Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 798: The Nightmare Wilderness

Chapter 798: The Nightmare Wilderness

The Nightmare Wilderness at the extreme east of the Ice Sea.

A unicorn was galloping fast like a white lightning.

Unicorns were high level demonic beasts with a powerful and mysterious strength. They had a strong body, wind-like speed, thunder talent and blind magic, regarded as one of the top land mounts.

Unicorn horns were extremely precious magical materials. Generally, unicorns live in the Jade Forest Sea and were sheltered by the elf tribe. Poachers were severely punished by the elf, so most people didn’t dare to approach.

Now that this unicorn actually appeared outside the Jade Forest Sea, it was naturally coveted by mercenaries and hunters all the way, but the guys who attempted and acted so were instantly annihilated by the mysterious knight riding on the back of the unicorn.

When a famous hunter who had just reached the Pseudo-Saint turned into flying ash in the mysterious knight’s hands, no one dared to approach the unicorn again. It was a valuable creature, but it couldn’t compare to one’s own life.

This mysterious knight wore a cloak and a mask on his face to cover his true face, but everyone knew that he must be an elf— a powerful elf with Saint’s strength.

This was because only the elf tribe could ride a unicorn and fit it so perfectly. There was no need for any explanation.

In fact, these people all guessed wrong. Even if it was an elf, they might not be able to ride this unicorn because it was the most unruly unicorn, and its name was White Wind. The one riding on the unicorn was a human, a human from the Demon Realm.

After taking the Devil’s Snare Ship across the Ice Sea and arriving at the Nightmare Wilderness, only half a month was left before the opening of the Star Tower. Although this precious opportunity might be delayed, Chen Rui did not hesitate to rush to the Nightmare Wilderness.

Blindly conducting a carpet search was obviously not advisable. Even if White Wind could smell Blanche’s breath, the Nightmare Wilderness was too vast. If he searched slowly, he might not be able to find it even after a year.

While thinking, White Wind’s speed suddenly slowed down, revealing a vigilant expression. A wolf howl was heard ahead.

Before Chen Rui came to the Nightmare Wilderness, Michelle gave him a magic map made by the elf, but the main part was the Jade Forest Sea, and only a small part was the scope of the Nightmare Wilderness. The map was exquisitely made and could be described as beautiful. Some creature-related information was also attached.

According to the information, apart from some wolf mounts tamed by the orcs, the most common dog demonic beast in the Nightmare Wilderness was the wind wolf.

Wind wolf, one of the predators of the Nightmare Wilderness, was very fast. The individual strength was not particularly strong, but the terrifying thing was that they were social creatures. Not only did they mingle in large groups, but they were also ferocious and proficient in cooperation. Even the demonic beasts that were more ferocious than the wind wolf avoided them.

The howl of the wolf was mixed with exclamation and cry for help. It seemed that the human merchant group was most likely to be attacked by the wind wolf.

Although the Nightmare Wilderness was extremely dangerous, the rich resources and rare materials in the wilderness still attracted many business travelers. They signed an agreement with the orcs tribes to exchange food and goods for corresponding resources. In addition, it was common for adventurers to appear in the Nightmare Wilderness. The death toll and death rate here were much higher than the inaccessible Storm Island.

“White Wind! Let’s go and see!” Chen Rui tapped the unicorn and it galloped forward.

Chen Rui was too unfamiliar with the Nightmare Wilderness. It was definitely not possible to rely on an incomplete magic map. In addition to saving people, he should be able to find a guide who was familiar with the wilderness.

Under the low hill, 5 carriages formed a circle. It seemed that it should be a small merchant group. The coachmen kept calming the frightened horses, and the mercenary guards formed a circle to resist the large numbers of wind wolves coming from all directions. There were many corpses of both wind wolves and humans.

These wind wolves were very fast and well-coordinated. They did not lose their cooperation due to the rage from the death of their companions, nor were they eager to eat the enemies’ corpses. Instead, they were like well-trained hunters, constantly disintegrating the enemies’ combat power and fighting spirit.

Although the mercenaries also cooperated to some extent, the number of people was too small. They were inferior whether in terms of the overall tacit understanding or willpower. The merchants and subordinates protected in the middle were even more frightened with wobbly legs. Many of their wills had already collapsed.

All of a sudden, a horse neighed. Immediately afterward, the offense of the wolves slowed down quickly, but they still maintained the encirclement and oppression to the merchant group. However, the attention of many wind wolves had been diverted to the hills on the figure above.

“Look! What is that!”

“It’s a unicorn!”

“There is even a person on the unicorn!”

“It must be an elf!”


The wolves slowly cleared a way, and a relatively small wind wolf with silver white hair came out. It was the king of the entire wolf pack. The Wolf King seemed to have sensed the power of the unicorn on the hill. Not only the unicorn but the figure above it seemed even more threatening.

The Wolf King had considerable wisdom and did not lead the pack to attack. Instead, it bared its sharp fangs and howled at the figure, which seemed to be a demonstration of its strength and warning. The eyes of the man in the cloak on the unicorn shot out a strange light as he glanced at the Wolf King.

