Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 892: Old Hatred

Chapter 892: Old Hatred

The Sariel Team led by Keressa searched for the wandering spirits to slay in order to get the law fragment while searching for the ‘key’. Although Sara at the early stage of the Kingdom level was killed in a fierce battle, they became more proficient in cooperation and successfully obtained a lot of law fragments.

Keressa got 8, Pato got 3, Quero 1, Marton 1 while Anriel and Thursfield were empty-handed. This allocation plan was obviously advantageous to Keressa, but the rest of the people were afraid to speak out because she was too powerful. They were still inferior even if all of them teamed up. On the other hand, the special attribute of the wandering spirits was very difficult to deal with, and Keressa’s talent had considerable restraint against the wandering spirits. If they left the team and acted alone, it seemed rather difficult for even Pato of the peak stage of the Kingdom level to hunt the Kingdom level wandering spirits. What’s more, not every Kingdom level wandering spirit would condense a law fragment. In case there was a mishap, Sara would be the best example.

As for Anriel and Thursfield, they dared not object at all, but Keressa promised that as long as the 2 could find a valuable group of wandering spirits or ‘key’, they would be allocated the next law fragment.

In fact, Anriel and Thursfield were equally clear that the possession of valuables would arouse the envy of others. With their strength, even if they get a law fragment, they couldn’t keep it long. They could only obey Keressa even more.

If they hadn’t been for a little use value, if they were in the outside world, their lives would have been snuffed out by these super powerhouses.

However, the absorption or comprehension of the law fragment would take a lot of time, so even Keressa did not dare to absorb it immediately. After all, these ‘teammates’ were all scheming people. Moreover, the top priority was to complete the task and get out of this ghastly place as soon as possible. Even without Sariel’s reward, these law fragments alone would be considered a huge gain.

“Madam Keressa! I found a batch of the wandering spirits!” Pathfinder Anriel panted as she said to Keressa. “In terms of quantity… I guess it looks like 500 to 600, but there should be a super-level wandering spirit among them. I sensed that kind of momentum, so I didn’t dare to get too close. If it wasn’t for the madam’s scale to shield the breath, maybe I’d have been noticed.”

“Very good!” Keressa stood up, the number of 500-600 was completely easy for the team to defeat. “I will do as I say. If we get a law fragment this time, you have a spot.”

“Madam, I just want to be able to leave here safely.” Anriel smiled bitterly, “I hope that madam can protect me, and this spot will be regarded as an offering to madam.”

Seeing that Anriel was so sensible, Keressa showed a satisfied expression, “Okay, I will protect you to the best of my ability.”

Although the credibility of this sentence was not very high, Anriel knew that in the eyes of the other party, she was just an ant and did not dare to question it, so she quickly thanked her.

Keressa gave the order, “Everyone, let’s go and hunt the wandering spirits together!”

Meanwhile, in the other direction, Chen Rui was flying unhurriedly.

“Leslie. The scouting map you provided is the main place where we can find the wandering spirits more easily, and your stealth talent plus water element is indeed the best way to lure the wandering spirits. When you break up the wandering spirits, I can easily eliminate them. In just 7 days, we actually collected 21 law fragments!” Chen Rui expressed his approval.

Leslie looked humble, “Thank you for the compliment, master. The mark on the map is actually the location of the wandering spirits group activity that I detected a few days ago. It’s just that my strength is inferior, so I didn’t dare to provoke them. Master is the real powerhouse. You can actually kill the Demi-God wandering spirits.”

Chen Rui and Leslie teamed up to hunt down a lot of the wandering spirits these days. Especially yesterday, they actually found a group of the wandering spirits with a Demi-God level wandering spirit. Chen Rui activated the [Red Pole Star Transformation] to annihilate that Demi-God level wandering spirit in one fell swoop and got the more valuable Demi-God level law crystal ball.

Unlike the Kingdom level fragments, the Demi-God level was a complete crystal ball. The law contained in it was more powerful and complete, and its value was far more than Kingdom level fragments. The Demi-God was a step before the Pseudo-God, which could no longer be called a law fragment, but a power evolved from a law. It was closer to the ‘divine’ called Pseudo-Godhood. However, until now, Chen Rui had not seen a Pseudo-God wandering spirit. Perhaps it was restricted by some special rule.

“What is this mysterious place? There are actually so many powerful wandering spirits; almost endless! Even the Demon Overlord-level wandering spirits are in horrifying amounts beyond imagination, let alone so many super-level wandering spirits. If it was outside, they could simply destroy the existence of the entire world. I wonder if it was formed by the different forces here, or by the mutated soul after the annihilation of the real person.” This was Chen Rui’s biggest doubt since arriving at the Ghastly Floating Land.

“Judging from the law fragment… this kind of soul entity is likely to be formed after the annihilation of a real powerhouse, and these powerhouses are quite powerful during their lifetime, otherwise they will not form a soul entity after death, so even the weakest wandering spirits here are the Demon Overlord level.”

Chen Rui took a deep breath, “So, the actual number of people who died in a certain period is far more than the number of the wandering spirits? What actually happened?”

Leslie shook her head, and Chen Rui suddenly thought, “Have you heard of ‘Twilight of the Gods’?”

