Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 114: The Little Girl

Chapter 114: The Little Girl


The young woman's body hit the ground hard, stirring up dust around her.

At that moment, everyone was silent. No one thought Fang Xiu would attack, especially not his own team members.

Shen Lingxue shivered, remembering her own past.

If it weren't for the fact that she and Fang Xiu were Investigation Bureau colleagues, she might have died, too.

"You killed her?" a young man in a leather jacket shouted, shocked.

Fang Xiu looked at him and said calmly, "So what? Do you want to be next?"

The man in the leather jacket was too scared to respond.

Fang Xiu slowly scanned the group, observing their reactions. "If anyone has a problem with what I did, you're free to go now."

But under Fang Xiu's intense and dangerous stare, no one made a sound or moved to leave. They're in the dangerous Specter Zone; leaving Fang Xiu would be suicidal.

Fang Xiu's impressive actions had already earned their trust. Even if he had committed a terrible act, or even a Specter himself, they would still stick with him.

"Alright, since nobody's leaving, I expect full cooperation with our next steps," Fang Xiu said slowly. "Just follow my lead. That's it. You might have guessed, but my ability isn't just sensing thingsI can see the future!"

This calm revelation from Fang Xiu left everyone in shock.

They had their suspicions, but hearing it from him was still astonishing.

Seeing the future was like having a superpower.

"So, you knew all about the Head Lantern's attack, its Killing Moves, and even the safest escape route?" someone asked in awe.

Fang Xiu nodded. "My ability is a top secret at the Investigation Bureau. I'm sharing it now so you'll trust and follow my orders, no matter how odd they seem."

The team, now stunned, understood the huge advantage of seeing the future.

With Fang Xiu's foresight, they had higher chances of survival.

Fang Xiu chose to reveal his ability partly to ensure their loyalty and partly because hiding it was no longer necessary.

After his incredible show of skill against the Head Lantern, his abilities were clearly more than just about perception.

His teammates were no fools; Fang Xiu knew they had their suspicions. He knew it was unnecessary to hide it anymore.

Also, Fang Xiu wasn't concerned about secrets leaking outin this deadly zone, some of them might not even survive.

After all, the best secret keepers were the dead.

"Let's go."

Following Fang Xiu's command, the team sprang into action.

Out of nowhere, someone yelled, "The body is moving!"

They all turned, horrified, to see the young woman who was believed to be dead now standing eerily, like a zombie.

Her pale neck, previously wounded, was now covered in silver hair instead of blood.

While the team suspected a Specter's illusion, Fang Xiu walked to Liu Shuai, took the bronze candlestick from him, and handed it to the 'resurrected' woman.

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Everyone looked puzzled.

'Why is he giving our life-saving tool to a Specter?'

"Don't be afraid, she's not resurrected. I'm controlling her now," Fang Xiu said calmly.

Liu Shuai quickly realized something and said, "Xiu, are you planning to use her to light this candlestick?"

Fang Xiu nodded. "She was our teammate. She should still help us, even after death."

This revelation sent a cold shiver through the team. Fang Xiu's methods were unnerving.

Some of the psychics in the group noticed silver strands linking the woman's body to Fang Xiu.

The team continued their journey, encountering groups of Specter Slaves and former residents of Greenvine City.

Fang Xiu conserved his energy, allowing the team to handle these lesser foes.

'These are just minor threats. I need to save my strength.'

They found cars left unlocked on the streets, likely abandoned in haste by those fleeing or who had perished.

Each of them got into a car and started driving. As they drove, an unusual sight appeared.

An amusement park stood in the middle of the road, filled with the innocent sounds of children singing.

Fang Xiu frowned. It seemed the little girl from the amusement park was looking for them.

He tried to go a different way, but the same amusement park showed up on the new road too.

It was as if they had to go through the park no matter what.

Fang Xiu's face, usually calm, now had a scary smile.

"I wanted to deal with the Nightmare first, but it looks like she's in a rush to be obliterated," he said.

Then, he pressed the gas pedal hard and drove toward the amusement park. The others had no choice but to go with him.

As they entered the amusement park, the team noticed it looked like any other park, with a variety of rides: a merry-go-round, a roller coaster, a haunted house, and a Ferris wheel. But it was eerily quiet, and the rides moved by themselves in the dark, foggy night, making the place feel spooky.

They drove quickly from the entrance to the park exit. But, to their shock, when they left the exit, they ended up back at the entrance. No matter how many times they tried, they always ended up in the same spot.

"Stop trying. Everyone, get out of the cars," Fang Xiu said over the walkie-talkie.

Once everyone was out, they all looked at Fang Xiu, waiting for him to lead the way. Fang Xiu looked at the rides and said, "Come out, little girl. I'm here to hang out with you."

Then, they heard a child's happy laugh.

Everyone became tense. On the merry-go-round, where there had been no one before, a little girl in a white dress suddenly appeared. She was smiling sweetly and seemed to be having fun on the ride.

"You're here, finally! I've been waiting for you!" she said, her voice sickeningly sweet.

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