Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 817: The Curtain Falls

Chapter 817: The Curtain Falls

The ‘Peace Cup’ battle ball league co-organized by the Demon Realm’s 3 empires had finally come to an end. The Red Blood Team of the Fallen Angel Empire took the league championship. The response of the league this time was quite enthusiastic, especially the new home and away system which added a lot of charm to the game of battle ball. During the start of the league, the venues were full seats. Even the magic televisions in many public areas were crowded with fans. Many of them were away fans who came from thousands of miles to cheer.

Due to the time limit of the magic game, the battle ball did not receive much impact. Instead, it became the most popular activity for the rest of the time after the magic game.

All in all, the first Demon Realm league was quite successful, and the benefits and impact it brought far exceeded expectations. The 3 empires announced that they would hold the second league at the same time next year. At that time, the participating teams would be expanded, and each empire would send 4 teams to compete for the championship. The news was received with cheers.

Before the craze for the battle ball league faded, another much anticipated event by the entire Demon Realm was coming soon – The alchemy competition co-organized by the 3 empires.

The predecessor of the alchemy contest was the potioneer contest, which was already planned to be held when Obsidian was in power. In the end, due to the ‘fundraising scandal’ and the crusade against the Dark Moon, it was delayed again and again. When Obsidian was defeated, the contest was postponed indefinitely until Shea ascended the throne and co-organize master level contests including potion and mechanics with the Dark Shadow Empire. However, it was forced to stop due to the invasion of the Bloody Empire. After a fierce battle, due to the intervention of the Dark Shadow Empire, the 3 empires finally reached an armistice agreement and jointly held an alchemy competition, the first of which was located at the Fallen Angel Capital.

This alchemy competition was divided into 2 categories, mechanic category and potion category.

These 2 categories were divided into Group A and Group B. Group B was the common mechanic and potioneer whereas Group A was the master level.

The most attractive was the master contest. People would be able to witness the Demon Realm’s top mechanic masters and potion masters battle against each other.

The rules of the potioneer contest were different from the normal alchemist contest. For example, in the mechanic master contest, at the same level, there were extra points for multiple specializations. Back then, Nate of the Bloody Empire won the mechanic master contest because of duo-specialization and became the Demon Realm’s top mechanic master. However, the character of this top mechanic master was extremely low. He actually used sorcery to steal other people’s skills to improve. After this incident was exposed, Nate’s reputation fell and he was imprisoned by Raizen.

In any case, Nate’s power was still there. It was reported that Raizen had pardoned and released Nate from prison to represent the Bloody Empire in the contest.

If Nate participated in the contest, the master contest would become even more remarkable because the Fallen Angel Empire had announced that Fonsaq, the president of the Mechanic Association, would be participating. Fonsaq was originally the Vice President of the Bloody Empire Mechanic Association and the top leather master of the Demon Realm. He was framed by Nate, which destroyed his family. After many years of living in anonymity, he returned to serve as the president of the Mechanical Association of the Fallen Angel Empire when Nate’s reputation was tarnished. Meeting Nate in the contest this time could be said as the inevitable clash of the enemies. There should be a fierce battle by then.

Compared with Fonsaq and Nate, another person deserved more attention. It was the genius master ‘Arthur’ of the Dark Shadow Empire’s Mechanic Association.

‘Arthur’ won the Dark Shadow Empire’s mechanic contest with amazing talent and strength. That final was still talked about to this day. What was originally just an ordinary mechanic contest turned into a masters contest in the end, and the 2 champions were geniuses beyond ordinary masters. Alas, Arthur defeated the duo-specialized master Horford with his trio-specialized master level to win the championship. Although ‘Arthur’ was all-glorious, it was after all an alchemist contest and not a masters contest, so his reputation was inevitably insufficient. However, this time it was the strongest masters contest in the Demon Realm. If anyone could win this competition, they would be worthy of being the number 1 alchemist.

In addition, there were many well-known senior mechanic masters such as the top metal master, Master Anderson, the top accessory master, Master Tetenis and so on. By then, this mechanic master contest would stage a wonderful showdown.

The potion master contest could not be ignored either. Angegille, the president of the Dark Shadow Empire’s Potioneer Association, and Wilson, president of the Bloody Empire’s Potioneer Association, were both senior masters. It was said that they already had strengths that were extremely close to the grand master, and the Fallen Angel Empire’s newcomer Aldas was also a favorite to win the championship. The story of the dark elf master who killed the potion genius Andrew with a fart was still talked about. According to historical records, for hundreds of thousands of years, every new potion grand master was always created in the potion master contest. The Demon Realm has not had a grand master for nearly 10,000 years, so this time, people were also very much looking forward to a miracle in this potion master contest to witness this historic scene.

When the night falls, the 2 moons emit an alluring purple glow, shining on the brightly lit capital.

