Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 821: The Battle of the Strongest Grand Masters

Chapter 821: The Battle of the Strongest Grand Masters

From the bet between Nate and Fonsaq to the debut of Grand Master Tetenis, to the duel agreement between Tetenis’ apprentice and the mysterious Grand Master Saman – the trio-specialized genius master ‘Arthur’ who once disappeared, this mechanic master contest could be described as twists and turns, one climax after another.

Not only the people in the stands, but the audience in front of the magic television also quieted down as they waited for the most exciting showdown.

Under Tetenis’ signal, everyone in the field stepped back and made way for an open space.

“If it wasn’t for the imprint’s rule, I don’t need to do anything for an ant-like character like you.” Saman looked at Chen Rui contemptuously as a golden light shone from his body.

Chen Rui didn’t explain either. He used the Evil Pupil’s power to seal the breath of the imprint. Now, since he wanted to defeat Saman in an open and honest way, he naturally no longer suppressed it and allowed half of his imprint power to fly out of the body.

The 2 golden lights combined together, and the space where the 2 were located appeared partially shifting like glass that refracts light. The sound and image could still be transmitted. This was the independent space of imprint.

Chen Rui learned from the information in the imprint that this was a space that contained the mysteries of law and advanced ancient runes. Both sides of the battle would set the rules, and the space would automatically decide the winner. In the end, only 1 person could leave alive.

“Ready to face death?” Saman had experienced this kind of duel more than once, and he seemed confident in his own power.

Chen Rui said calmly, “I’m not interested in chatting with people like you, so let’s set the rules now.”

“Blubbering confidence, I’ve seen too many guys like you. It’s nothing more than knowing that you will lose, but you are just trying to hypnotize yourself so that you look like you don’t have any fear of death.” Saman’s 1-eyed expression of disdain was even stronger. He had absolute confidence to win even if it was Tetenis who had advanced to the grand master level, let alone the apprentice of Tetenis.

Chen Rui shook his head, “I have always been afraid of death, so I will choose to conquer death to overcome my fear.”

“Ignorant trash!” Saman sneered coldly, “I know you have a title of trio-specialized mechanic master, I’ll give you a chance to perform. Let’s compete on mechanics for the first match, the stake is half of the vitality. How about that?”

“Agreed, the second is pharmaceutics?”

“Agreed! The stake is the other half of vitality, if you can win 2 matches in a row, then my life will automatically disappear, and the same is true for you. If you win 1 and lose 1, then we will enter the final of the third match. In the final, the bets of the first 2 rounds will be repeated. The bet will be repeated until 1 side loses completely.”

“Agreed.” Chen Rui nodded. When the 2 said ‘agreed’, a visible golden chain appeared from the space and entangled together into bizarre texts which formed a kind of rule. Under the conclusion of this rule, some states of each other, including the bet of vitality power, appeared in their minds simultaneously..

“What an amazing vitality power! No wonder he agrees to your request to delay the duel!” Saman couldn’t help expressing himself proudly as he laughed, “Although delaying the duel cost me 300 years of life, this time I will take at least 100 times the interest! You seem to have gained some kind of pharmaceutics insight in the imprint. You are indeed the apprentice of Tetenis. Unfortunately, you don’t understand that even if you fully comprehend the imprint and surpass Tetenis, you will only become the second Dawor. Even Dawor died at my hands, let alone you?”

“I heard from teacher that when you bet with his teacher, the bet is only once every 200 years. This time, how did you change the number from a specific number to a proportion?” Chen Rui frowned, and there was a faint light in his eyes which shrouded Saman, causing Saman to feel a sense of being seen through.

Chen Rui activated [Deep Analysis] with the power of Evil Pupil for a moment by following the rule of space. He finally revealed a realization expression, “You have innumerable undead powers on your body, this should be a symbiotic contract. Your contract partner should be undead! No wonder you can actually last undefeated for nearly 10,000 years. It turned out to be cheating by borrowing the lifespan of your symbiotic partner!”

Having that contract partner’s life meant that Saman almost had endless bets, plus his own power, he could naturally triumph in every battle.

This truth made Tetenis suddenly realize the truth. When thinking of his teacher who passed away, he couldn’t help clenching the fist in his hand.

