Dice In The Darkness: Cthulhu Calls

Chapter 300: Astonishing Revelation

Chapter 300: Astonishing Revelation

Liu Xing took a moment to ponder, piecing together the origins and developments of the situation.

Firstly, it was the Ancient Tribe that stumbled upon the Bronze Gate. Due to their technological backwardness, the Ancient Tribe had likely not mastered the art of bronze smelting. As a result, they regarded the Bronze Gate as a sacred artifact and constructed a circular space dedicated to worship.

Behind the Bronze Gate, the Moon Beasts from the Dreamrealm may have accidentally entered the real world or somehow sensed the presence of the Ancient Tribe. In any case, the Moon Beast appeared before the Ancient Tribe.

For an Ancient Tribe, a creature as peculiar in appearance as the Moon Beast, which could communicate through inspiration and was akin to a mythical creature, was undoubtedly a divine being in their eyes. Therefore, the Ancient Tribe quickly began to worship the Moon Beast.

Of course, it was also possible that the Moon Beast had directly exerted mental control over the people of the Ancient Tribe...

In any case, the Moon Beast realized that the Ancient Tribe could serve as its pawns to capture more humans for slavery in the real world. Thus, the Moon Beast bestowed powerful weapons upon the Ancient Tribe, urging them to attack other Ancient Tribes, capture their human members, and offer them as sacrifices.

This led to the creation of these murals.

However, what troubled Liu Xing was the sudden appearance of the Moon Beast. The Moon Beast was a watershed among mythical creatures. Lesser creatures like Ghouls and Deep Ones could be fought by ordinary humans, especially if they were armed. With firearms, defeating Ghouls or Deep Ones was even possible.

But when it came to the Moon Beast, ordinary humans were essentially defenseless. The Moon Beast could use mental control to manipulate them into submission, rendering them powerless.

Furthermore, despite the "beast" in its name, the Moon Beasts technological prowess far surpassed that of humans. The Moon Beast and Yis People held diametrically opposing views on technology. Yis People refrained from delving into advanced technology until absolutely necessary, while the Moon Beast eagerly absorbed and developed any technology that benefited itself. Hence, the Moon Beast was considered one of the most technologically advanced mythical creatures in the Cthulhu RPG Game.

So, encountering the Moon Beast in the Cthulhu RPG Game not only required vigilance against its mental control but also caution regarding its constantly evolving and diverse black technologies. As the Moon Beasts slaves came from various races, it had acquired the technologies of many different races.

"This is troublesome," Liu Xing thought. "I didnt expect this module to be related to the Moon Beast, and it seems there may be multiple Moon Beasts. However, the only consolation is that the Moon Beast is still behind the Bronze Gate. Hopefully, it wont make an appearance."

After all, in "Watanabe Ryuuseis" memories, there was no information about the Moon Beast. So, for now, Liu Xing had to pretend not to recognize the Moon Beast depicted in the murals.

However, as Liu Xing walked further, the murals began to depict a recurring cycle. The Ancient Tribe obtained new black technologies from the Moon Beast, used them to defeat another hostile tribe, and then offered the captives to the Moon Beast.

What surprised Liu Xing was the appearance of aircraft tank-style weapons in the murals.

Upon seeing this, Liu Xing couldnt help but comment, "No wonder there are so many news reports nowadays claiming that ancient technologies are beyond modern replication. It turns out all those things were imported."

Just as Liu Xing finished speaking, the mural before him changed abruptly. A group of massive Monsters appeared and began hunting the members of the Ancient Tribe.

These large Monsters resembled Cthulhu, with octopus-like heads and wings. They were the Star Kin, considered the kin of Cthulhu.

Liu Xing couldnt help but admire the mural artists skill in portraying the bizarre and unstable nature of the Star Kins bodies. Of course, it was also possible that the artists hands were trembling due to fear.

As the devoted servants of Cthulhu, Star Kin considered themselves the closest beings to Cthulhu and were incredibly loyal to him (though Cthulhu sometimes treated them poorly). Consequently, Star Kin did not have a fixed form and shaped themselves in the likeness of Cthulhu. This resulted in their striking resemblance to Cthulhu in appearance.

Due to their amorphous nature, Star Kin could contract one part of their body while rapidly expanding another during battle. This ability allowed them to dramatically increase the reach of their claws and tentacles, often catching their enemies off guard. For this reason, there was a speculation that Star Kin were essentially large, powerful slimes...

It is worth noting that although Star Kin appeared similar to Cthulhu, resembling enormous mutated octopuses, they were not aquatic creaturesor perhaps "terrestrial" would be an inadequate term to describe them. After all, Star Kins influence extended to the seas, lands, and skies. However, due to most Star Kin sightings occurring near the ocean, many people perceived them as aquatic beings, often associating them with Deep Ones or considering them their superiors.

In reality, Star Kin were indifferent towards the native inhabitants of the world, treating them as insignificant as ants. However, for the sake of expanding Cthulhus dominion and transforming the world into the image Cthulhu desired, Star Kin tended to eradicate the indigenous inhabitants of the regions they explored. They would then introduce other mythical creatures loyal to Cthulhu to inhabit these territories.

Therefore, Star Kin could be seen as the vanguard of Cthulhus forces. They frequently attacked other planets or alternate dimension worlds, even once occupying Earth when Cthulhu was sealed within it.

