Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 888: Ghastly Floating Land

Chapter 888: Ghastly Floating Land

After the dizzy shuttle, several figures appeared in a space. They were thrown out by an intangible power. Since everyone had extraordinary strength, they quickly stabilized themselves.

There was a new environment in front of them. Everyone was on a cliff. To be precise, it should be the edge of an island. There were also several similar islands in the distance, which were actually suspended in the air with white mist floating in between.

It was also a vast space with almost no gravity. On the contrary, the buoyancy in the air was still very large, but the surrounding light appeared dim, and the sky was gloomy. There was a feeling that the ‘sun’ was completely covered by dark clouds.

Clearly, everyone had managed to get out of the Lost Land via the Blazing White Way.

There were only 8 of the previous 13 people, but no one mentioned the 2 Demon Overlords whose vitality was drained by Keressa in the end. Here and now, ‘survival’ was the biggest keyword. Not to mention, this temporary team was initially formed with interests in mind.

Up to now, everyone knew that the reason why Keressa formed this team was not only to gather strength to increase the possibility of completing the mission, but also to keep teammates as ‘food’ in captivity.

Of course, the people who joined the team were also shrewd people. For example, in the last scene at the Lost Land, if they didn’t join, they would be killed by Keressa. Take the Blazing White Way as an example. Without Keressa, those Demon Overlords would hardly be able to pass through; even survival would become a major problem. Relying on a powerhouse was the best way out. The Kingdom level powerhouses were more of a wait-and-see state of judging the situation while moving forward with the help of Demon Overlord and Keressa. As long as the opportunity presented itself, they would definitely leave this ‘team’ that posed the backstabbing risk at any time.

This place should be the ‘Ghastly Floating Land’ recorded in Sariel’s ‘data’. There was a most important place here which was the gate to Chaos Realm where the silver box was located. As long as they found the gate here, they could enter the final location to find the silver box to complete the task.

The location of the gate was not fixed. To enter the gate, one must find the ‘key’ or the entrance to the gate. The ‘key’ was naturally Tiffany, and Sariel had her image clearly printed in the spiritual imprint of the Evil Pupil.

Unlike the Lost Land, there were wandering spirits in Ghastly Floating Land. They were powerful souls that had lost their consciousness and would attack any living creature.

Sariel’s ‘data’ was limited to this. There was no more detailed record. Even the final destination Chaos Realm was unknown.

Ghastly Floating Land did not have the same strange power as the Lost Land that constantly eroded the body and soul, so their strength loss had recovered to its normal state. The only thing that felt special was ‘coldness’. It was not a normal temperature drop, but a ghastly cold that could even make their souls tremble.

This cold did not change with the level of strength. Everyone felt that the higher the strength, the stronger the cold erosion.

Keressa glanced at Chen Rui and seemed to want to ask him if there was anything he could do. Before Chen Rui answered, Thursfield jumped out first.

Thursfield was one of only 2 Demon Overlords on the team. When he thought of the 2 Demon Overlords who had been drained by Keressa before, he was secretly horrified, so he didn’t want to be the next victim.

“This… I should be able to solve it. Although I’m not from the Samael Royal Family, I have a special fire talent that can trigger the mutated spirit fire, which happens to be the nemesis of this chill.” Thursfield said cautiously. An eye appeared between his eyebrows. It was the Evil Pupil. The Evil Pupil flashed a faint red and his body began to glow red. Everyone felt that the area was getting warmer. The red light spread to everyone, and the chill that penetrated their souls was also dispelled a lot.

Seeing Keressa nodding slightly, Thursfield looked very respectful on the surface, but he was secretly proud: If my value is recognized by Keressa, then the chance of survival will be greatly increased. At least it can win precious time and let the ‘victim’ sequence move backward while I wait for an opportunity to make a move.

Chen Rui didn’t care about this chill as the Super System could easily dissolve that ghastly power into aura, but since someone was willing to contribute, why not just sit back and enjoy it?

“We have already arrived at the Ghastly Floating Land. When we passed the Blazing White Way just now, everyone exhausted enormous strength.” Keressa spoke up, “This space is very large, and I don’t know where the woman who became the key is, let alone whether there are other enemies, but the environment here is harsh. If we stay here for a long time, our strength will eventually run out, so we must hurry up to find the door. If we end up with nothing, even if we can leave, we can’t bear the wrath of Sir Sariel. I suggest that we send 2 people to investigate the situation nearby, and the rest of the people will recover strength here while waiting. What do you all think?”