“You can actually see through this secret!” Saman’s 1 eye gleamed bleakly, “Hmph! This doesn’t violate the imprint space rule. It’s not cheating at all. It’s those guys who are stupid! The winner takes it all. If you have this capability, you can also cheat amidst the rules as long as you can beat me!”

“Really? I can see more than this…” Chen Rui’s Evil Pupil channeled to the extreme, “I see! This symbiotic contract of yours is flawed, plus the punishment of the imprint rule, your undead companion’s life is not really immortal. His lifespan should only be less than 1,000 years. No wonder…”

Chen Rui finally understood why the lich instigated Saman to delay the time of the duel last time, because he coveted his powerful vitality which was far superior to that of Tetenis. Chen Rui didn’t know how long his life would be, but half of the lifespan he got from Paglio was at least about 100,000 years, so from Saman’s point of view, this transaction was definitely of great value.

“So what if you knew it?” Saman let out a sinister laugh, “Now that the rules are set, it only takes 2 matches, and your life is mine.”

Chen Rui smiled. Even through the mask, Saman could clearly feel the determination, “This kind of clever trick means nothing to me. Anyway, only 1 person can survive today. Whether it’s a trick or a conspiracy, it’s just a joke in front of absolute strength. After talking nonsense for so long, it’s time for our duel to begin.”

Saman didn’t expect that Tetenis’ apprentice really had the strength to compete with him, so he was also confident, “I should be the one saying this sentence. The first mechanics, best of 3. The content of the game is decided by rolling the dice.”

A 6-sided dice appeared in the air in front of Chen Rui. With a shift of thought, the dice had already turned. After the rotation, the dice shattered, and a word ‘1’ appeared in the air. The test was refining.

A mechanic table with various utensils and a Purple Star Iron metal minerals appeared in front of the 2 of them at the same time. Within an hour, whoever had the highest refining rate would win the round.

Refining was the purification process of removing the impurities and preserving the essence. It was also 1 of the most important basic skills of mechanics, especially the mechanic that was proficient in metal. This step would determine the quality of the entire equipment.

Chen Rui’s mind moved. If Saman can exploit the loopholes in the rules, and I can too. This first test is just nice to try if the Super System is suitable for this game. He turned on the smelter on the mechanic table. When the minerals were heated to red by the high temperature, he picked up the hammer and simply knocked down on the mineral.

When Saman saw Chen Rui’s actions, his contempt became stronger. The hammer in his hand began to tap the red-hot mineral. In the eyes of the mechanic masters, that kind of action seemed to have strange rationality and rhythm which could almost pull one’s soul. This movement alone could determine Saman’s strength already.

“Grand master!” A master had already exclaimed. His voice was heard by the audience and spread quickly.

Saman no doubt is a mighty mechanic grand master! Perhaps as he himself said, his strength is far above Tetenis!

Listening to the conversation between the 2 just now, it seems that they are engaged in a life-and-death gamble. There is almost no suspense between a master and a grand master. How will the trio-specialized genius master deal with it?

Saman could remain undefeated for 10,000 years. In addition to holding a huge number of cheating ‘betting chips’, his own skills were indeed extraordinary. Over the years, Saman had fully grasped the mystery of half of the imprint, and his strength was even higher than that of his original teacher, Rosenberg. Although he was quite disdainful of Chen Rui, he had not been neglectful. He hammered, refined, hammered again, and refined again… The volume of that mineral was also shrinking rapidly.

An hour later, a small round metal ball appeared on Saman’s mechanics stage. It seemed perfect with no holes or protrusions. Chen Rui didn’t seem to seize the time to further refine. Instead, he finished refining long ago, and he just watched Saman’s movements with interest. In front of him was a small metal cube.

The mechanic masters shook their heads. Not to mention the relatively clumsy movements of ‘Arthur’, judging from the shape of the refined product of the 2 alone, Arthur is obviously much inferior because impurities can easily accumulate at the corners of the cube. Only the round shape is a suitable shape for maximum refinement. No doubt there is no suspense in this duel.

Saman sneered at the small cube in front of Chen Rui, and the imprint space began to judge the outcome. The result was displayed directly in the space in the form of texts just like the result of the dice roll just now.