However, due to a prolonged and widespread war involving multiple mythical creature races on Earth, Star Kin eventually had to relinquish control of the planet. The subsequent peace treaty granted them the right to occupy most of Earths land, with the exception of the oceans and some ancient territories, particularly Antarctica, which remained reserved for the Ancient Ones.

At this point, its worth briefly mentioning the Ancient Ones. They are another mythical creature race originating from outer space, but they arrived on Earth in the Antarctic region around a billion years ago. They were among the first mythical creatures to set foot on Earth and, like most mythical creatures, they do not age or die naturally.

In the ancient past, as these mythical creatures occupied different regions of Earth due to their immortality and the continuous birth of new offspring, it led to a population explosion. They needed more territory for reproduction, which eventually led to a great war. This war involved various mythical creature races, including the Star Kin, Deep Ones, Yis People, and Flying Hydra.

Thinking about this, Liu Xing couldnt help but raise an eyebrow. Star Kin had seldom appeared on Earth after that massive war. After all, they understood that Earth had become a perilous place with many powerful mythical creature races inhabiting it. Star Kin didnt dare to cause trouble on Earth casually.

Therefore, the fact that Star Kin were attacking the Ancient Tribe now suggested that the existence of this Ancient Tribe had been around much longer than Liu Xing had imagined.

This wild idea began to give Liu Xing a headache. If that were indeed the case, this Ancient Tribe, or rather this ancient community, might not be a human tribe but a race that had already been exterminated by Star Kin.

Because in the final mural, Liu Xing saw that Star Kin had completely destroyed this ancient community. The remaining members of this ancient community were forced into a cave, and then the sea water was flooded into the cave... The mural abruptly ended at this point, most likely because the murals creator had died at that moment.

Liu Xing, who had been looking up at the murals, suddenly realized that he had unconsciously entered a huge circular space again. This circular space was many times larger than the one on the right, as Liu Xings mobile phones light couldnt reach the opposite wall.

This made Liu Xing furrow his brows and hesitate, as he had no idea how large this circular space was. Moreover, under the light of his mobile phone, Liu Xing saw various scattered items on the ground, including a massive tank...

This tank was roughly the same size as a large excavator, but it had a short barrel, less than half a meter in length, and a trapezoidal muzzle, giving it a futuristic appearance.

However, this tank was severely damaged, appearing as if it had been cut in half by Star Kins claws.

In addition to this tank, Liu Xing also saw many damaged black technology weapons. It seemed that the black technology weapons provided to the ancient community by the Moon Beast couldnt withstand the attacks of Star Kin.

Liu Xing sighed after a moment of reflection. He hadnt expected this underground area to be so complex. He was also running out of time to explore the underground world. If he got lost in this circular space, he might have to find another exit to leave Fishers Villages underground world.

Furthermore, Liu Xing felt that he had gathered enough explosive information. His mind was starting to feel overwhelmed, so it was best to return as soon as possible.

With that decision made, Liu Xing decided to retrace his steps.

The journey back was smooth, and Liu Xing finally returned to the spot where he had descended. Zhang Jingxu, who had heard the commotion from above, quietly called out, "Liu Xing?"

"Its me. Make some room for me, Im coming up," Liu Xing replied.

Having said that, Liu Xing contacted KP Green Light to perform Willpower Judgment and Wall-Passing Technique Judgment.

"I originally intended to have you perform a Jump Judgment, but that seems a bit too troublesome, and youve already tested that you can touch the ceiling by yourself. So, as long as you pass the Willpower Judgment and Wall-Passing Technique Judgment, theres no need for a Jump Judgment," KP Green Light said with a smile.

Liu Xing breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, KP Green Light was flexible and willing to adapt. Otherwise, he might have had to jump dozens of times if he needed a preliminary Jump Judgment.

Liu Xing, Willpower, 69/75, success.

Liu Xing, Wall-Passing Technique, 48/50, success.

Liu Xing raised an eyebrow. It seemed that luck was on his side today. Although he had narrowly succeeded in both Judgments, they were still successful.

With that, Liu Xing felt his cosmos surge, and he leaped effortlessly, hitting the ceiling.

Then, Liu Xing returned to the ground floor of the villa.

Zhang Jingxu and the others gathered around him, bombarding him with questions about what he had seen underground.

However, Liu Xing hadnt forgotten about his reward. He reached out to Zhang Jingxu and said, "What about the medicine you promised?"

Zhang Jingxu sighed and pulled out a small porcelain bottle from his pocket, handing it to Liu Xing. "The medicine in here can be considered a cure-all. Just take one pill at a time. However, remember the saying less is more. You can take a maximum of three pills in a month, as taking too many may have side effects."

Liu Xing nodded and put the small bottle in his pocket. Then, he stood up and said, "Lets go back to my room upstairs to discuss. The underground situation is more complex than you can imagine."

Everyone nodded and followed Liu Xing upstairs.

Once upstairs, Liu Xing took a deep breath and began to explain, "The Fishers Village were currently in used to be the territory of a powerful tribe many years ago. This tribe became powerful through a trade with a certain type of Monsters."

[Thanks for reading at /maxnkoga , if you supporting this novel, a heartfelt thankyou, enjoy the content!]

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