Chapter 68: The Elderly Taoist

So, whoever believes KP Cao's tall tales and stays in this mirror world to continue exploring is surely out of their mind, as if a Ghoul had devoured their brain.

Thus, Liu Xing and his companions unanimously ignored KP Cao and headed straight for the mirror without hesitation.

Due to the offering of a sacrifice, the mirror had opened a passage between the real world and the mirror world. The mirror surface, which originally reflected the scenes of a temple in the real world, had now turned into a dense fog, impenetrable and mysterious.

Although Liu Xing knew KP Cao wouldn't lie – passing through this mirror would indeed take them back to the real world – the eerie fog reminded him of a movie called "The Mist", which involved the Cthulhu Mythos. In it, a dense fog filled with various monsters relentlessly slaughtered humans who ventured into it.

Shaking his head, Liu Xing cast aside these chaotic thoughts and bravely stepped into the dense fog of the mirror, only to blackout abruptly.

When Liu Xing regained consciousness, he was surprised to find that KP Cao hadn't announced the completion of their task, nor had he experienced another "out-of-body" moment. Wondering if there was more plot to come, he thought he should already be back in the real world. Could the Formless Offspring possibly follow them from the mirror world?

Puzzled, Liu Xing propped himself up, only to realize he was lying amidst peach trees, with Akira Akashi and others scattered around, still unconscious.

Rubbing his throbbing temples, Liu Xing struggled to his feet, his insatiable hunger unabated. The urgency in the mirror world had momentarily made him forget his hunger, but now, relaxed, the gnawing emptiness dominated his thoughts, making him feel as if he hadn't eaten or drunk for three days and nights. His only thought was to eat.

Suddenly, Liu Xing smelled the aroma of food and followed it to find a kind-eyed old man approaching with a tray of meals sufficient for six people.

"Young man, have some food. You must be starving from your time in the mirror world," the old man said as he placed the tray on the ground, sitting cross-legged without minding the dirt. He handed a bowl to Liu Xing with a smile.

Though Liu Xing sensed something amiss, his overwhelming hunger took over, and he eagerly accepted the food, savoring each bite. For the first time, he realized the sheer bliss of being able to eat.

Meanwhile, Tina and others gradually woke up. Attracted by the smell of the food, they rushed over and eagerly grabbed bowls for themselves, eating as if reborn as starving ghosts. Even the adorable little girl, Nan Xiaoniao, was no exception.

After all, even those like Tian Dao, who had passed the physical test, were not as famished as Liu Xing.

The long-awaited feeling of satiety finally brought Liu Xing back to his senses. He turned his attention to the old man who had been standing by with a gentle smile. It was then Liu Xing noticed that this elder had the appearance of a youthful sage, his hair as white as a crane's, yet his face bore the innocence of a child. He was clad in a pristine Taoist robe, his head crowned with a traditional Taoist headdress, exuding an air of celestial grace.

Had Liu Xing not been certain that he was still on the set of the Cthulhu RPG Game, he might have believed he had crossed into a mythical world of immortals and encountered a powerful and benevolent figure straight out of a fantasy novel - the archetype of the wise old grandmaster.

"Thank you, venerable Taoist, for saving my life. I was so famished that I couldn't walk or speak. I apologize for not expressing my gratitude sooner," Liu Xing respectfully addressed the old Taoist.

The elder Taoist chuckled softly and humbly dismissed the praise, "Think nothing of it. The simple meal I offered is hardly worthy of such thanks. There's no need for such formality, young man."

Liu Xing was about to further express his gratitude, but suddenly he recalled the elder mentioning something about a 'Mirror World'.

Frowning in contemplation, Liu Xing earnestly inquired, "Master, did you mention the Mirror World earlier? Is it the same bizarre realm we just escaped from?"

With a nod and a smile, the elder Taoist confirmed, "Indeed, you and your companions are fortunate to have escaped unscathed from that Mirror World, without any loss. You must have seen how terrifying the creature known as the Formless Offspring is."

Liu Xing nodded in agreement, his curiosity piqued, "Master, from your words, it seems you have also been to this Mirror World?"

Hearing this, the old Taoist sighed, his voice tinged with reminiscence, "Certainly, how else would I know of the Mirror World and the Formless Offspring? You must have heard about it from Ray, I presume."

Liu Xing nodded, realizing that this old Taoist was the very person Ray had spoken of.

"Let me share a new story with you," the elder began. "After my junior disciple was punished by the great Sulu deity for stealing offerings, peace returned to the Crane Temple. One day, while clearing weeds near the peach trees with my fellow disciples, we saw my junior disciple waving at us. Believing he had been resurrected and forgiven by the great Sulu, we were overjoyed. But in a blink, we found ourselves in the Mirror World, where my junior disciple transformed into the Formless Offspring and began to chase us. In the end, I was the only one fortunate enough to return to the real world." The elder Taoist shared his harrowing experience with Liu Xing.

Liu Xing understood that the junior Taoist who had stolen the offerings was likely the true form of the Formless Offspring in the Mirror World. This elder Taoist was the NPC responsible for feeding and reviving players, as well as providing background information. In the straightforward scenario of the Castle Lord, players could easily deduce the backstory without explicit guidance from an NPC. However, the scenario of the Harvest Festival was different, offering limited clues and leaving no time for players to uncover them. Thus, an NPC was introduced to narrate the backstory and, in a way, reward the players. Now, "Liu Xing" had learned the name of the Formless Offspring.

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