The refining degree of Saman was 86. Generally speaking, many materials could not be purified repeatedly after reaching a certain degree of purity. The Purple Star Iron was 1 of the most difficult materials to refine. Ordinary masters could reach the limit of refining degree of 70. It was quite remarkable for Saman to actually reach 86. This was still under the time limit of 1 hour. From Saman’s method, as long as there was enough time, the refining degree could be increased to 90 and above.

The masters were amazed. No matter what Saman’s character was, the grand master-level skills were indeed truly competent. However, this amazement only lasted for a few seconds, and it immediately turned into a shock after the results of ‘Arthur’ came out.

Arthur’s refinement, 100!

Saman was in disbelief and almost thought he saw it wrongly- What is the concept of 100? No matter what material it is, no matter how it is refined, there is always a trace of unavoidable impurities. For Purple Star Iron, the refining of 90 is almost the limit of what can be achieved by manual refining.

Today, however, this theory had become a living reality in front of him!

Saman was very clear that the decision of the imprint space was absolutely accurate. That mineral that was knocked a few times in a clumsy way really unbelievably achieved the highest purity that can only be achieved in theory! What kind of techniques and means can achieve this? Can the top great grand masters do it?

“What kind of cheating method did you use!” Saman couldn’t help shouting.

“The winner takes it all as long as the rule allows it, you said it yourself.” Chen Rui replied indifferently, knowing that as long as it was ‘transformed’ by his hand, it could be recognized by the rule!

Saman was panting heavily. His 1 eye seemed to shoot countless sharp blades to smash Chen Rui into pieces. He finally calmed down and began to roll the dice to decide the content of the second round. The content of the second round was, within 2 hours, use the specified materials to create a long sword of excellent quality, and then use the 2 swords to hit each other. Whoever’s sword breaks first would be the loser.

There were several main points of this rule. First, the specified materials could not be increased or decreased, which greatly limited the means of forging skills; second, excellent quality. Whoever exceeded or fell below this quality would be directly judged as the loser; Thirdly, hit each other, which required the selection of the most suitable balance between the hardness and toughness of the long sword, and the attribute must be good in attack.

Looking at the fixed sword embryos and materials on the mechanics stage, Chen Rui didn’t move any more thoughts and really calmed down. The refining just now was just an experiment, and now, it’s a real contest between the grand masters.

After Chen Rui was silent for a moment, he reached out to the hammer. Due to the previous accidental defeat, Saman was not in a hurry and kept observing Chen Rui’s movements.

The moment he saw Chen Rui stretch out his hand to hold the hammer, Saman’s pupils shrink suddenly: This action, this focus, this momentum… It’s completely different from the previous match. This is the feeling that a real grand master exudes!

The strength of this Arthur has unbelievably surpassed Tetenis. At least he has reached my level as the ‘grand master’!

The mechanic masters outside the field only took a few glances, and their eyes seemed to be attracted by it as if they were pulled by a whirlpool. Chen Rui’s movements seemed to be clumsy, and every detail revealed a vague breath of life. Under this breath, the sword embryo changed little by little into a long sword. This change was natural like a metamorphosis.

Judging on this alone, only the grand master can do it! That feeling, even ‘Arthur”s teacher, Tetenis’ previous actions, seemed to be far inferior.

No wonder ‘Arthur’ dared to bet his life with Saman. It turns out that he had already surpassed his teacher!

The mechanical president of the Dark Shadow Empire, Anderson, showed an extremely emotional expression. I haven’t seen him for just a few years. That trio-specialized genius master has become a real grand master that everyone looks up to!

Not only the masters, but all the audience present felt a feeling that they could not see clearly or could not understand the process of Chen Rui’s forging. They felt that the long sword was like a new sapling, rising and opening bit by bit from the buds. The branches and leaves were stretched until it became a towering tree.

This was a wonderful feeling. Some people even get an unexpected insight because of this.

Saman couldn’t help being shocked, but he immediately calmed down and started his forging.

2 hours was not a short time, but the royal arena was very quiet, lest it disturbed the 2 people in the imprint space. Unlike the previous round, this time almost everyone’s minds were full of expectations for the unknown result because this was a contest between 2 grand masters who represented the highest stage level of the Demon Realm, and only 1 of them could survive in the end.

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