Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 116: I See The Future

Chapter 116: I See The Future

"Fang Xiu, you need to give us an explanation. Cheng Xinyuan died because he believed what you said!"

"You have already killed one teammate, and now Cheng Xinyuan. Even if you can foresee the future, it's hard for us to trust you now."

Right after Cheng Xinyuan died, people came to question Fang Xiu.

Some even suspected and asked, "Fang Xiu, are you trying to save Spiritual Energy, so you stopped foreseeing the future and let us risk our lives instead?"

"That's right, it must be so. He hardly ever helped us on this journey. The only one, no, two times he did, he killed our teammates!"

As the questions grew louder, Fang Xiu remained unfazed and pointed to the roller coaster, "Who's going to go on the roller coaster?"

Everyone was even angrier. They couldn't believe he was still trying to give orders without explaining anything.

Someone sneered, "Since you can see the future, why don't you go yourself?"

Fang Xiu ignored him and ordered Shen Lingxue, "Shen Lingxue, you go."

Shen Lingxue, facing Fang Xiu's command, didn't dare to look him in the eye and silently went.

The psychics were stunned. It seemed like she was rushing to her death.

'The young girl is pretty but seems to lack sense,'

Soon, Shen Lingxue got on the roller coaster. She was scared of dying but more afraid of defying Fang Xiu, fearing a fate worse than death.

Moreover, she somewhat trusted Fang Xiu's judgment, as it had been the case in Blackwater.

The roller coaster started, getting faster. The wind blew about Shen Lingxue's hair.

One-third of the ride passed calmly, and nothing happened. But, remembering their past experience, everyone watched Shen Lingxue closely.

Shen Lingxue looked unwell, her face pale, biting her delicate lower lip, but it seemed more out of the thrilling ride than fearing for Specters.

Finally, the roller coaster reached its highest point, where it would drop almost vertically, the most thrilling part of the ride.


As the roller coaster dropped, Shen Lingxue screamed loudly.

Everyone was speechless. She seemed to be really enjoying the ride.

Then, suddenly, there was a shocking change. Shen Lingxue's scream stopped abruptly!

In the middle of the fall, an invisible wire in the air cut off Shen Lingxue's head.

Her headless body kept spraying blood on the roller coaster, splattering everywhere as the ride moved. Her beautiful head fell from the ride, hitting the tracks like a basketball, bouncing to another track, making a dull sound. Finally, it landed near the others.

Everyone was horrified as they stared at Shen Lingxue's head. The skull was broken; blood and brain matter was oozing out.

"Shen Lingxue is dead?" Liu Shuai trembled in disbelief. He couldn't believe Fang Xiu had led her to her death.

"Is she dead? Why did she die? Did you make a mistake?" others asked.

But all they got was Fang Xiu's calm and cold voice. "Liu Shuai, go to the Specter House."

Liu Shuai stared at Fang Xiu, trying to read his face, but found only calmness. He nodded and went to the Specter House.

"Zhao Hao, go to the pirate ship," Fang Xiu ordered.

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Zhao Hao looked at Fang Xiu with complex emotions and silently went to the pirate ship.

Then, Fang Xiu acted. His black hair turned silver, and his right eye turned crimson. Silver hair strands attacked the people like a tide. Some strong psychics fought off the attack and kept their distance, but the weaker ones got entangled.

Fang Xiu quickly controlled five people. As the others hesitated to attack him, he said, "I need them to test the rides. If you attack me, you'll be the ones risking your lives next." Although his method was cruel, it was effective. With so many rides, not everyone could go on the same one. For example, if everyone went on the merry-go-round, they would meet the same fate as Cheng Xinyuan, dying of old age. The most effective way was to use lives to test and find the safest ride.

In the end, no one attacked Fang Xiu. They criticized his immorality and coldness, but they compromised because they too wanted to survive.

Afterward, Fang Xiu sent five people to different amusement rides. Minutes later, all of them died. Now, Fang Xiu was alone, as the other psychics had run away.

From being surrounded by people to being alone, Fang Xiu's expression never changed. He walked toward the bumper cars.

Those hiding in the corner watched him, their faces showing complex emotions. They couldn't understand him. He seemed cold and selfish for using his teammates to test the rides, but then, he tested a ride himself.

Fang Xiu's thoughts were simple: there were too many rides to test alone, so it was easier and quicker to have everyone test them. He couldn't be the only one dying again and again while others never faced danger.

When he got on the bumper car, it started quickly. The other cars, as if crazy, kept crashing into his. With every crash, blood trickled from the corner of his mouth. The seemingly light bumps felt like heavy hammers smashing into his organs.

Finally, Fang Xiu died from internal injuries caused by the relentless crashing.

The little girl appeared again, smiling innocently. "You're here, finally! I've been waiting for you! Come play with me! If you finish any ride, you can leave. Everyone has to play!"

Everyone was terrified and focused on Fang Xiu, waiting for his instructions as if he were the brain of the team.

Fang Xiu pointed to the tallest Ferris wheel and said, "Make groups of five and ride the Ferris wheel. I have seen the future."

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