“Madam Keressa’s approach is very good.” Thursfield was the first to agree. The others thought about it and didn’t raise any objections.

Keressa nodded, “So, who’s going to investigate?”

Thursfield responded quickly. He immediately ‘subconsciously’ glanced at the female Demon Overlord Anriel and Chen Rui. In the entire team, Thursfield and Anriel were the weakest, so they were generally the best cannon fodder candidates, but now Thursfield had shown his value. This glance was equivalent to nominating Anriel and Chen Rui.

Putting aside Anriel, that ‘Richard’ was good at magic circles. Thursfield felt that he was his biggest potential competitor. Although my strength is weaker than him, it is clear that Keressa is the one with the hardest fist. I just hold tight to Keressa’s thigh, then naturally, there is no need to worry about offending ‘Richard’.

Keressa understood Thursfield’s intentions, but she didn’t point it out. The rest of the people were happy to see that someone came forward, so they all set their eyes on Anriel and Chen Rui.

“Richard, so it’s you and Anriel. You 2 go separate ways.” Keressa said in an unquestionable tone. With a flick of her finger, 2 blue rays of light flew toward Anriel and Chen Rui, and suspended in front of them. It was 2 strange symbols.

“The strength of this space is very strong, and items such as magic maps cannot be used. The 2 imprints condense my kingdom power. In case you lose your way, it can guide you back here. 3 days. When you return, I want to see the most useful intel.” Keressa’s last sentence had a hint of threat. This symbol also must have a tracking function.

Chen Rui thought for a while. Upon grabbing the symbol, the symbol instantly turned into a curved mark and sank into his palm. Anriel also reluctantly accepted the mark.

Looking at the figures of Chen Rui and Anriel flying far apart, a triumphant expression flashed across Thursfield’s eyes.

Although Keressa’s strength was still higher than that of Lalaria, Chen Rui’s current strength was also far superior than he was during the martial battle competition. Especially after accepting the buff of star conferring, he had a deeper understanding of the Red Pole Star Emperor and law, so the power of [Red Pole Star Transformation] was also greatly increased. If he really had to fight against Keressa, there was nothing to be afraid of.

Chen Rui accepted the investigating mission because he had his own plans. He flew all the way, and after confirming that he had left everyone’s vision, he took out something from his jacket. It was a necklace with a ring on it.

Mammon Royal Family artifact: Bloody Ring.

Unlike the Wrath King Armor, Chen Rui did not perform [Deep Analysis] on the Bloody Ring. After all, this was a token to pass to Tiffany, so he couldn’t use the Bloody Ring artifact’s special attribute, but he could do one thing with the Bloody Ring, that was to find the whereabouts of the ‘key’, Tiffany.

Fortunately, unlike the other 7 artifacts, the Bloody Ring was small in size and could be easily carried without analysis. Chen Rui specially made a necklace that reinforced the ring.

After activating the Bloody Ring using the method taught by Raizen, a thin layer of reddish light emerged on the ring. When Chen Rui tried a few turns, there was a very faint flickering from the ring that was almost unnoticeable. If it weren’t for Chen Rui’s amazing sensing power, it would be impossible to detect it.

Tiffany has really come to this Ghastly Floating Land!

Chen Rui was high-spirited. While he unleashed his spirit power to sense the change of the ring, he flew forward according to the ring’s prompt. The so-called team and investigating task were not in his mind at all. As for the Demi-God imprint, although it was a little troublesome to erase it, it was not impossible.

The Bloody Ring could only indicate the general direction. After flying for a long time, the flashing intensity of the ring had only slightly changed, which showed that Tiffany was far away.

Unlike the danger that erupted everywhere in the Lost Land, this Ghastly Floating Land didn’t seem to have much danger except for the bone-chilling cold, giving a lifeless feeling.

As Chen Rui was on the way, a group of the white mist at the edge of the floating island in front of him flew toward him at a very fast speed. After taking a closer look, this ‘white mist’ was actually a ghost-like thing with green light flashing in both eyes. They had claw-shaped hands, and had no lower body. They made a creepy low howl which sounded like a cry.

These must be the wandering spirits in Sariel’s ‘data’! There are hundreds of them!

The speed of the wandering spirits was very fast. In the blink of an eye, the [Analytical Eyes] showed the race as spirit (wandering spirit). 5 of them had actually reached the Kingdom level, and the strongest had reached the peak stage of the Kingdom level while the rest were all Demon Overlord levels!

This kind of strength would be a frightening power in the Human World or the Demon Realm.

[Analysis] data showed that wandering spirits had 3 special attributes: Immortal body, erosion, and life devour.