For demons who like nocturnal activities and the nightlife was already quite rich, the busiest time of the day had just begun.

Although there were still a few days before the official opening of the alchemy competition, the flow of people in the Fallen Angel Empire had been several times higher than usual, and the tickets for the competition had already been sold out. Many shops took the opportunity to launch many promotions to make a lot of money.

The night market, battle ball field, restaurant, and so on were all lively. It was not including those fans who put on the magic game helmet and enter the spiritual world to fight.

In order to stabilize law and order, the capital had specially strengthened the guards’ strength. Patrolling guards could be seen everywhere. A large-screen magic television was also added in public areas such as the central plaza for tourists to watch free of charge; those who did not have tickets for the competition could gather here to watch live.

The Fallen Angel Capital’s Royal Inn.

A burly man in his 40s was bending over and bowing his head, showing a very respectful look to the chair in front of him.

There was a person sitting on the chair. No matter the appearance or the momentum, the person on the chair could only be described by the word ‘ordinary’, but the man opposite didn’t dare to move with a kind of genuine fear in his heart.

The person on the chair had been keeping quiet. The bowing man’s sweat dripped from his forehead, but he never dared to stand up straight. The intangible pressure was like a butcher’s knife hanging over his head, which could cut his head off at any time.

The ordinary man finally said, “Nate, you only have one chance, understand?”

“Understood, Your Majesty!” The burly man bowed lower.

When the ordinary man waved his hand, the burly man seemed relieved. He hurriedly bowed and stepped back, only to find that his clothes were soaked with sweat.

Although Raizen only said this to him from his release from the Bloody Empire’s prison to the arrival of the Fallen Angel Empire, he understood a lot of meanings.

This time, the rulers of the 3 empires would attend the competition as an arbiter, which showed the importance attached to the competition. As one of the masters competing on behalf of the Bloody Empire, as well as being the strongest master and a convicted prisoner, this was the only chance for redemption. The Demon Realm respected powerhouses. Sometimes strength could overwhelm everything. If he could win the contest, he was very likely to regain his former glory; if he failed to seize this opportunity, then he, the publicly condemned prisoner, would lose his last existence value.

In this competition, I must win!

A secluded compound in the Fallen Angel Capital.

“Teacher.” Chen Rui handed over a bottle of wine, “This is a new and improved aromatic millet wine which tastes better than the previous one. It has not been released to the public; you can try it.”

Tetenis took the bottle of wine, opened the cork, smelled it, and his eyes lit up. He took a sip, and showed a pleasant expression, “Very good, by the way, Aldas, how is your preparation?”

The dark elf on the side showed a gloomy expression while shaking his head, “Teacher, please forgive my slow learning. I haven’t been able to capture that special mysterious feeling yet. I’m still a little bit short of the realm of quasi-grand master.”

“Don’t rush it, this competition is just a training. Your aptitude is indeed not particularly outstanding, but the diligence and perseverance you have, from a certain point of view, it is easier to find the pulse of success than your qualifications,” Tetenis suddenly glanced at Chen Rui, “Of course, this law is not suitable for a guy with unbelievable talent and luck.”

“Teacher, shouldn’t you praise me since you drink my wine?” Chen Rui grinned and brought another plate of braised pork ribs in front of the old man, “I made all these things myself. Congratulations to teacher for successfully being promoted to grand master.”

“Hmph! I dare not to accept it. I should call you teacher instead.” Tetenis sternly said while looking at the apprentice silently, but his eyes were filled with undisguised excitement. These days, with the help and tips of Chen Rui, Tetenis, who had been staying on the quasi-grand master for many years, finally got his long-cherished wish and successfully advanced to the grand master.

“Sir teacher, I dare not take it. This title can be given to the great grand master who gave me the inheritance. In my heart, the old… Uh, teacher will always be the teacher.”

The last sentence was indeed sincere. The old man felt great comfort as he smiled, scolded and nodded, “It’s good enough that you have me in your mind. Let’s put aside the flowery words to coax those girls. No matter what, your current level is far higher than mine, so I can’t give you any more help for this duel with Saman. But I have to remind you that Saman has nearly 10,000 years of experience. He’s a really strong grand master, probably on a par with you. Under no circumstances should you lose your prudence.”

“I won’t underestimate any enemy. Don’t worry, teacher.” Chen Rui showed strong confidence, “I will definitely win the final victory and draw a perfect end to that fate.”

The capital outskirts.

A gigantic dark figure appeared in the night sky with its white bony wings flashing. Its hollow eye sockets flickered like a ghost in the darkness. On the back of the dark figure, a figure shrouded in a black cloak looked out at the Fallen Angel Capital.

A sinister laughter sounded. After a while, the huge dark figure had disappeared into the night sky.

TL: Nate still has some skills, even though he stole them, can Fonsaq win against him? Also, will it be a tough competition for Chen Rui?

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