“Twilight of the Gods?” Leslie was stunned, “I have seen incomplete records in some ancient books. The legend stated that it was a huge disaster of all the worlds, and even the gods fell into eternal sleep. But no one can be sure whether it’s a legend or a fact. It’s true that the gods haven’t performed miracles for many years, and maybe that’s where these legends come from.”

Chen Rui frowned. What Leslie said was similar to what he knew from Catherine. Although the gods hadn’t shown miracles for a long time, the legendary god’s concept of time was completely different from the ordinary world. A god’s yawn was probably thousands of years in the world. Take the solar system as an example. The creation and evolution of the real solar system took hundreds of millions of years or even longer, but it took only a few years for ‘Chen Rui’.

Therefore, no one could be sure whether the legendary gods were dozing or sleeping.

“Right, master. I have seen the term law fragment in an incomplete old handbook.” Leslie seemed to have thought of something, “The note has some fragmented descriptions. For example, life essence, law fragment, the secret of creation and destruction.”

Life essence…? The secret of creation and construction…? Chen Rui seemed to have touched something crucial and he asked, “Who wrote that handbook?”

“The handbook is incomplete, and it mentions ‘Python’ that seems to be a person’s name, but I don’t know if it’s the author.”

Python? Chen Rui had never heard of this name. Although he now had the strength to compete with Demi-God, his knowledge in this world might not be as good as that of a Demon Overlord. Perhaps he could find the answer from experienced people like Earth Elemental King or Auglas.

“It’s not long before you need to gather.” The most important thing at the moment was Tiffany and the silver box. Chen Rui didn’t waste any more energy thinking about these things, “I’ll give you 7 fragments for the mission. Let’s go to the gathering place. I will use the [Sneak] to follow you from afar. When we find Tiffany, we will act according to the situation.”

“Yes, master.”

Chen Rui and Leslie were unobstructed all the way, but Keressa encountered a great danger at this time.

Under Anriel’s guidance, the Sariel Team found the group of 500-600 wandering spirits. However, the number of the wandering spirits suddenly increased tenfold at the beginning of the battle, and it was still increasing, besieging several people layer by layer. Even more terrifying, super powerhouses like Anriel and Pato had sensed the breath of more than 1 Demi-God level wandering spirits!

Everyone in the Sariel Team couldn’t help being shocked, and they quickly moved closer together to form a defensive formation.

Keressa could sense that the wandering spirits were drawn to something, and this focus was actually the ‘pathfinder’ Anriel. She shouted angrily, “This is a trap! Anriel!”

Anriel smiled strangely, “Keressa, an overbearing guy like you will fall into this too? You only found out that it’s a trap now?”

“You’re not Anriel! Who exactly are you?! No, the imprint I secretly put into Anriel did not change. This is…” Keressa suddenly reacted, “[Puppetry]! Beelzebub Royal Family! “

“Remember the battle in the Dead Sea? I didn’t expect to meet you here; even as an enemy! The woman you sent to explore the way was captured by me and turned into a puppet long ago, and my teammates activated a talent to shield the breath that the puppet may leak. It was just a good opportunity to lead you step by step into the trap. Enjoy the last moment of life. This time, I can finally avenge the past!”

“Vesilna!” Keressa gritted her teeth and said an enemy’s name.

“Haha…” Anriel’s laughter stopped abruptly, and she was annihilated under Keressa’s rage.

Vesilna was not an alarmist; the number of wandering spirits increased more and more. The rough estimate was probably exceeding 10,000, and there were 6 wandering spirits of the Demi-God level alone.

Everyone’s complexion changed greatly. Now it was not an option for attack or defense at all, even escaping was a problem.

Keressa gritted her teeth and grabbed Thursfield as she channeled her strength. Thursfield’s body suddenly emitted a fiery glow which rose to a terrifying level in an instant. The approaching Demon Overlord level wandering spirits actually evaporated out of thin air.

“Madam Keressa…” Thursfield only felt that his body swelled like a balloon, and he could be shattered at any time. He was so terrified that he couldn’t finish a sentence, and he had lost the ability to speak under the terrifying expansion.

Several Kingdom level powerhouses like Pato, Quero and Marton could see clearly that Keressa used a secret technique to stimulate Thursfield’s spirit flame talent, turning Thursfield into a ‘body bomb’. It seemed that Keressa had secretly did something to him, so she deliberately did not kill Thursfield.

However, the Demi-God level wandering spirits had already surrounded them, and it was still difficult to escape by exploding the spirit power of Thursfield alone.

Keressa also understood this point. She couldn’t be bothered anymore as it was a matter of life and death. There were several law fragments in her hands. While launching [Petrify] to block the attack of the wandering spirits, she exhausted a lot of her vitality and energy quickly to incorporate into Thursfield’s body. The energy in Thursfield’s body instantly skyrocketed 10 times, 20 times, 30 times…

Soon Thursfield had turned into a ball emitting berserk heat, ready to explode.

Pato and others all backed away in shock when they sensed the astonishing breath.


The red light was prosperous, and a monstrous heat wave burst forth. This kind of fire spirit power combined with the explosion of the law fragment was extremely terrifying. It particularly had a great damage on the soul entity of the wandering spirits. The wandering spirits all dissipated into a puff of smoke. Those Demi-God wandering spirits closest to the center of the explosion were also torn apart, temporarily beyond recovery.

Keressa’s figure disappeared in the distance like lightning through the momentum. Pato and the other 2 were also affected by the aftermath, and they were soon swarmed by the wandering spirits.

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