Chen Rui didn’t have time to think about it. He slashed with [Aura Blade]. The wandering spirits of the intermediate stage of Kingdom level were split into 2. However, the split wandering spirit quickly returned to its original shape almost at the same time. Chen Rui couldn’t help shivering when he sensed a strange power invaded his spirit, but it was quickly resolved by the Super System.

I’m eroded and contaminated by the spirit after the sword qi just touched the wandering spirits. It seems that the special attribute of the wandering spirits is no doubt terrifying.

According to Sariel’s records, wandering spirits were powerful spirits that had lost their self-consciousness. Once they locked on the enemy, they would continue to attack without giving up until the enemy was destroyed.

Wandering spirits had no concept of fear, nor would they stop due to the loss of their companions. Instead, they rushed more fiercely from all directions. Chen Rui issued a [True Destructive Aura Blow] without a second thought, and all the nearby wandering spirits were disintegrated into countless pieces. The 5 Kingdom level wandering spirits were in relatively better condition, but they were also fragmented.

However, the consequence of this kind of aoe skill was that Chen Rui’s spirit had been eroded by countless ‘reflections’. Even if the Super System resolved it in time, he still felt dizzy. What’s more troublesome was that those wandering spirits, including the Demon Overlord ones, had begun to reintegrate.

The strength of kingdomized can’t kill Demon Overlord-level creatures?

This reminded Chen Rui of Dodo’s immortal body, and he couldn’t help but feel troubled.

He had actually put on the ‘Thunderous Sound’ that doubled the damage to the undead, but the wandering spirits didn’t seem to be equivalent to ordinary undead, so the effect was not obvious.

Spirit… Erosion… Chen Rui’s thoughts moved, and there was a set of full-body armor on his body. The jet-black armor revealed an ancient breath. There was a full set of helmet, boots, and wristband.

The Wrath King Armor.

The Wrath King Armor was ‘borrowed indefinitely’ from the Samael Royal Family by Catherine. This was the child’s mother’s sincerity, so Chen Rui would naturally not refuse it. As 1 of the 7 artifacts, the Wrath King Armor could only be activated by the recognized Samael Royal Family member, but facing the [Deep Analysis] of the Super System, the Wrath King Armor reluctantly knelt down to it. Now the Wrath King Armor had become Chen Rui’s 4th (3 1/2 to be precise) artifact.

The Wrath King Armor could greatly reduce physical damage and magic damage, protect the soul, immune to spirit-type erosion, and automatically recover. He could also bestow a ‘Soul Armor’ that had a strong defense to specific people for a limited time to have half of the Wrath King Armor’s attributes.

Although he only exerted a part of the ‘quasi-artifact’s’ power, the protection ability of the Wrath King Armor was already quite amazing. It was far better than the Overlord Armor or Mystic Jade Armor that was also quasi-artifacts.

As for the ‘borrowing’ time, just like the Demon Shield, although it was temporarily impossible to get rid of it, Chen Rui believed that there would be a way in the future. He would not make Catherine lose credibility. Of course, Her Majesty Empress’ kindness of ‘lending’ the Dark Shadow Cape was rejected by Chen Rui as he didn’t want to deceive the child’s mother.

As soon as the Wrath King Armor was put on his body, the annoying spirit erosion disappeared without a trace, but now Chen Rui was surrounded by the reintegrated wandering spirits. From a distance, it was like a ball of thread entwined in layers, constantly wriggling.

All of a sudden, the ball of thread wriggled and fell apart.

A sword appeared in the vision. The body of the sword was white and engraved with 2 strange marks.

The Sword of Fallen Angel.

The Sword of Fallen Angel, which was also 1 of the 7 artifacts, had the most powerful special attribute [Soul Searing], which could slay and split the enemy’s soul.

The attribute of [Soul Searing] was indeed very effective. The wandering spirits that were slashed had much lower ability to regenerate. After a few slashes in a row, the spirits dissipated into mist.

After beheading an early stage of the Kingdom level wandering spirit, Chen Rui felt that his soul power seemed to increase a little. He understood that this was another benefit of [Soul Searing], which was devouring the enemy’s flesh and blood for his own use.

Although the wandering spirits had no flesh and blood, they had powerful souls that surpassed undead creatures, so it was equivalent to a great buff. Although he could only devour a part of the soul power, it was already quite impressive.

Chen Rui was suddenly in high spirits. The Sword of Fallen Angel wielded layers of sword lights filled with sharp qi, turning the immortal wandering spirits into mist.

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