Xingbang seemed friendly at first, always smiling kindly. He didn't act superior despite coming from headquarters.

"Captain Yang, I've heard a lot about you. I've heard that you are young and talented, and after meeting you today, I can see that it's true," Ma Xingbang said politely while shaking hands with Yang Ming.

Yang Ming was flattered. Everyone knew what psychics were like, and they seldom met a polite and friendly psychic like this.

"You flattered me," Yang Ming replied politely.

Then, Ma Xingbang extended his hand to Bai Qi. "I heard Vice-Captain Bai is talented, too. Having both of you in Greenvine City Investigation Bureau makes us at headquarters very reassured."

"Thank you," Bai Qi said coldly, then withdrew his hand after the handshake.

"Mr. Ma came mainly to understand the follow-up of the Nightmare event and the Green Mountain Mental Hospital Specter Zone. You need to work with him," Wang Dehai said with a smile.

"Oh, where is Agent Fang Xiu? As a major contributor to the Nightmare event, I must meet him."

"He's on his way and will arrive soon. Xiao Wang, go hurry him up."

Ma Xingbang was very polite and well-spoken. He didn't make anyone felt uncomfortable.

"No, no need. Greenvine City has just gone through a major crisis and is in the process of recovery," said Ma Xingbang. "An outstanding young talent like Agent Fang must be very busy. We can meet when he's free. There's no need to rush him."

At this moment, the reception room door opened, and Fang Xiu walked in slowly.

Wang Dehai hurriedly said, "Mr. Ma, this is Fang Xiu."

Ma Xingbang's eyes lit up, and he quickly stepped forward, extending his hand to Fang Xiu very politely. "Agent Fang, you are young and promising. Being so young and able to solve Grade-S Specter events, your future"

He paused when he realized Fang Xiu had no intention of shaking his hand. His hand was hanging in mid-air, making him felt slightly embarrassed.

But Ma Xingbang was not annoyed and extended his hand even more, firmly grabbing Fang Xiu's hand.

"Your future is limitless! Honestly, my visit on behalf of headquarters is specifically to acknowledge promising young individuals like you."

Ma Xingbang hesitated for a brief moment. He looked at Fang Xiu with a hint of surprise. Though he tried to hide it, his pupils dilated involuntarily, something Fang Xiu didn't fail to notice.

Then Ma Xingbang continued, "I'm here to commend you and to extend a special invitation to train at headquarters."

Ma Xingbang was very enthusiastic, even toward a young person like Fang Xiu, holding Fang Xiu's hand with both of his as a sign of respect.

Soon after, Ma Xingbang let go and began to speak at length. "Everyone, the Nightmare event was a Grade-S Specter event, which is taken very seriously. There have even been instances where small countries were destroyed by Grade-S Specter events. Therefore, solving such a significant event has caused a great shock both domestically and internationally.

"In today's world, facing unprecedented changes, the main measure of a country's international standing is no longer its economy or military strength, but its ability to handle Specter events. After all, without the capability to manage increasing Specter events, a country's very existence is at risk, let alone its international standing.

"So, what makes a great power? It's the ability to independently handle Grade-S Specter events. The more Grade-S Specter events a country can handle with minimal loss, the stronger it is considered.

"Greenvine City Investigation Bureau has set a fine example. Although Nightmare didn't reach its full form, it was undoubtedly a Grade-S Specter event. For comparison, a neighboring country exaggerates A-level, even B-level Specter events as S-level for international propaganda. By their standards, they've handled over 100 Grade-S Specter events, claiming to be the world's leading Specter graveyard and superpower.

"But I digress. Your performance was very impressive. You solved a Grade-S Specter event with just the strength of a local Investigation Bureau branch, which is a very significant achievement. While other countries muster their entire national strength for Grade-S Specter events, our local branches are already capable of handling them independently. This shows that our country has taken a significant step forward in the global era of Specters."

Ma Xingbang went on, and Yang Ming's face glowed with pride, feeling the immense honor and responsibility. It was evident that before becoming a psychic, Ma Xingbang was a high-ranking politician.

After speaking for a while, he took a sip of tea and spat out a couple of tea leaves.

Then, he got to the main point, revealing the purpose of his visit. "I came here mainly to emphasize three points: First, to make the Greenvine City Investigation Bureau a model. Then, to use it to influence surrounding city bureaus, serving as an example for other investigators to learn from.

"Second, invite the heroes of the Nightmare event to headquarters to learn and exchange experiences, set an example, and spread your experiences nationwide.

"Third, to investigate the Green Mountain Mental Hospital Specter Zone, as such a zone that can nurture a Grade-S Specter is obviously highly dangerous. Headquarters must fully grasp the basic situation of such dangerous Specter Zones." Wang Dehai asked, "Mr. Ma, do you mean to go to Green Mountain Mental Hospital for investigation?"

Ma Xingbang nodded, "Yes, I plan to take a few agents from Greenvine City Investigation Bureau with me to explore the Green Mountain Mental Hospital."

"Who do you want to take with you?"

"I think these three young talents here are excellent."

Wang Dehai seemed worried. "Mr. Ma, given that Green Mountain Mental Hospital could give birth to a Grade-S Specter like Nightmare, the level of danger is unimaginable, with just a few of you"

"No worries," Ma Xingbang smiled slightly. "I might be modest, but I'm a third-tier psychic. I, along with Yang and Bai, make three third-tier psychics. Plus, we have Agent Fang's ability to foresee the future. With such a team, we might not make the Hospital disappear, but we can at least conduct an investigation."

Everyone was surprised. No one expected Ma Xingbang, who seemed ordinary and spoke so politely, to be a third-tier psychic.

They also silently admired the strength of headquarters, as they could casually send out a third-tier psychic.

Wang Dehai was still worried, as Specter events were not to be taken lightly. The team seemed strong, but no one knew what dangers lurked within Green Mountain Mental Hospital.

At that moment, Ma Xingbang pulled out a key made of gold from his pocket, with faint Specter energy flowing around it.

"Is that a Specter Gadget?"

"Correct. This golden key has a peculiar ability. In a Specter Zone, as long as you find any door and insert the key, you can leave the Specter Zone through that door. So, Director Wang, you don't have to worry. With the golden key, we can surely make a safe return."

"I see Mr. Ma has made thorough preparations. When do you plan to leave?"

Ma Xingbang smiled. "In three days. After all, I'm new here, and my knowledge of Green Mountain Mental Hospital is only on paper. I need to gather more information; only by knowing the enemy and ourselves can we win every battle."

However, when he mentioned 'knowing the enemy and ourselves,' his gaze silently drifted towards Fang Xiu, seemingly with a deeper meaning.

"Why are you looking at me?" Fang Xiu's indifferent voice cut through the harmonious atmosphere like a sharp knife."

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