Although this gaze was far apart, it shot into the Wolf King’s mind like an arrow, and the power of the Evil Pupil spread rapidly in the depths of its soul. When the Wolf King’s ferocious gaze met that gaze, its whole body immediately trembled. It barely gave out a low howling command, then the wolves quickly began to evacuate, disappearing from sight in the blink of an eye.

Seeing the wolves retreating like a tide, everyone in the merchant group was stunned. If it were not for the corpses on the ground, they almost thought the bloody battle just now was just an illusion.

This masked ‘elf’ didn’t even move his hand, and that the terrifying wind wolf pack retreated?

By the way, he seems to have glanced at the Wolf King. Just a glance, and…

While they were still in shock, the unicorn had come to the front of the merchant group. Everyone showed expressions of awe and bowed. No matter what race he was, they could only look up to this kind of powerhouse, let alone he saved their lives.

From another perspective, the other party could easily save their lives and take their lives easily.

“Dear elf powerhouse.” The leader of the merchant group was a tall, thin, middle-aged, well-informed man. He said in crappy elf language, “Thank you very much…” Before he finished speaking, the other party’s voice already spoke up. It turned out to be an extremely pure common language.

“I want to find a person’s whereabouts in the Nightmare Wilderness. What are the ways?”

Soon after, the merchant group cleaned up the corpses and continued their journey, except that there was an extra unicorn and a mysterious ‘elf’ with a mask in the team.

As the tall and thin leader of the merchant group, Cradiva answered, “If you want to find someone in the Nightmare Wilderness, the fastest way is to find orcs first.”

This method was approved by Chen Rui. Using these native orcs’ strengths to find Blanche was much more reliable than his luck on the plains.

Along the way, Chen Rui asked Cradiva about the Nightmare Wilderness. Cradiva felt that this ‘elf powerhouse’ did not seem to have the overbearing arrogance of an ordinary elf. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and became bolder. He gradually talked more and more.

The orcs of the Nightmare Wilderness were not the adorable creatures like tiger girl, cat ear girl, and fox girl in the novels that Chen Rui had read. Most of them were bulky and well-built types. Some types were of the mutated bloodline that could transform into a beast form in whole or in part, exerting powerful combat power.

Generally speaking, orcs and humans still had many similarities. Ordinary orcs were tall with strong muscles, broad foreheads, protruding jaws, exposed teeth, rough skin, and deep color. Power was the strength of Orcs, which made them have strong offense and defense abilities in close combat, but their magic resistance was low. Most orcs were not good intellectually. In many cases, they acted before thinking, so their personality was generally warlike.

Orcs generally had no magic talents, but there were a small number of wizards in the tribe. These extremely calm-minded mutated wizards could use the strength of ‘battlecry or ‘totem’ to launch various strange attacks.

The status of wizards in the orcs tribe was very special which was equivalent to the human brain. It was said that although the orcs tribes fought with each other, they all obeyed the dispatch of a certain great wizard.

The destination of the merchant group was the Garron Tribe which was the survivor of orcs, one of the medium size forces of the Nightmare Wilderness. Because there was a powerhouse like Chen Rui, Cradiva ordered to go forward at full speed. Perhaps because they had passed the toughest phase, there was no danger along the way.

2 days later, the merchant group arrived at the location of the Garron Tribe.

When a team of orc warriors saw the merchant group, they suddenly screamed and rushed up. Except for the leader of the orcs, which was the strength of the Higher Demon, the rest were basically the Intermediate Demon. They wore rough leather armor and held a heavy blunt weapon.

Cradiva stepped forward, greeted the orcs, skillfully stuffed a few things for the leader, and took out some food to distribute to the rest of the orc warriors. The orcs were very satisfied and walked toward the station with the merchant group.

This station was actually a camp base with tents of various colors and sizes. When the merchant group entered the camp, many orcs were joyous and crowded around. They were yelled at and drove away by the warriors.

Chen Rui somewhat understood Cradiva’s intention to bribe the leader, but even so, some things were stolen away. Judging from the appearance of Cradiva, it seemed to be commonplace for him. With the shrewdness of the businessman, the things that were stolen should be low-value things that he had prepared on the outside of the carriage.

White Wind was very eye-catching here. Many orcs’ was attracted to it, and some even wanted to get closer. The unicorn neighed in dissatisfaction, and exuded the momentum of the Great Demon King, scaring those orcs far away. The orcs in the distance saw this scene and laughed.

The carriage stopped in the open area of ??the camp. Chen Rui calmed White Wind and followed Cradiva and the orc leader toward the largest tent.

The strength of the orc warriors of the tents in this area was much stronger than the previous ones, and the guards were also more formal. There was no sense of discord at all. In the big tent, Chen Rui met Henk, the leader of the Garron Tribe.

Henk was taller than the average orcs. He was sitting on a beast hide chair. There were some bare-chested orc women beside him. Orc women had a bold style, but it was a pity that the sturdy figure and the relatively strange facial features did not match human aesthetics.

TL: ?? bring an orc back to Demon Realm?

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